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Can I fix / replace the usb ports on this computer? |
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Can I replace lcd screen panel with better lcd screen panel |
Estas son algunas de las herramientas comunes que se utilizaron para trabajar en este dispositivo. Es posible que no necesites todas las herramientas para cada procedimiento.
The Asus ROG GL551JW-AH71 is an entry level gaming laptop manufactured by Asus in late 2015. The price point of the laptop was around $1,000, on the budget side of gaming laptops. It came equipped with 8 GB of RAM and a low voltage 4th gen i7 Intel core processor that expected to extend battery life. The laptop received high reviews from users about its build quality and performances, but it suffers from poor battery life.
The Asus ROG GL551JW-AH71 laptop can be identified by the model number on the label located on the bottom of the back case of the device. For additional help with identifying your device, visit the Asus Support page.