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Hello! My name is Monica Silva. I am junior/senior majoring in bioengineering with a concentration in biomedical engineering and a minor in biochemistry at UMass Dartmouth. I am a member of various clubs on campus such as Biomedical Engineering Society, International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering, and Society of Women Engineers.

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In my free time I like to spend time with my family and friends and play video games. I also love cars and going for long drives which makes sense because I also love to travel and being able to see new places. Here is a photo of me and my mom last summer when we went swimming with pigs in the Bahamas.

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I also have a few pets. I have 6 fish that I have in my dorm, 3 tetras and 3 danios. Back at home I have a 12 year old teacup yorkie named Lola, a 9 year old black cat named Lucky, and a 5 year old Siberian husky named Sam. Ironically though, I am allergic to almost all my pets.

Monica Silva








Es miembro desde 03/19/24

I am junior/senior majoring in bioengineering with a concentration in biomedical engineering and a minor in biochemistry.
