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Wiki con Contribuciónes de Estudiantes

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Applications are taking longer than average to load

Applications, or other software systems, are running at a slower than acceptable rate

RAM Replacement

Malicious Software

One reason for applications loading slower than expected could be the infection of malicious software onto your machine. This malicious software could be the cause of multiple issues ranging from small annoyances to large scale issues. The best way to address malicious software is to download, install, and run a piece of virus detection software. Some examples of such software would be AVG, Mcafee, and others.

Outdated Software

Another reason for slower startup and application response times could be the requirements of an operating system or a specific type of software. Some software is more reliant on better or newer hardware than you may have access to. Most software provides a minimum and recommended set of hardware and software requirements that explain the developer’s opinion on what it would take to run their software in an optimal manner. Check the software requirements for you operating system and the applications that you are running to see if the issue could just be hardware or software related.

Storage space is not large enough to meet your requirements

Constant popups or warnings about inadequate storage space

Hard Drive Replacement

Excessive Files

Over time files can pile up, this can be caused by many issues. One example of excessive files can be your downloads folder. You could have gigabytes of files that you don't need or want sitting in your downloads folder or other folders on your computer. Try deleting these files and see if the issue is just a cause of excessive file buildup.

Full Recycling Bin

When deleting files from your computer some people forget this very important final step. The recycling bin is a very important piece of technology, it allows for us to recover files that we didn't mean to delete. The problem is that the recycling bin will not completely delete these files unless you explicitly tell it to. This can cause a massive buildup of files over time, files that you wanted to delete in the first place. Try cleaning out your recycling bin to get rid of those unwanted files.

DVDs and CDs are not loading correctly or at all

DVDs or CDs are not playing correctly, or at all, or there are warning messages about playback issues

Disc Drive Replacement

DVD or CD Damage

The disk reading hardware inside of a Disk Drive is very sensitive. Any small scratches or smudges onto a disk’s reading surface will cause the drive to not be able to read the disk properly.

Incorrect Disk Formating

The format of a disk is important for the software to be able to decode and play the media stored on the disk. For example a blu-ray disk will not function properly on a standard DVD reader.

Touch screen is unresponsive

You are unable to use your touchscreen, or the touchscreen is lagging behind your input

Touchscreen Replacement

Loose Screen Frame

A loose screen frame can be a reoccurring problem especially if you are constantly being mobile with it. Sometimes the frame will become loose over time either due to pressing the screen too hard or placing the laptop down harder than intended. This will cause the frame around the screen to separate into two pieces. If this does happen to your laptop, there is a simple fix. You will just need to snap the frame pieces back together.

Punctures and Scratches

Punctures and scratches are one of the most relevant problems when talking about mobile electronic devices. If there are scratches or punctures in your touchscreen, this could decline productivity or cause complete failure of the touchscreen altogether. It is very important to protect your touchscreen and ensure that it does not crack or deform during use or transit.

The laptop is discharging at an unusual rate

You can't use your laptop for extended periods of time without being connected to a charger

Battery Replacement

High Performance Applications

Some applications require the computer to use more of its computational power. This requirement in turn uses more of the battery in a shorter span of time. This can usually be diagnosed by the amount of heat that the computer is expelling. A good test to see if this is the issue that you are experiencing is to time the amount of time the computer takes to discharge completely just on the desktop. You can then compare that to how long the normal discharge time is when running an application.

Irregular Computer Usage

Some battery issues can be caused by irregular usage including not allowing your battery to fully discharge. One way to test if this is the issue is to completely discharge the battery until the computer powers down on its own and then fully charge the battery to its maximum capacity; this is called cycling. Do this process two or three times to determine if the issue is based on irregular usage.

Matthew Moore

Miembro Desde 03/19/18

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UMass Dartmouth, Team S3-G4, Peak Spring 2018 Miembro de UMass Dartmouth, Team S3-G4, Peak Spring 2018


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