Hace diez años, Apple introdujo el primer iPhone y cambió el mundo. Hoy, estamos desmontando la decimaoctava iteración—el iPhone X. Con sus bordes redondos y pantalla de borde a borde, estamos seguros que este es el iPhone que Steve imaginaba—pero ahora que su sueño se ha realizado ¿será tan influyente como el primero? El tiempo dirá, pero por ahora, haremos nuestra parte para ayudarte a decidir. Acompáñanos mientras abrimos la joya de la corona de Apple para ver qué es lo que la hace brillar.
Muchas gracias a Circuitwise por hospedar nuestro desmontaje, Creative Electron por las imagenes de rayos X, y TechInsights por IC ID.
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¡El iPhone X está aquí! Esto es lo que hay por dentro:
Chip "Bionic" A11 con motor neural y con co-procesador de movimiento M11.
Pantalla Super Retina HD OLED multitouch "toda pantalla" de 5,8 pulgadas con resolucíon de 2436 × 1125 (458 ppi)
Doble cámaras de 12 MP (ángulo-ancho y telefoto) con aperturas de ƒ/1.8 y ƒ/2.4 y OIS
Cámara TrueDepth de 7 MP con apertura de ƒ/2.2, grabación de video en 1080p HD, y Face ID
Compatible para carga-rápida y carga inalámbrica Qi
Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac con MIMO + Bluetooth 5.0 + NFC
El iPhone ha recorrido un largo camino en diez años—tanto, que sin embargo, el diseño ha circulado de regreso un poco, y este iPhone se parece más al original de los que hemos visto en el pasado.
Como fue el caso con el iPhone 8 a principios de este año, Apple ha desterrado las marcas reglamentarias antiestéticas (y ambientalmente responsables) de la parte posterior del iPhone X.
Jony finalmente tiene el plano posterior liso sin rasgos distintivos que sabes que siempre ha querido. Esperemos que estos teléfonos aún lleguen a los recicladores sin la pista y no los tiren a la basura.
Here in Ireland (and I guess across the EU) we have the ‘Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China’ text, the CE mark and the ‘no dumping’ bin graphic still in place.
Anyone who thinks the markings on the back of the iPhone will influence whether it is recycled (rather than the trade-in value, accessibility of recycling facility or a customer’s own environmental awareness) has probably shoved a spudger too far up their nose.
Where did you get that minty fresh first-gen iPhone? Is it part of iFixit’s collection?
I’m really glad they took out the regulatory info on the back. It simply didn’t need to be there. You know you’re not supposed to throw an electronic away.
Antes de empezar, vamos a obtener unas imágenes de rayos X de nuestros amigos de Creative Electron.
Esto es lo que encontramos:
No una, pero dos celdas de batería. ¡Eso es la primera vez que vemos esto en un iPhone!
Una huella de una placa lógica pequeña. Basado en los puntos de soldadura, parece que hay dos capas amontonadas.
Para hacer espacio para los sensores frontales extras, el altavoz del auricular se ha movido un poco para abajo.
Hay un chip misterioso entre el Motor Táptico y el altavoz inferior —¡tenemos curiosidad de ver que hay allí abajo!
Herramienta utilizada en este paso:iOpener$17.99
Este tornillo pentalobe no parece terminado. Los tornillos en la parte inferior se parecen más a unas clavijas para ser honestos.
Este tornillo mueve la sección de la rosca de la pantalla hacia el cuadro de acero, y extiende la sección sin rosca a un pin extra largo.
Nuestra mejor suposición es que esto le da un poco de flexibilidad a la pantalla, y al mismo tiempo permite que el soporte se mueva hacia la parte interior del teléfono, incidentalmente haciendo espacio para un conector Lightning más grande.
Afortunadamente, parece que no se han reorganizado demasiado, ya que nuestra típica trifecta de iOpener, iSclack e iFixit Opening Picks funciona como en el pasado.
Eso quiere decir que no hay cambios grandes en la resistencia, y la pantalla OLED está bien apoyada por el cuadro de soporte, a diferencia de algunas pantallas que conocemos.
Herramienta utilizada en este paso:Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits$39.95
Parece que los iPhones que se abren de lado están aquí para quedarse. Apple nos sorprendió con este truco pequeño en el 7 plus, pero ahora es el estándar.
Este solo soporte cubre todos los conectores de la placa lógica; nunca hemos visto este tipo de densidad de conectores.
Y una vez más, nos encontramos con tornillos de tri-punta que previenen cualquier reparación una vez que pasas los tornillos pentalobe que protegen la puerta.
The iPhone 7 also had a sideways opening that surprised the people doing the teardown
As mentioned above.
sean -
fixed i guess
My bracket only has 4 screws - the second from top (towards the right side of the phone) is missing - I bought the phone direct from Apple on launch day. Pretty surprised! Anyone else ever had missing parts?
Después de liberar el soporte enorme de la placa lógica, por fin podemos echarle un vistazo a lo que esta dándole poder a lo nuevo de Cupertino.
Le daremos un mejor vista al hardware en la pantalla después, por mientras, nos satisface un rayo X —resulta que el chip misterioso esta montado en la pantalla!
Para un cambio de paso, la pantalla se levanta y deja la cámara frontal por detrás.
Esta foto del cuerpo confirma el diseño que observamos en nuestro reconocimiento de rayos X: la mayoría de los bienes inmuebles están ocupados por la nueva batería de doble celda, y la placa lógica se ha reducido significativamente.
La doble cámara trasera tiene un soporte grueso que parece que también ofrece soporte a componentes delicados de alrededor.
Las cámaras también son aseguradas a la tapa trasera con un adhesivo de espuma para asegurar que las cosas no se muevan de su lugar. Estas cámaras deben permanecer fijas para que el Portrait Mode y otras funciones similares puedan hacer su magia.
Alrededor del cristal de la cubierta de la carcasa de la cámara, puede ver pequeñas soldaduras puntuales que probablemente sujetan las paredes de la cámara a la caja.
Might that beefy bracket be made of Liquidmetal (see That is, is it surpisingly stiff? Apple has an exclusive license to use Liquidmetal in consumer electronics, but seems not to have used it extensively.
Por fin liberamos estas placas lógicas densas para mirar más de cerca.
Esta placa lógica en miniatura es increíblemente eficiente con el espacio. La densidad de los conectores y componentes es sin precedente. Onza por onza, un Apple Watch tiene una placa más vacía
La placa compacta del iPhone X logra empacar más tecnología y al mismo tiempo hacer que la placa del iPhone 8 Plus a su izquierda parezca vieja e innecesariamente grande .
Si comparamos las huellas de las dos placas, el tamaño de la placa madre del iPhone X es 70% del tamaño de la placa del iPhone 8 Plus—eso deja mucho más espacio para la batería.
If that happens, how will users switch to other networks and install SIMs in their phone when they go abroad to avoid outrageous roaming charges?
¿Cómo es que Apple pudo poner más tecnología en 70% de su huella? Doblando la placa por la mitad por supuesto.
Las dos mitades están soldadas juntas, entonces recibimos ayuda de Circuitwise y su estación de refundir de aire caliente BGA para separar las placas.
Con las piezas separadas, contamos el área de todas las capas separadas y la sumamos hasta el 135% del área de la placa lógica del iPhone 8 Plus. Forma de ir poniendo más en menos, Apple.
La placa lógica del iPhone X es la primera doble placa amontonada que hemos visto en un iPhone desde el primer iPhone (tercera foto).
You are missing the point. These are connecting the board physically, but there is no communication through those vias. You can see the other side of the board has all the connectors to flex. (On both boards). The third board act as a super stiffener to prevent overheating causing bending on the board. Great design!!!
Sorry Ramiro the outer row are shielding (ground) the 2rd & 3rd rows are comm lines between the boards (interposer board).
Dan -
Does the folded design take up more vertical space than the old logic board design, and if so, how did Apple account for this increased vertical space?
Was there vertical space open to begin with or does something in the design allow for more vertical space (i.e. the OLED panel is thinner)?
Yes, I think the OLED panel is considerably thinner. The X and 8 are pretty much the same thickness, so I think that that yes, it’s solely because of the OLED!
So Richard your assertion is that the silvered bumps all around the two boards are the vias? With a pitch of, what, 300µ?
The MacRumors article yesterday referred to an interposer between the two main boards, but I don’t see any such. Was MacRumors wrong, or am I missing something?
The outer perimeter of “silver bumps” aka solder balls is most likely all connected to ground. The rest must be signals. There is not enough cabling to support the required amount of signals between the two boards.
The interposer is still attached to the half in the top of the picture. The border of solder balls is higher than the rest of the PCB. This is required due to the night of the components on each PCB.
Truly incredible design. Passes data without cabling, affixes the two boards to each other without hardware, and creates an EMI shield without extra metal
Is that a piece of flat flex connected across two parts of the lower board? going right under the middle screw hole
It’s the ribbon from the camera’s which is poking up.
Dan -
Dan, I don't think so. Its completely sealed inside the sandwich
Thats just a kapton insulator sheet inside the sandwich. I thought you were talking about the other image.
Dan -
I believe it time to find some more of my good old LCD bonding 9703 3M anisotropic tape. That might be the ticket for servicing that motherboard. Still have some tape in stock, so my shop will service that motherboard, when parts become available.
Have a good weekend all.
How did apple manage to take out heat from their processor? I still couldn’t understand how is this working…
You are all wrong :-) look at the RF board, there isn’t a signle trace routed from the armada of solder-pads, so I’d say they’re purely mechanical & GND /tekhead
You do understand the PCB is made up of layers.
Their won’t necessary be any visible traces on the surface besides what space is there! It’s so packed the lines would need to be buried inside the layers. One of the functions of via’s is to bring signals up and down the layers, clearly Apple is leveraging this here through the interposer board.
Dan -
@kyle - Found a good image set from Tech Insights! Here’s the side views and
There’s a lot of need for intercommunication between the RF and the main CPU. There’s no other interconnect between the two boards. The perimeter vias have to be a communication bus.
En la primera mitad:
Apple APL1W72 A11 Bionic SoC montado sobre SK Hynix H9HKNNNDBMAUUR 3 GB LPDDR4x RAM
Circuito integrado de administración de energía Apple 338S00341-B1
Cargador de batería TI 78AVZ81
NXP 1612A1—Probablemente una iteración del IC tristar.
Codec de audio Apple 338S00248
IC de administración de poder Apple 338S00306
What are those “white stickers” in different shapes on the board? Are they the typical for checking water damage? Are the same shapes stickers related to each other in any way? Function?
Some of these components have a polarity. The white or black dot or a triangle denotes positive or anode end of the cap or diode.
Dan -
I think those are inductors, and the white spot indicates the right direction for them to go on the board.
Which is A11 Apple processor module part number, on same package row as SoC die designation APL1W72? The A11 Apple processor module part number has a format 339S004xx. The A11 photos are without sufficient contrast and difficult to read.
No help on A11 Apple processor module part number in this analysed iPhone?
Dimitar -
Is it me or are all the surface mount capacitors misaligned on the far right end? One is barely making contact with the pad. It’s like someone fudged it with their thumb picking it up.
I think that happens when you desolder it with hot air. It heats up the whole board.
which one of these chips are the thermal monitor? I have a damaged IPhone X that says the thermal monitor is dead.
I would be surprised if there is a separate chip for thermal monitoring. It’s more likely a function buried in one of the other ICs, probably one of the power management devices.
Apple / Murata USI 170821 339S00397 Módulo WiFi / Bluetooth
Transceptor gigabit LTE Qualcomm WTR5975
Módem Qualcomm MDM9655 Snapdragon X16 LTE y PMIC PMD9655. Pero Apple tiene una doble fuente del módem, y TechInsights encontró un Intel XMM7480 (PMB9948) en su modelo A1901. Aunque el módem es capaz de hacerlo, Apple no admite velocidades de Gigabit con la parte de Qualcomm.
Amplificador de poder Skyworks 78140-22 , amplificador de poder SKY77366-17, S770 6662, 3760 5418 1736
Controlador de toque Broadcom BCM59355
Módulo de controlador NFC NXP 80V18 PN80V
Módulo de amplificación de poder MMMB, Broadcom AFEM-8072
Vic Lau, Qualcomm makes good chips at good prices, so there isn’t any reason Apple shouldn’t use them.
Yes, there is. They're suing each other.
If apple moves away from Qualcomm we can definitely expect a higher price tag on the next iteration of the iPhone
DAXimus -
The suing didn’t stop Qualcomm to get enough order apparently.
On the contrary,a higher price for customers to purchase iPhoneX seems to be the only result.
Theres more to it than the chips, It appears there are some licensing payments owed. Here’s a bit more Apple may completely drop Qualcomm as a modem supplier on future iPhone models
Dan -
Both those chips are present in Iphone 8 plus as well. They are just in different locations. Check step 10 in Iphone 8 plus tear-down.
Actually both the chips are required. MDM9655 is a baseband modem, and WTR5975 is a RF transceiver.
my Logic board has some damages to the circuit. I was thinking about buying another logic board (say iCloud locked) and transfer all if these chips. Will it work? Has anyone done it?
Y por la parte de afuera del sándwich que es la placa lógica:
Toshiba TSB3234X68354TWNA1 64 GB de memoria flash
Amplificador de audio Apple/Cirrus Logic 338S00296
Kapton tape on the underside for insulation, yeah
looks like the backside of the reader
anyone can tell that the storage its a TLC or MLC?
And what to say about those two capacitors a bit off their solder points, almost touching the capacitor next to it ? Should’ve been failed in quality control, or visual inspection at least, no ?
Or …. Could it be the heat from you guys separating the boards, that made the components wiggle a bit and shift from their correct placement ?
The second one. ;) We’re doing this for the first time, often under less than ideal conditions, in a pretty big hurry. People who are more skilled and patient than I am can separate the boards and solder them back together flawlessly.
Está bien, Apple hizo un sándwich de PCB, ¿pero cómo es que funciona?
Aquí, el A11 SoC se ubica al centro de la placa madre. Puedes obtener un sentido de la estructura de la placa en 3D de las fotos de los rayos X. Los cilindros alrededor del borde son agujeros llenos de soldaduras conectando las dos placas.
Dan, most through-hole vias are hollow.
-> iFixit,
look again, there are no traces routed from those, so I don’t think any data is travelling through those. It’s just ground.
any relevant high-speed bus wouldn’t work well routed in that manner.
main board is the “computer“ where all the flexes come in to connect to screen & peripherals.
the rf-board is purely networking so very few wires has to connect between the main ARM and that board.
Albert, Review the comments in Step9 there is no other means for the two half to communicate with each other other than the vias and yes some are shielding (ground)
Dan -
Lel. Yeah. Those are just via stiching for shielding.
Maybe vias are security related. PCI homologation request for tamper-proof protection against encryption keys reading strait from RAM.
I think you are right! but I’m not sure that which chip to process security function.
La nueva batería de doble celda tiene cuatro lengüetas, parecida a las mas pequeñas que encontramos en series del 8, pero en una orientación completamente nueva.
Este teléfono contiene una batería de 10.35 Wh (2716 mAh at 3.81 V), apenas venciendo la batería del 8 Plus de 10.28 Wh, pero nada en comparación a la batería del Galaxy Note8 de 12.71 Wh.
El diseño de doble celda es una medida para utilizar mejor el espacio que para cambiar la capacidad de carga. Las dos celdas permiten formas y posiciones más creativas, para tomar ventaja del espacio vacío debido al encogimiento de la placa lógica.
It might be my age showing but what type of Li-Ion supports charging up to 4.35 ? (I mean .. there’s the type that goes up in flames but .. ?)
It is just a more stable battery that can handle higher voltage without damage. Even my Cubot Note S has 4,35V max voltage battery (4.150 mAh).
Okay so I use this phone for all the photos of appliances that we take at Jackson Appliance Repair Company. The question I have is— is the battery itself waterproof? Or is the phone waterproof (protecting components inside) when it’s fully assembled?
The device is waterproof. Batteries really can’t be made waterproof as they have exposed contacts which when shorted would be dangerous depending on how conductive the liquid was (i.e. salt water).
Dan -
¿Recuerdas esa función de Face ID? La pusimos a prueba antes de desmontar el teléfono. Resulta que nuestra cámara de video de infrared no es lo suficiente rápida para capturar el patrón de los puntos. ¡Pero pudimos ver la iluminación muy claramente!
Tiempo de historia: hace mucho tiempo, Microsoft creó un sensor espacial llamado el Kinect. La tecnología de matriz de puntos infrarroja que hacía funcionar el Kinect fue creada por la empresa de tecnología israelí PrimeSense.
Apple compró PrimeSense por 360 millones de dólares(USD) en el 2013, y probablemente ha invertido cientos de millones más en ella.
Mientras tanto, Microsoft tuvo que crear un nuevo sistema de detección a último minuto para el Kinect 2. Tal vez, ahora que el iPhone tiene un sensor de profundidad, la gente se lo pondrá a los drones también.
@kyle tell your design team to add a play button over the image, people can easily miss that it’s a video. I thought it was just an image, but saw the comment about he enjoyed watching the video - so i hovered my mouse and then that’s I figured it’s really a video. :)
It’s IR. Human eyes can’t see it, so unlocking with Face ID is essentially just staring at it, and from the user’s perspective, it magically unlocks. No visible flashing here!
Jody, the flashes are invisible to the human eye. In the video you can hear the guy with the phone asking if the cameraman can see the flashes, because you need a special camera to view them. It’d be like staring into the end of a TV remote control and pushing buttons.
Not for me. I can see infrared easily.
Esa luz que nosotros no vemos, sera dañina de tanto uso ?. Porque desbloqueamos el telefono muchisimas veces al dia.
That light that we do not see, will be harmful of so much use? Because we unlock the phone many times a day.
Here’s a good vid on the FaceID projector lighting up someones face: Jump to 5:50 to see it.
so why MS did not buy ++PrimeSense?++
Having designed a lens system for Occipital’s Structure sensor (which is also a Prime Sense derivative). The structured light emitter, which is actually a laser; vibrates to create the pattern that bathes your face. I am pretty sure the structure light source does not have the power to do anything besides scan your face, but also the infrared camera is lens system is probably tuned for 300 mm-500 mm unlike the Kinect(1), ASUS XTION or PrimeSense’s own early versions, which have a much longer range. If anyone is interested in doing more than just face scanning, check out Occipital’s website.: .
i wonder who makes the sensor subassembly - that must be a very intricate design; tying the processing and interface to the VCSELs that generate the light powering the activity
¡Dirigimos nuestra atención a la parte superior del teléfono para encontrar el tan esperado sistema de cámara mini Kinect TrueDepth! Este sistema reúne a un equipo de sensores para llevar el reconocimiento facial a la X.
El primer paso en este sistema: el iluminador unido a la pantalla emite luz infrarroja a tu cara.
Después, la cámara frontal, marcada en rojo, confirma la presencia de una cara.
Después el proyector de puntos infrarrojo, al lado izquierdo, proyecta una cuadrícula de puntos sobre tu cara para crear un mapa tridimensional.
Finalmente, la cámara infrarroja en el lado izquierdo lee este mapa, y manda la información al teléfono.
Bajo el capó, la X funciona con un software de magia muy rápido para juntar todas estas piezas y descubrir si eres tú o tu gemelo malvado.
Surely the ir camera senses the ir flood projector, not the standard camera…
There are three IR light sources used: The small pencil beam to see if the phone is face down or next to ones face (proximity) which uses the camera as the sensor (located just to the left of the speaker slot from the front). Then there is the flood illuminator which lets the camera ‘see’ if you are there (to discriminate there is a face present) just to the right of the camera. The third is the dot projector (on the right side of the speaker slot) to ID you. The same camera is used for all three functions no special IR camera here.
Can I buy that TrueDepth system?
Has anybody figured out, if this part is replaceable? I hope this isn’t handled like the TouchID which is locked to the logic board?
El fin está en la vista, y ahora estamos investigando los componentes que quedan en la tapa trasera.
El primer soporte pequeño está cubierto con conectores de resorte y dedos de conexión a tierra EMI, y tiene un cable de cinta pegado a la parte de atrás.
Lo que retiramos después es la carcasa del altavoz de abajo que tiene adhesivo impermeable alrededor del puerto.
Por fin, el Motor Táptico y la rejilla barometrica famosa son liberados. El Motor Táptico de Apple sigue siendo un motor de vibración linear oscilador.
Are there two speakers at the bottom?
Nope just the one lower speaker. The second speaker is mounted to the upper portion of the display assembly.
How is vibration motor installe, it is glued or screwed?
A: Screwed. ;)
Do you sell replacements of the little bracket that is covered in spring connectors and EMI grounding fingers, and has a ribbon cable stuck to the back? As I was removing my screen to prepare for a replacement I saw that it had some damage. I don’t want to purchase a replace screen and find that it won’t work because of the damage to this part.
Caleb for some strange reason iFixit do not sell the EMI Grounding Finger plate nor do they sell the wifi flex cable that is attached to the underside of that plate. I had to go to Amazon to source a replacement for both. I think they should also stress how delicate those grounding fingers are, they are like tissue paper and can be damaged very easily if touched so take extreme caution when removing and reinstalling the plate and the attached flex cable.
Do you have links?? I can not find it.
Nice and informative post very helpful thanks for it, MS OFFICE 2019 MAC with lifetime license 70% Off.
Does anyone know the purpose of this bracket "covered in spring connectors and EMI grounding fingers"? What would be the possible side effects if it was damaged?
En una forma fina como siempre, nuestro ingeniero de desmontajes demuestra una técnica utilizando dos pares de pinzas para remover el conector Lightning.
Buenas noticias para la gente que tiene duda sobre los cables de carga: el conector Lightning parece que está más reforzado, con un soporte más ancho que se atornilla a la pared del lado del cuadro de soporte.
También tiene agujeros para que los tornillos pentalobe exteriores puedan pasar a través y meterse a la pantalla como vimos anteriormente.
I don’t think it really matters. Apple’s Lightning Connector is double sided, so EVEN IF they DO have contact points on both sides, they probably would have wired them together anyway.
The Lightning connector IS double sided, however the pins are NOT NECESSARILY physically tied together in the connector; ergo it actually supports 16-pins, not 8. So it DOES matter. A double-sided port could hypothetically support Thunderbolt, or 2 USB3 channels. And we have seen, inexplicably, a double-sided port from Apple before in the iPad Pro. A fully 2-sided Lightning connector/port could be functionally as capable as USB Type-C, minus the legacy USB 2.0 lanes. (The Type-C connector ALWAYS maintains a legacy USB 2.0 pair; Apple would have no need for that legacy combination if Thunderbolt was their forward-looking target.)
Apple has already defined the connector I doubt they are going to mess it up making it polarized directionally at this point.
Dan -
There are 2 separate parts here. One is the Lightning connector and the flex cable under it is the loud speaker flex cable.
Con el ensamblaje principal desarmado en partes, le damos nuestra atención de regreso a la pantalla. Lo primero que retiramos es el altavoz del auricular, nuevamente rediseñado con un conducto para dirigir el sonido por fuera a través de la pantalla
Después de liberar con cuidado el resto de los componentes de la parte de encima de la pantalla, vemos que la pantalla contiene la colección mas complicada de componentes que hemos visto. Contiene un altavoz, un micrófono, sensor de luz de ambiente, iluminador, y sensor de proximidad.
Después de seleccionar todos los bits modulares, nos quedamos con una pantalla vacía.
So what was that mystery chip first shown in the x-ray pictures?
Where can I find a replacement upper display? Accidentally tore my wire ribbon slightly…
¡Es tiempo de dirigir nuestra mirada al chip misterioso! Con un poco de ayuda de nuestros amigos en TechInsights, podemos mirar por debajo de los escudos de la parte trasera de la pantalla y encontramos:
Un controlador de pantalla táctil Broadcom etiquetado BCM15951B0KUB2G
También encontramos: un nuevo dispositivo STMicro que no habíamos visto antes, un OLED PMIC con la etiqueta 10 THADT733 X-139U.
The ST is more likely a boost converter, look at the inductors around it.
Too few pins to be a oled display-driver
Llegamos a los últimos componentes de la tapa trasera. Nos encontramos con otra pieza familiar para este rompecabezas de componentes densamente empacados: la bobina de carga inalámbrica.
E incluyendo todo lo que está asegurado a sí mismo, incluyendo los botones de volumen, el interruptor de silencio/timbre, y un soporte de sensor que no pudimos identificar.
También quitamos el otro cable de multi función de la parte superior del teléfono. Este ensamblaje es hogar del flash de cuatro LED True Tone, y el botón de inicio, igual como a los iPhones de antaño.
Is the Qi coil that needs to be unobstructed for wireless charging just the center circle the ribbons are attached to or is it the whole unit?
You can see the coil in step 3 x-ray images.
Just the big black coil.
Is there anything special with the charging coil? Do you think they are being modest and when airpower comes out it will blow away qi coils?
Herramienta utilizada en este paso:Jimmy$7.95
Pregunta extra: ¿Qué sucede cuando rompes el vidrio trasero de tu nuevo iPhone X?
Después de mucho calor, utilizamos nuestro Jimmy. Al igual que el iPhone 8 y 8 Plus, el X tiene un panel trasero que está bien asegurado con bastante adhesivo.
Después de varios intentos usando nuestra herramienta Jimmy, todavía estamos atascados: A diferencia del panel trasero de solo una pieza del iPhone 8, el bulto de la cámara pasa por encima del vidrio trasero, y está soldado meticulosamente al cuadro de acero por debajo.
En esta situación clásica de tener nuestra mano atascada dentro del tarro de galletas, podemos cortarnos la mano (el bulto de la cámara) o romper el tarro de galletas (el vidrio trasero). ¡Que fenomenal!
Could you show the other side of the stainless shell? Is the glass apple logo and lettering at the bottom printed on the backside and glass layer over top?
Yup, same as the 8, you can see the bare inside of the glass here.
looking for this solution
How was the camera bump removed?
Destructively. It’s welded into place from the inside.
I find using a small flat head at each one of the weld points and rocking it left and right with a little force helps break the weld with less trouble than trying something large like a jimmy tool.
I opened the phone, removed the rear cameras, flash, logic board and battery, then wedged something underneath the rear camera bracket (which is spot welded to the camera bump) to break the spot welds to the camera bump. You’ll end up destroying the bracket (my replacement glass came with a new bracket and camera bump/lens) the bump will literally fall out once done. The rear glass can then be removed and replaced, then fit new camera bracket (and camera bump if damaged when removed).
Feel like doing a walk-through on this with photos for those less-inclined to break their new iPhone just because of a smashed back panel? :D
Absolute joke. After having spent all day painstakingly removing every single glass shard from the rear I find out that the bloody rear replacement glass doesn’t fit over the camera bump anyway…
Is there not a version that just fits over the bump even if it leaves a tiny gap ??? There is no way people will want their cameras/mics butchered. Failing that, it seems a bit excessive to strip down the entire phone just to remove a welded bracket. Frankly it is RIDICULOUS and I have been doing smartphone/tablet repairs from day 1.
It’s my own fault for not researching the subject. I wrongly assumed it was like previous models where it’s just held in place with adhesive tape.
This same kind of thing happened to me when the iPad airs came out and I thought it was still possible to do ‘glass only’. I think the only way I will learn is from not doing Apple repairs anymore!
Anyway well done Apple for catching me out yet again…..
Further update… Managed to find a seller on eBay who sells the rear glass covers with a slightly larger camera hole so it fits straight over the bump/lens. While this isn’t a perfect solution as there will be a bit of a gap it does makes it a million times easier and actually becomes feasible to do this repair (if you don’t mind hacking away at glass all day!).
My initial outburst was mainly because I was doing this job as a gesture of good will for someone and just assumed it to be straight forward. If it was my own phone or that of a close family/friend I would have just stripped it all down and done a proper job.
Hope this helps someone!
I use glass from aliexpress with normal hole with separate camera holder. If you put big hole glass you have the water resist problem.
Zeljko -
Esperamos que hayas disfrutado de tu comida desmontable de 22 platos. La encontramos muy nutritiva.
En caso de que se haya perdido los desmontajes del iPhone 8 o iPhone 8 Plus, puede verificarlos para algunas comparaciones. Y también puede consultar nuestra lista de reparabilidad de teléfonos inteligentes para conocer las puntuaciones pasadas de los dispositivos.
¡Gracias una vez más a nuestros prácticos ayudantes, Circuitwise, Creative Electron y TechInsights!
Is there any way to replace the mesh earpiece for this device?
- Las reparaciones de la pantalla y batería siguen siendo una prioridad en el diseño del iPhone.
- Una pantalla rota puede ser reemplazada sin tener que remover el ensamblaje biométrico de Face ID.
- El uso liberal de tornillos es preferible al uso de pegamento—pero tendrás que usar tus destornilladores para dispositivos de Apple (Pentalobe y de Tri-Punta) además del estándar Phillips.
- Las medidas impermeables complican algunas reparaciones, pero hacen que los daños a causa de agua sean menos probables.
- Los cables quisquillosos unen componentes que no son relacionados para crear ensamblajes complicados — caros y difíciles de reemplazar.
- El vidrio por delante y por detrás duplica la probabilidad de daño si se cae el teléfono — y si el vidrio trasero se quiebra, tendrás que retirar cada componente del teléfono y reemplazar el chasis entero.
Consideraciones Finales
Calificación de Reparabilidad

(10 es lo más fácil de reparar)
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146 comentarios
Incredible and dense tech inside this iPhone - thanks ifixit!
Wow! So exciting!
Could you give us more info about NFC antenna localization? I suppose it’s on top of the back panel (to avoid conflict with Qi )
It’s the top bezel itself, as always.
Tom Chai -
From Iphone 6 to XS Max, its always been on top?
Exactly! Given the amount of effort they put into shrinking (or folding) certain parts, it’s great to see they’ve put in the same effort to not make it harder to repair. That any modern smartphone will never receive a 10/10 score due to the design choices is acceptable, so I’m happy to see there’s still a reasonable way in. Not like some tablet/laptop hybrids that are horrendous to even open up; yes I’m looking at you Microsoft!
is the face id hardware programmed to the phone like the touch ID was? that would make replacing it impossible by 3rd parties.
i know its not connected to the screen, but still it may be a common repair like it is now.
There isn’t really a reason why replacing the True Depth sensors should be a “common replacement” like the home button was. The home button had to be replaced because it was a physical piece of hardware that was pressed millions of times before failing. The True Depth sensor should fail rarely since it is protected under glass and won’t be hammered on constantly.
Very good! Finally different in the interior, the previous models were all the same!
Question which iPhone X version is this? with 2 Qualcom chips it looks like it is the Model A1865
We analyzed the A1865. TechInsights opened up an A1901.
Apple claims that in order to make the screen curve with the edges, they had to fold part of the OLED screen over to hide the display driver right under the screen. Would you be able to verify that?
yes, there was an animation in the promo video. Looked weird. I’d like to know how they get the cutout in there.
And how do the cutout pixels account to the display resolution?
Andi -
Yes I saw this too, can you investigate more into the OLED display? In the video at 0:30, Jony Ive says “the custom OLED panel was engineered to fold and seamlessly combine with the external surfaces.” Their computer rendering really makes it appear there are hundreds of hidden pixels being illuminated.
Sweet! I’m actually impressed by the efficiency of this.
The picture of the sandwich board is tilted and out of focus. Please retake from directly above
Hey Mitch! We have top down photos of the logic board in steps 9, 10, 11, and 12! Check them out! The photo in step 13 is meant to describe depth, so the angle the focus on the chips inside is intentional!
Please post XRay Wallpaper of the iPhone X! You guys are the only ones that do it right!
Just snag the xray ‘wallpaper’ off the enlarged picture above… o.O
From a boardlevel repair perspective I sense this is mostly game over.
Separation of the two layers requires an amount of heat applied to the whole structure pretty much all soldering folks would consider unsafe including myself.
Lets all hope very strong that this design improves mechanical stability to a point where we wont have breaking solder joints any more and improved circuitry preventing most common damages. The level and style of catch up game with the repair industry apple plays here is disconcerting.
After settling with recent macs not to be considered buyable because of &&^&^$^ all components being soldered in and tethered added to ridiculous toylike features driving stupid prices now the iPhone is also beyond what I am willing to accept for such money.
Its depressing to see how fast apple from year to year is becoming more about profit and money and less about tech and users.
I wonder how long I have to wait until some other player comes up with a real alternative in terms of user experience.
Yes i agree, what they did will make repairs harder you can see in this pictures some components moved from their place after separation which is a bad outcome.
Have you considered the Essential Phone? It seems like they may have something special over there…
Gino J -
I have to agree. I started out in 1980 with my bsee degree repairing Apple 1’s 2’s and 3’s with an oscilloscope, soldering iron and the latest copy of the ic circuit handbook. I have not been thrilled about Apples progression from everyman’s or women’s mac to unserviceable sometimes throw away stuff that needs cottage industries to support what they can, when before it was mainstream repair with dig this, a service door!.
@Ross Elkins: The Apple 1, ][ and /// were designs based on 7400-series TTL logic. Do you have any idea how big, power-hungry (and expensive!) devices like the iPhone would be, if they were designed with 7400 chips? If it would even be possible (which I seriously doubt), the PCBs stuffed-full of TTL logic would easily cover a football field, would require a 1000A power supply, and would cost $100,000 (or more)!!!
For you to even mention the repairability of stone knives and bearskins designs (no offense meant to Mssrs. Wozniak and company) like the first few Apple computers in the same breath as state of the art, massively-integrated product designs like the iPhone X strongly suggests that you wasted your money on that EE degree; because you certainly haven’t been keeping up with technology, even at a lay,an’s level.
Yes, serviceability has definitely lost ground to compact design over the years. There are trade offs everywhere and either we carry around a brick with a removable back panel for component repair/replacement access, or have the smartphone design we do today where it's practically an extension of our body. I'm for the latter.
I do love iFixit teardowns though, daring to go where no one is intended to.
I salute you, iFixit!
@atomicsymphonic Umm… you have to FREEZE it to get it open! Desmontaje del Essential Phone It got a repairability score of 1.
Does the bottom left of the phone still just have a dummy panel covering the speaker grill?
If you’re thinking of the barometric vent, then yes! You can see it in the third image on step 17.
It looks like the mysterious chip was attached to the lower speaker…any idea what it is used for?
It is still mysterious!
Does the mystery chip possibly contain the data for the user’s facial recognition? Apple said that data would be stored on the phone only - and nowhere else - out of privacy concerns.
HL Dash -
Were you able to verify that face recognition still worked once the phone was re-assembled?
Facial Recognition works. But proximity sensor has to be swapped over to maintain Face ID after a screen swap.
iv tried today to swap screens on two iPhone X without swapping over any parts, just the screens and Face ID stopped working on both. ill try later to swap the proximity sensor to see if that fixes the Face ID.
roy -
I swapped two screens from one to the other on the iPhone X and Face ID stopped working on both. ill try later to see if swapping the proximity sensor fixes the Face ID not working.
roy -
Should be much easier to repair without the virtual touch id button.
this looks like a science fiction movie, very big WOW
Be nice if the person breaking down the phone, or at least the one who writes up the Teardown, had some engineering training, some of the text above was completely unintelligible, unscientific and used wrong terminology in descriptions. Apart from that, though, great! LOL
And you’re perfect in everything that you do right? If you’re so smart you should have filtered through all type O’s and kept your rude post to yourself, JACKASS!!
Stay tuned ;)
The next thing to go is the nano sim tray for sure it's so large compared to the logic board.
Apple’s almost definitely going to replace it with an eSIM in the next model. I sure hope so.
What about the screen essentially folding backwards on top of itself? I was wondering about that in a tear down like this. Here’s what I’m referring to: https://boygeniusreport.files.wordpress....
We picked up an A1865 in Australia!
Maybe I missed it, but did we find out what the chip next to the speaker is? It was called out with a green box on the X-Ray in the 3rd step. I don’t think i saw the explanation.
I believe you’re talking about the chip in Step 20!
Just a guess, but the “Unidentified sensor bracket” in Step 21 could be related to Apple’s new leather folio case which wakes the phone upon opening and sleeps upon closing.
I’m sure the IR proximity is what does that
Dan -
It’s unlikely to be the proximity sensor doing this, as then it would work with third party cases as well, not just Apple’s and would do something similar when just covering or uncovering the screen.
In the iPhone X promo video from Apple, we can see the OLED screen is curved under itself, which I’ve read is to ensure a consistent light all the way to the edges of the phone.
I’ve looked above a few times at the various steps but don’t seem to find any reference to details on the OLED screen, which you’d imagine is a very important part of any smartphone.
iFixit, can you please add a 24th step that goes into detail on this? I can see from a couple of comments above that I’m not the only person wanting to know.
Thank you for your incredible work!
Any idea who they are using for the Qi charging IC?
Apple made there own coil. It has the apple insignia on it
zachary -
Are you able to put the phone back together and have it still be functional, or does this tear-down destroy the phone?
The degree of consolidation for functionality in the circuitry is unprecedented! State of the art.
Very nice, good explain
Very informative! I love your site!
Ram wasn’t mentioned this year? What is it? How much ram?
3 GB of RAM in the A11 chip
Dan -
Face id only works if the phone is vertical.
Any commentary on the antenna design and how it compares to 8/7 (plus/nonplus)?
iPhone X is the same wireless charging hardware design like iPhone 8 ? any difference?
Excellent site do you only describe etc phones?
IFIXIT covers many different products review the other tear downs here:
Dan -
I just hope no costumer comes in with a broken rear…
thanks lot for all ifixit team
So amazing PCBs layout!
Would appreciate your comments about the Snapdragon X16 Modem. Have the aireals been disabled by Apple in a smilar fashion to the way they were disabled on the Iphone 8 and 8Plus model 1865? This seems to be an important issue? Jack
This is too cool ! Do you have data on which parts are best in class the industry offers ?
Hi, I know that the iPhone X supports the auto sleep/wake function, as on iPads, using wallet covers like the original Apple Folio one, so I think there should be magnets inside the phone, is that true? If yes where they are? I saw tons of wallet covers on eBay that are sold as "magnetic" but they don't say if they support the auto sleep/wake function, anybody has tried one of these? Thanks
Fantastic teardown guys!! I am curious about the stainless steel ring around the frame. It does appear that it’s composed of 4 distinct pieces due to the seams between.
Can you guys comment on how they’re connected to each other as well as the backplane?
It does make me wonder on the Space Grey version - are the 4 pieces PVD coated before they’re joined or after?
I work for a phone company and we are getting these phones returned by same group of people, they take the phone out then 24 hours they return it, the boxes are open but the phones are still in the plastic seals, it there anything that can be done to these phones they look as good as new but my gut is saying something has been done with the phones.
Hello, please, iPhone X has two or only one bottom microphone? On picture is only one, and iPhone 6S, 7 have two.
How the on screen finger print works? what kind of part’s it need to execute?
There is no in screen touch ID. Just Face ID, and there’s no fingerprint reader anywhere on the phone.
Hi, please, where is fourth microphone at bottom of the phone? Integrated in speaker assembly? All phones since iPhone 7 has 4 microphones, and i counted there only 3.
Where can I get an iPhone X chassis to fix my phone
The little white dot on the back of the wireless charging assembly, that is visible through the crack between the two batteries, is this another liquid damage indicator? If not, where are the rest of the internal liquid damage indicators aside from the small one in the sim card slot?
Hello were can i buy chassis for iphone X thanks
unidentifed censer? They are spying on us lol
Wheres the antenna located? Top Bezel?
What’s the size of the back camera sensors? I want to compare it to my older dusty point and shoots.
Hi ifixit team,
bluetooth and wifi module can be replaceble?
What do you do with the phones from your teardowns?
@ltjjudge Lots of things—after the teardown we go to work writing repair guides, so teardown phones and components get used for guide photos, parts compatibility testing, etc.
can anyone please tell me is there a slight flex or compression in iPhone X screen when pressed a little hard in the centre of the display. Also please tell me if u hear a hollow tap in the middle region of display compared to corners when u tap it with moderate force?
My iPhone X sim port was open and it fell inside the water and turn blank on the screen what can I do to solve this problem
Hi iFixit team,
At step 21 , there’s a rubber / silicone casing around the camera flash , which (I suppose) helps with water / dust isolation. I’m missing mine (repair shop probably “forgot” to put it back in). Any idea where I could get one?
Thanks a lot!
Could anyone unfold the logic board or is it really complex?
Getting it apart is very straightforward if you have a good hot air station. (There are numerous how-to videos on YouTube at this point.) Putting it back together in good working order is significantly tougher, but do-able.
Si cambio la placa del iphone x el face id deja de funcionar?
Can u tell me where is the gps chip in iphone x
Yeah, like as my new iPhone adapter
Grazie, precisi e meticolosi.
Face ID no set up
Merci pour cette vue d’ensemble et merci pour la traduction
Ich habe diese Höllentour durch - ohne Teardown und Anleitung. Display und Rückseite waren gebrochen und mussten neu. 6 Stunden fummeln und fluchen später war das Ding fertig. Besonders unlustig: Mehrfach überlappende Kabel und Bleche, dazu zig verschieden große und lange Schrauben. Das bekommt Apple auch NIE in den Griff sich auf 2 Schraubengrößen zu einigen. PS: Rückseite geht bei über 180 Grad ab wie Butter. Vorher aber das gesamte Gerät bis zum letzten Teil entkernen.
Someone help me with this, i try to replaced my battery on my iPhone, everything is perfect except my phone can’t catch the wifi well. Someone help me please
Where are the cellular antennas?
All, do you know where is the GPS located?
Which iPhone X model number are you investigating?
Dimitar - Contestar
I think we can safely assume it’s the global A1901 model. Both other models are country specific according to A1865 for China and A1902 for Japan.
addvariety - Contestar
A1865 is for US Verizon and Sprint too
Sam Sun -
On-cell display or in-cell display?
Albee Einstein - Contestar
1901 is not global. It’s the GSM only version with the inferior Intel chips. The Qualcomm 1865 is the global/unlocked version.
Xiao - Contestar
Where can I find a X with out LCD, Digitizer, screen?
Grant Nord - Contestar