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  • School: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Major: Software Engineering CybersecurityTrack
  • Aspirations: I haven’t quite figured out what it is I would like to be and do, but I do know that I want to love my job and smile every day I wake up to head out into the world.
  • Projects/Accomplishments: I may have built a lego robot for college credit, but I have to say that being a judge for NASA’s Name the Mars 2020 Rover contest was much more exciting.
  • Repair Experience: I have never repaired anything as of yet, but I would like to learn how to repair different types of computers (did I mention I am a cyber minor?).
  • Accolades: My sophomore year I won first at the California state level in the American Legion Auxiliary essay contest about Patriotism competing against other 10-12th graders — and of course I was a Valedictorian and a Scholar of Distinction for my high school.
  • Groups/Memberships: I am a member of the ERAU Rifle Team and Chi Alpha.
  • Hobbies: In my (infinitesimally small) freetime, I love to read and catch up on various movies that I have missed. ((Warning…. HUGE Geek Alert)).
  • How does this project relate to you: My high school sophomore year I took Chemistry, and my teacher heavily emphasized the environment and how our actions affect it during our class. One of her major points over the course of the year was about how technology is not built to last due to commercialism and that all of the toxic waste produced by replacing our technology every year or two builds up in a way that hurts others. She never showed us the iFixit video, but I have to wonder if she had seen it because of the way she described the piles of trashed technology in third world countries all over the world. This project may be a part of my college English class, but I am doing it for her. This is for you Ms. Smith.
  • Fun Facts: It may be bizarre, but I absolutely abhor the color orange and the smell/taste of coconut ((coconut is great in my hair, though)). Also, Canada is the only foreign country I have visited, but I have thoroughly traveled the United States — I have been to 48/50 states.

Christina Corliss








Es miembro desde 01/16/20

Student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
