Hello, my name is Brianna Hitchcock and I am a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, specializing in the astronautics track. My dream career is a professional engineer for an Aerospace company.
I am currently a member of the Society of Women Engineers, and I have the most fun participating in the workshops involving introducing young women from elementary school all the way to high school to the engineering field. It is so important to me that my career field and interests in engineering are a place of diversity and inclusion. I am also a member of the First Generation Students Association on campus. We focus on fundraising and providing a comfortable space for our students that are also the first generation in their family to attend a four-year university in the United States. I am so excited to be a member of these great clubs on campus!
My experience in fixing broken items is purely from curiosity and first hand experience myself, meaning that my technology breaks all the time, and instead of throwing it away I always find a way to save it. I have researched many practical technology items such as smart phones, laptop computers, and even video game consoles. I would like to say that I have a knack for fixing things!
The last thing I’ll say is that I love to learn. I can figure out how to do a task pretty quickly the first time it is shown to me or I research it. I cannot wait to learn more about this project and the items that I fix!
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel
- Currently Learning MATLAB
Project Experience
- Aircraft Project Design – Team leader; Initiated and managed a team to calculate aircraft requirements of specific cargo aircraft. As the team leader, I oversaw individual calculations and organized our final team aircraft, which we all collaborated to guarantee the calculations could support the cargo.
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Wikis en las que he contribuido
Brianna Hitchcock
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Team S12-G2, Lamothe Fall 2019
Etiqueta de equipo: ERAU-LAMOTHE-F19S12G2