since this 1st post, Open Core Legacy Patcher has made many improvement, so many that is the nr 1 for rescuing old Apple Macs from becoming e-waste. Latest version, OCLP 2.2.0 is the right choice to transitioning your old mac from the latest supported OS (mandatory) to a newer one. Make yourselves a Xmas gift and revive your "old" machines. Old is Gold!
this procedure worked for me: (1) Turn on your camera and press the Menu (2) Navigate to the Setup section and choose Battery type from the menu. (3) Now select the appropriate battery type that you’re using and press the OK (4) After doing that, the issue should be resolved.
E' successo anche al mio Soundsticks ii l'anno scorso. Dopo infinite ricerche sia su questa piattaforma che in rete, ho lasciato perdere; pare sia un problema comune di questa serie. Visto che è quasi Natale, ho riciclato il "dome" customizzandolo così, spero sia simpatica come soluzione: ;-)
same situation here: my iMac 21” 2007 started to shows bad lines on video, getting worsen untill all screen was unreadable; I configured an external monitor as mirror, permanently attached via mini Display Port > HDMI. Works well, even now that the boot from internal HD is failing one time over three. So I decided to clone OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) onto a 128GB microSD card, plugged via USB reader, making it primary boot disk, and guess? Works even faster!!! I suggest to try this , when you have no other options, to continue using this cool Mac.