Hey there - My name is Laurie, and I'm really looking forward to this experience!
I am currently an anthropology major at the University of North Texas. I want to pursue either a M.A. in UX Research or M.S in Data Science, so I hope to improve my technical writing and gain hands-on experience here with iFixit.
With either route I go, I know that I want to contribute to tech in an impactful way. I want to help make sure that digitalization is done in an ethical way and that digital products or services are accessible for everyone.
- Research
- Problem-Solving
- Contextual Inquiry
- PADAWAN Society
- President of BIPOC Initiative
- American Anthropology Association (AAA)
On my free time, I really enjoy watching movies and listening to music. I also like to journal and read whenever I get the chance. :)
A collage I did for my ethnography.
Thanks for reading a little bit about me!
Guías En Que Yo He Contribuido
Wikis en las que he contribuido
Laurie Kone
Hi! My name is Laurie, I am an anthropology undergraduate and am looking forward to improving my technical writing.
University of North Texas, Team 1-7, Kilpatrick Fall 2023
Etiqueta de equipo: UNT-KILPATRICK-F23S1G7