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Wiki con Contribuciónes de Estudiantes

Esta wiki ha sido creada por un increíble grupo de estudiantes de nuestro programa educativo.

Screen is turning off or freezing

Phone is turning off and freezing while I am using it

Phone is not charged

If the smart phone being used is not charged enough it will continue to turn itself off. When the phone was purchased it should've come with a micro USB charger. If you do not have one, you can easily purchase one from any grocery or electronic store.

Phone requires restart

If the phone continues to freeze the phone may just need to be restarted. This is a common flaw with even the most recent smart phones.

Motherboard is faulty

If the previous steps have not cured your phone of its ailment, the motherboard itself may need to be replaced.

No sound when using headphones

When I plug my headphones in, no sound is coming out

The headphones may be broken

The headphones used may be broken in some way. Try buying a replacement pair at any grocery or electronics store.

The phone may have water damage

Firstly, remove as many components of the phone as possible (Battery, SIM card, back cover etc.), because the water will corrode parts and boards if not taken care of quickly. If the phone has water damage that isn't too severe, placing it in a bag of rice or silica gel should absorb the water from the phone; however, if the phone has been submerged or exposed to any significant amounts of water, it is always a good idea to have it disassembled and cleaned to prevent corrosion.

Headphone jack may be broken

If the previous steps are taken and there is still no sound when using headphones, the headphone jack itself may need to be replaced.

Home button is sticking or not working at all

When I try to use my home button it either sticks so i have to turn my phone off, or does not work at all.

Your phone may be experiencing software problems

Try rebooting your phone, or resetting to factory settings.

The home button may be broken

If the above solutions do not work the home button may need to be replaced.

Camera is cracked

When I try to take picture my camera seems to be cracked

Middle frame bezel may be cracked

The more likely thing is that the middle frame bezel is cracked. This is the plastic cover over the camera that protects it. This may need to be replaced.

Phone camera may actually be damaged

If the this the case and the above solution does not work, the camera may need to be replaced.

20 comentarios

would not turn on. removed battery, replaced. came on but now cannot turn off with on/off button. have on charger. Help

ray lockwood - Contestar

Now ph went off on own. can not turn back on.

ray lockwood - Contestar

Hi I have J3 it in making the noise like its going flat when I am on it but it is charged

Di Hervey Bay

di.mac - Contestar

I have J3 and I was able to make international calls last week but now can’t and get message Conditioning Call Forward Reached. My provider said contact Samsung, it’s the phone. Any suggestions?


Steven Zachat - Contestar

The phone app keeps stopping

I have no access to keyboard. Can still phone through contacts

Douglas Cameron - Contestar

Impossible to change to a second language

Miriam Wartenburg - Contestar

I dropped myJ3 in water screen is blk when charged alarm & ringtone still sound.

tshoemaker1963 - Contestar

My phone's screen keeps flickering and glitching horrible at the top when it's cold, and it doesn't stop until I warm it up.

Kaity *Kaitlyn* Kline - Contestar

phone wont turn on, i think it might be screen but i dont know

ramon burf - Contestar

When I have an incoming call I try to push the designated area to answer the call but it won’t let me. It keeps ringing. What can I do?

phyllisganey - Contestar

Froze while writing a message on Facebook and then it went to the home screen icon. Now it won't shut down

thedeac2 - Contestar

How I figure out if I just need new battery to fix phone samsungj3

Ryn Sutherland - Contestar

My back arrow on the front of the phone has stopped working. I need a fix.

DL Ekblad - Contestar

Icon shows battery is charging but the battery live is decreasing

Jim MacDonald - Contestar

My phone continues to send message, saying: unfortunately the has stopped.

Donald Lofton - Contestar

Keep getting message “ Google Play services keeps stopping” Can’t get rid of message.

maddybecks - Contestar

Powered off phone now it wont turn back on

joepromo - Contestar

I forgot my password

MGBOJI JAMES - Contestar

I am trying to get it working


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