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Este desmontaje no es una guía de reparación. Para reparar tu iPhone 7 Plus, utiliza nuestros manuales de servicio .

  1. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus, Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 1, imagen 1 de 1
    • Hay mucho por aprender sobre lo que está oculto dentro del "mejor y más avanzado iPhone hasta ahora" —pero primero, tomémonos un momento para revisar lo que ya sabemos:

    • Procesador Apple A10 Fusion con Coprocesador de movimiento M10 integrado

    • 32, 128 y 256 GB de Capacidad de almacenamiento integrado (el color negro no está disponible en 32 GB)

    • Pantalla Retina HD Multi-Touch de 5.5 pulgadas con tecnología IPS Resolución de 1920 x 1080 pixeles a 401 ppi

    • Doble cámaras de 12 MP con gran angular y teleobjetivo con aperturas de f/1.8 y f/2.8 (respectivamente), zoom óptico de 2x y zoom digital de 10x

    • Cámara FaceTime HD de 7 MP con apertura de f/2.2 y grabación de video HD de 1080p

    • Botón de inicio de estado sólido con Touch ID impulsado por el nuevo Motor Táptico.

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + MIMO Bluetooth 4.2 + NFC

    Which carrier phone is this

    deepu272 - Contestar

    The iPhone 7 plus is much deferent than iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S. The lack of antenna lines especial at the jet black version, the lack of earphone jack, the dual lenses and dual speaker make it distinguishable. I personally like it very much and I will soon buy the iPhone 7 plus jet black 256GByte model. The only thing I dislike is that I won't be able to store my iOS apps on my hard disk as I am doing with my old jailbroken iphone 6 plus. So the 256 Gbytes are more than necessary.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    @Agnostos Gnostos

    "The only thing I dislike is that I won't be able to store my iOS apps on my hard disk..."

    You can do that using iTunes without jailbreaking. You always could.

    alex - Contestar

    I want to make my iphone at home , but from where i should get the parts ???

    can you help me?


    reply me

    Nakul Phulwade - Contestar

  2. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 2, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 2, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 2, imagen 3 de 3
    • Las dimensiones del iPhone 7 Plus son idénticas a las de su predecesor: 158.2 mm × 77.9 mm × 7.3 mm — sin embargo, es algo menos pesado: 187 gramos (vs. el 6S Plus con 191 gramos). Con suerte, Apple no quitó nada importante.

    • El 7 Plus está estampado con un número de modelo nuevo: A1785.

    • Para aquellos más inclinados al lado oscuro, Apple está ahora ofreciendo la versión negro mate y la versión negro azabache que se raya fácilmente del iPhone 7 Plus, además de las otras ya disponibles en color plateado, dorado, y rosa dorado.

    • El 7 Plus también abandonó algunas de esas antenas antiestéticas de antes, en favor de una apariencia más sutil.

    • Quizás la diferencia más notable es el adaptador de conector de auriculares de 3.5 mm a lightning incluido en la caja. Va a llevar un poco de coraje para dejar el conector de auriculares. Discúlpanos adaptador bebé. No eres tú, somos nosotros.

    Quote: "6.63 oz (vs. the 6s Plus at 6.77 mm)"

    I know you meant, "6.77 _oz_"!

    biowizard - Contestar

    have you done a baby teardown on the baby adapter ? Does it have a DAC in it ? If so which one?

    Jasraj Vaidya - Contestar

    The DAC is in the iPhone. How it's for the speakers too.

    George A. -

    No, it's not me, it's "baby adapter" Dongles were a thing of the past, and hated them as much as they will be hated now.

    scottwilkins - Contestar

    The dimensions of the iPhone 7 Plus are identical to those of its predecessor, at 158.2 mm × 77.9 mm × 7.3 mm—and yet it's slightly lighter, at 6.63 oz (vs. the 6s Plus at 6.77 oz). Hopefully Apple didn't remove anything important.... They removed the headphone jack and assembly.

    Emma - Contestar

    I have no courage. I also have no Apple Music because I have no reason to trust Apple with my content.

    Dave - Contestar

    oz... what is oz... You are measuring in mm, so do in Gram, too... 99% of the world does it metric...

    Skimmy - Contestar

    Yes. you're right!

    Ricardo Rodríguez -

    How about 3.5mm powered accessories like the square? Is square going to ante up for the lightning interface?

    refd123 - Contestar

    I don't believe that the jet black color is so prone to scratches. I generally baby my phone and protect them with cases and glass membranes. So it's not a real issue. The lack of earphone jack isn't a problem. I bet that every manufacturer very soon will produce earphones with lighting jack. Those with very expensive conventional earphones will find the earphone adapter annoying but that isn't a big issue. After all when you are buying a phone at 800 dollars you can spent 100 dollars for decent earphones. Apple as always is removing parts from its iPhones. People forget that the earphone jack of the first generation iphone was small and deep inside. It didn't allow many earphones.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    Do the new antenna lines in the 7 plus iPhone improve the signal reception in poor transmission areas

    gaylestan - Contestar


    "I have no courage. I also have no Apple Music because I have no reason to trust Apple with my content."

    Apple music is a subscription streaming service. You don't own the content. So you don't need to trust them.

    I keep my own content on iTunes match. I do trust them. But it's all safe on my Mac, and backed up too.

    alex - Contestar


    'How about 3.5mm powered accessories like the square? Is square going to ante up for the lightning interface?"

    The square works off the headphone jack. If they use it to spec, then it should work off the adapter.

    alex - Contestar

    Don't know about A1785,

    but on Apple's iPHone specs page they specifiy two 7+ model #'s as A1661 & A1784.

    One of them supports CDMA, the other does not.

    macnosy - Contestar

  3. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 3, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 3, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 3, imagen 3 de 3
    • Antes de adentrarnos en este monstruo de tres ojos, nos permitimos echar un vistazo gracias a nuestros amigos de Creative Electron.

    • Quédense para más vistas del interior del nuevo iPhone cortesía de nuestros expertos en rayos X.

    • ¿Qué ventajas ofrece el súper poder de visión de rayos X?

    • Para empezar, podemos ver que echaron el conector de auricular para hacer más lugar para el Motor Háptico.

    • Una inspección más de cerca muestra una segunda rejilla de altavoz inferior que lleva a... ¿ningún lado? Interesante.

    • También podemos ver el tercer ojo nuevo en el sistema de cámara del iPhone 7 Plus. ¿Qué sabiduría y visión contiene? ¡Descubrámoslo!

    Please x-ray the Lightning to 3.5mm jack adapter so we can see if there's a DAC and AMP built into the cable. Otherwise you're going to have to cut it open, and that won't be pretty.

    iPostIt - Contestar

    I second this!

    Dan Parsons -

    I wonder if you could use the Lightning to mini jack adapter on one of the older iPhones as a way around having to replace the mini jack when it goes within the phone.

    Dan - Contestar

    The adapter's store page lists it as compatible with every iOS device with a lightning port. Looks like that should work.

    Chaz Larson - Contestar

    The adapter will work with all devices running iOS 10+

    You can also use the lightning headphones with any iOS 10+ device as well.

    As iOS 10+ only supports the lightning connector they will work with and are backwards compatible with any capable of running it.

    paul - Contestar

    The X-Ray photos that iFixit publicly show are fantastic. I don't think that Apple will be happy with such deep intervention into its hardware. However I am sure that all major phone manufactures are using similar technics of inspection.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    Well it looks like the Mini to Lightning adapter has its own DAC! Here's a teardown: iPhone 7 headphone dongle boasts amazing insides

    Dan - Contestar

  4. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 4, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 4, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 4, imagen 3 de 3
    Herramienta utilizada en este paso:
    • Apple se habrá desecho del conector de auriculares, pero claramente se mantiene leal al Pentalobe. Dos tornillos, ahora conocidos, protegen cada lado del conector Lightning.

    • Ansiosos por ver más allá del exterior rosa dorado, utilizamos el iSlack enérgicamente y hacemos mucha palanca para ir más allá del adhesivo.

    • La cinta adhesiva que sella el 7 Plus es considerablemente más fuerte que la cinta de su predecesor. ¿Puede ser esto nuestra primera señal de resistencia al agua?

    Does it make sense noting the best location to set the iSclack onto the iPhone so not to rip the cable connection shown in Step5 below? Or the best pattern to lift the cover off.

    Dan - Contestar

    Apple could easily have avoid screws on iPhone like it does with iPads and iPod touch. This is an indications that Apple wants their phone to be serviceable by experienced foreigners. But not easily ben opened by ordinary users. The adhesive strip is a good idea. I wouldn't like an iPhone with a wobbling battery inside.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    It's not waterproof, it's water-resistant. Similar, but not the same.

    Aristarco Palacios - Contestar

    Can anyone confirm are the pentalobe screws identical (diameter and shaft length) to those of the 6 plus's?

    Cooper Chase - Contestar

    How are the pentalobe screws protected from water? Is there rubber gusket?

    Apple - Contestar

  5. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 5, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 5, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¿Qué es esta locura? El 7 Plus se abre de manera bizarra hacia un lado, a pesar de los clips conocidos en la parte superior del teléfono que ayuda a alinear la pantalla como en modelos previos.

    • Tuvimos suerte y no rompimos los cables de pantalla a lo largo del lado medio derecho. Afortunadamente, el cable superior tiene algo de holgura.

    • Los cambios de diseño sutiles como este hacen que las guías de reparación sean útiles.

    • Al abrirlo, el 7 Plus revela muchos adhesivos pegajosos negros y blancos a lo largo del perímetro del teléfono.

    • Apostamos a que esta pegajosidad con temática de pingüino sea parte del esfuerzo de Apple para agregar resistencia al agua. Pero, también, a los ingenieros de Apple quizás les gusta mucho el pegamento.

    Interesting, threes no button, yet it looks like there is? and the metal peice on the side transfers teh taptic? ... Can you go more into this?

    Mark - Contestar

    That's the TouchID sensor.

    fastasleep -

    Is the White gasket material less or more sticky than the Black? It does look like its thicker than the black (has more viscosity)?

    Dan - Contestar

    You guys act like APPLE hasnt already said that the new iPhone has waterproofing. Which they did and there are plenty of videos showing it works

    Jarrett Moering - Contestar

    I like your writing style! ..."Then again, Apple's engineers might just really love glue." And then a fanboi moron adds comments! Fake Geniuses' would never learn!

    orion2000 - Contestar

    The Glue is silicone ferrite add with adhesive to deflect Cellular transmission effectively

    Loli Pop - Contestar

    The iSclack is more than necessary. This cables can be broken easily. One of the reasons I love iFixit. From my experience all iPhones since iphone 4 were a little waterproofing. I didn't have problems with lightly rain or with wet hands or very sweaty faces. Now with the new iPhone I will use it safely at the beach. However waterproofing is a subjective issue. The iphone 7 is less waterproof than the second Apple watch.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    What Apple Enginners love the most was screw. They take all size of screws, probably they have to get used to different 2 different bosses. Lol...

    HSY3 HSY4 - Contestar

    "Then again, Apple's engineers might just really love glue."

    I'm sure that very soon, you will be loving selling us replacement waterproof sticky seals.

    alex - Contestar

    Yeah where can we get "genuine Apple" seals?

    gleeglee217 -

    As long and convoluted as the prox has become, there should've been a close-up.

    mstein - Contestar

  6. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    Herramienta utilizada en este paso:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    • Adentro encontramos un ejército de valientes tornillos tripunto que protegen el soporte de cable que cubre el conector de batería y dos de los cables de la pantalla.

    • Hace un año nos la jugamos y agregamos el tornillo para Apple watch a nuestro juego de destornillador con 64 puntas. ¡Ay, qué bueno que lo hicimos!

    • Un segundo pelotón de tornillos tripunto sujetan el soporte para el largo y elástico cable de pantalla de componente superior.

    • Los tornillos tripunto no son comunes. Si bien se puede alegar que los tripunto son menos propensos a desmontarse, asumimos que si fue una elección de ventaja mecánica, los veríamos en todos los iDispositivos. Está bien claro que están aquí para simplemente dificultar las dos reparaciones de usuario más comunes: reemplazo de batería y pantalla.

    • Despachamos nuestro propio destornillador y forzamos a que el soporte se rinda así podemos continuar nuestra misión al corazón del iPhone 7 Plus.

    There is space for audio jack up there!

    victortaykw - Contestar

    Audio Jack and Water Resistance strike me as being somewhat mutually counterproductive. I, for one, am very happy to see the poxy 3.5mm Jack consigned to history.

    biowizard -

    Another possibility for the reasoning behind the tri-point screws is that Apple knows these are the most common screws to need to be removed, and chose to go with something less likely to strip for their "geniuses" to work with.

    Bryan Schwartz - Contestar

    The Phillips screw is a terrible screw drive design. According to McFeeley's, it was invented and promoted because the driver will cam out when torque increases. I'm skeptical about the motivation, but Phillips screws cam out or strip out with alarming frequency, especially in smaller sizes. I would love to never see or use a Phillips screw.

    If you want to ding Apple for picking obscure drivers, fine. But you should also ding them, and everyone else, when they use the horrible Phillips screws.

    Derek Roff - Contestar

    Then why not use Torx?

    Chris Prendergast -

    The reason tri-lobe screws are used is because a Torx drive socket on a screw that small wouldn't work. The tri-lobe is like a Torx profile and has the same advantages, but with two less lobes. In addition, tri-lobes are used because it can be put on a screw with a thinner head, where other drive types wouldn't work. The thinnest screw heads (0.3mm and below) require tri-lobe.

    Do people really think nefarious apple engineers are intentionally trying to keep users from doing repairs? They could care less. Besides, if anyone's gotten that far, a screw type with an uncommon head is not going to stop them.

    John Connor -

    Bryan is right. They are tri-point because they are the most common to remove and therefore you don't want to strip them. Why all the screws aren't tri-point I'm not sure of.

    Shaun Stelley - Contestar

    But what size of tri lobe is it? Like apple watch y0.6?

    Piotr - Contestar

    I never could understand why Apple is bothering with so many different type of screws. At the age of ebay and iFixit every screw can be opened safely. Maybe another method to discourage users that don't know iFixit to mess with the the internal hardware

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    Lets add more screw variant each new release....

    taexyz - Contestar

    Be careful on this part, I did rip one of the cables in the middle. There are actually 2 and the one I broke was for the home button...

    Brent Thompson - Contestar

    Is there a way to remove stripped screws

    mlclarke303 - Contestar

  7. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 7, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 7, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 7, imagen 3 de 3
    • En lugar del conector de auriculares, encontramos un componente que parece canalizar sonido desde el exterior del teléfono hacia el micrófono... o desde el Motor Táptico hacia fuera.

    • No hay nada elaborado aquí, sólo acústica bien diseñada y plástico moldeado.

    • Actualización del Desmontaje: Según Apple, el componente de plástico es una ventilación barométrica. Con la protección agregada de acceso ofrecida por el sello hermético, el iPhone utiliza este deflector para igualar las presiones internas y atmosféricas para tener un altímetro preciso.

    • ¡Los botones mecánicos son algo del pasado cuanto tienes un Motor Táptico! Este brillante motor utiliza tecnología háptica para simular presionar un botón, sin tener un botón real.

    • Quien ya conozca el panel táctil de la Retina MacBook 2015 ya ha experimentado la tecnología háptica del Motor Táptico

    fake speaker port????

    Stan Chua - Contestar

    If it's like ours (Chipworks), there's a microphone on one end of it , so it could be some sort of sound channeling chamber for that.

    BHD2 - Contestar

    Touchpad is also in the latest MacBook Pro laptops

    Nathanael - Contestar

    Apple doesn't waste space. The left port is for the microphone. It isn't a fake speaker port. And that speaker like component is a sound chamber - like our outer ears.

    James Katt - Contestar

    I agree, likely used to cut down on wind noise (low frequencies) the mic could pick up.

    Dan -

    Seems apple wasted space here. That "Taptic" engine seems to have a lot of air in it ( in the middle where it's not needed). Wonder if they could have made that a tad less wide and included the audio jack after all???

    scottwilkins - Contestar

    The two things you have to think about is the mass and the throw you have within the Taptic engine when you design it. You need enough mass that can kinetically offset the mass of the device you have it in, as well as the amount of energy to throw of the mass so you feel it.

    It appears Apple has used a slightly larger unit (comparing the images). It would nice if someone could weigh the mass and measure the opening size between the iPhone 7 & 7 Plus Taptic engines and the 6 iPhone vibrators

    Dan -

    Looks a lot like that a "speaker port" for the Taptic Engine, for the home button to not only feel but also sound clicky.

    What you described as a sound chamber doesn't seem to actually have any connection to the microphone, but to the Taptic Engine.

    MrUNIMOG - Contestar

    A Taptic could also be used as a subwoofer, due to its low resonant frequency of about 190Hz

    The Speaker Guy - Contestar

    Are there pins on both sides of the Lightning port.

    iPostIt - Contestar

    I don't understand it.? No other product is taken apart except Apple products. We don't tear apart Samsung, Teslas, GM cars or any other computer type gadgets. Are people that fascinated with only Apple products? Come on stop it. Enjoy the technology. There's plenty of whiz bang products out there try tear them down too. Otherwise, this is iPhone 7, not iPhone 1 give it a break. I want to know more about the hidden features built into the software.

    Cg10 - Contestar

    First day on ifixit? That tore down a lot of other stuff too.

    Tom Chai -

    iFixit does not NEED to take apart the newer Samsung devices. They are quite capable of doing that themself...

    Ruurd Pels -

    Tearing down Samsung products is too dangerous. They explode.

    alex -

    The taptic home button is extension of the 3D touch. Where on the 6S the haptic feedback signaled a single "pop" out menu, the home button feedback happens on keypress and keyup. :)

    Peter Shen - Contestar

    I had a problem with the central button of iPhone 4. Now with the touchpad central button of iPhone 7 the reliability is increased. However the taptic engine is too big. I think that it takes valuable space from the battery. Beside the reliability issue the classic button should be better. I don't like the taptic engine of new MacBooks.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    Why do you say the Taptic Engine is too big? Do you think they made it bigger than it needed to be to function the way they wanted?

    pgoodwin1 - Contestar

    When playing audio, can the Taptic Engine act as a passive bass radiator?

    pgoodwin1 - Contestar

    Cam someone just tell me the list of screwdriver sizes needed to take a iphone 7 apart

    chfreeman73 - Contestar

    • ¿Qué haces cuando las cosas se vuelven inestables? Haces rayos X a cualquier cosa que se mueva. Y es lo que hicimos exactamente con el Motor Táptico.

    • El "Motor Táptico"suena como algo que se encuentra en una nave de guerra intergaláctica. En realidad, estamos sólo trabajando con un pequeño actuador lineal y algunos muelles zig-zag que sacuden un núcleo ponderado.

    • Para ser justos, ésta es la pieza más grande de maquinaria mecánica que hemos visto en un smartphone.

    • El Motor Táptico transforma la presión en el nuevo botón de inicio de estado sólo en vibraciones controladas meticulosamente.

    • A todos nos encanta la sensación de hacer clic en un botón. La oscilación precisa del Motor Táptico está diseñada para proporcionar muchos tipos de retroacción táctil, incluso la sensación de presionar un botón mecánico.

    • ¿Por qué no utilizar un botón regular con una adición háptica como la de iPhone 6s? Bueno, un botón menos en un lugar menos por donde se puede colar el agua.

    So is this a voicecoil+magnets actuator? Or a piezo device?

    (I'm guessing voicecoil based on the X-Ray.)

    atlant - Contestar

    AH-HA! Moving Parts!

    Just Johnny - Contestar

    The central button could have been integrated on the screen. However it is a different component below screen that now it isn't moving. I hope in the future Apple will produce screens with a virtual central button.

    In case of jailbrake the central button shouldn't be operational like it used to be with previous iPhone jailbrake methods.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    So this is the device that replaced the audio jack?

    Michael Balzer - Contestar

    This "button" is cool, but to remove the audio jack is not. Seems Apple needs to find a middle ground. Smaller taptic device and room for the audio jack. Not sure why this wasn't considered on the "Plus" size.

    scottwilkins - Contestar

    What X-Ray equipment do you use? Do you sell this device?

    Yan Li - Contestar

    As a new owner of iPhone 7 plus i think a Linear oscillator is a mixed bag - pluses are quite well known so I'll just point out one big minus - when phone silenced is left on the desk it's almost inaudible. I've already missed some calls and alarms. :( - (it's case that covers camera bump so it lays even flat on desk)

    Treku - Contestar

  8. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 9, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 9, imagen 2 de 2
    • Estamos contentos de ver que Apple sigue con la tradición de incluir lengüetas para el adhesivo de batería.

    • Es hora de un poco de yoga para batería. Estiramos cada uno de las tres lengüetas adhesivas para liberar la batería y nuestras tensiones por la dificultad de remover la batería.

    Maybe the trickiest part of iPhone repairing. In the case of an early brake of the battery adhesive, tools must be used for removing the battery. Tools that may puncture the battery and cause fire. I suggest a totally discharged iPhone in case of battery replacement.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    And how are we to do that? Let it run down normally? Seems like thatd take a while.

    Tom Jackson -

    If you rub the haptic feedback sensor in just the right spot it will vibrate continuously and drain the battery quickly

    J Goog -

    4 years later, and I a first time teardown of iPhone, I ask, what sort of tools would ease the removal of the battery in case the adhesive is broken?

    Tay W - Contestar

  9. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 10, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 10, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¡Y aquí está la batería grande y mala!

    • La batería es de 3.82 V y 2900 mAh, por un total de 11.1 Wh, una ligera mejora del iPhone 6s Plus con 0.45 Wh (3.8 V, 2750 mAh) y a la par del 6 Plus con 11.1 Wh, 2915 mAh.

    • Apple sostiene que la vida de la batería será de una hora más larga que la del 6s Plus—es decir, 21 horas de conversación 3G, aproximadamente 15 horas de uso de internet Wi-Fi, o hasta 16 horas en modo de espera.

    The new efficiency of the iPhone 7 plus allows a smaller battery and lighter weight.

    James Katt - Contestar

    I don't see how "1.11Wh" can be considered a step down from "1.11Wh"! They are identical numbers. The trouble with comparing mAh values, is that they are meaningless without knowing the voltage. And (knowing that W = VA) ...

    3.82V * 2.900Ah = 11.078Wh (iPhone 7 plus)

    3.80V * 2.915Ah = 11.077Wh (iPhone 6 plus)

    Which means they are exactly the same, bar the least significant digit (which is in the 7's favour)!

    [comment resubmitted to correct typo!]

    biowizard - Contestar

    I wondder if Apple ever considers using Quick Charge technology from Qualcomm ? My Iphone6 charges at barely over 1A using Apple adapter and cable (slightly lower if using generic cable), whereas QC 3.0 is known to charge at 2A or higher. What gives ?

    hn1964 - Contestar

    Apple as far as I know have a tradition of good batteries except the first generation of iPod nano which wasn't a big issue. I hoped for years that a manufacturer would produced a replacement battery for iPhones with bigger capacity. However Apple has proved that is using the best batteries on the market. And after samsung Galaxy note 7, Apple has the advantage on this factor.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    What voltage can iPhone 7 plus charge at? I see many portable charger claims that they allow voltage boost for iPhone. What exactly it is for me to judge whichever portable charger is best suit for iPhone 7 plus?

    Kevin Yip - Contestar

    Will I be able to use iphone 7 plus or iphone 6 plus battery into my iphone 6splus

    shrini23 - Contestar

    So the iPhone 6 plus had 2915 mah battery and 6s plus had 2750 mah battery and now iPhone 7 plus have 2900 mag battery they be scamming people

    dandre832 - Contestar

  10. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 11, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 11, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 11, imagen 3 de 3
    • Apple nos tiene viendo doble al sacar el sistema de cámara con dos sensores distintos, dos lentes, y dos conectores pequeños.

    • Las dos cámaras de 12 MP—una de gran angular con Estabilización Óptica de Imagen (OIS), como en el iPhone 7, la segunda con teleobjetivo —permiten zoom óptico.

    • Ambas cámaras también tienen un sensor de imagen nuevo , el cual Apple sostiene que es 60% más rápido y 30% más eficiente que en los iPhones anteriores.

    • Las cámaras actualizadas casi hacen que valga la pena el bulto más grande de la cámara exterior— ahora integrado en el chasis en otra sospechosa táctica de batalla para lograr impermeabilización y contra el polvo.

    • Usamos nuestro vision de rayos X para iniciar una contienda de miradas fijas con el sistema de cámara. Sin pestañear, podemos ver cuatro cojinetes de metal alrededor de una cámara. Suponemos que éstos son los magnetos que permiten la Estabilización Óptima de Imagen.

    • Controlador OIS AD5842 de dispositivos analógicos

    Two sets of OIS?

    The telephoto lens has OIS?

    Not sure about that one

    jetlitheone - Contestar

    Is there any chance anybody can take calipers to both lens assemblies and find us an actual height?

    evilspoonman - Contestar

    I'm hoping it does but most rumors said no.

    maquinn1978 - Contestar

    It really doesn't seem like it. Look at the voice coils. the smaller 56mm unit only has ones that are lined up to move the lenses back and forth for focusing. the 28mm one has magnets and coils that allow it to move from side to side and up and down for stabilization.

    garyliao2001 - Contestar

    I agree with you. I don't think the telephoto has OIS.

    jetlitheone -

    Looking at the two camera assemblies it sure looks like the 56mm camera does NOT have OIS. This is consistent what reviewers with units have written so far.

    sam123 - Contestar

    Also, are these sensors 6mm diagonal? (1/3-inch sensors)

    evilspoonman - Contestar

    I think 1/2,6" the first one. EXIF data suggest tele sensor is 1/3,2"...

    maurizionatali -

    Doesn't look like it has OIS on the 56MM

    max - Contestar

    I believe those magnets you are indicating on the 28mm optical housing interact with the electromagnets on the face of the sensor assembly. The orange plate with wire traces on all four corners. I agree with your assessment that the 56mm lens is just a focusing voice coil and is not stabilized.

    evilspoonman -

    "the second a telephoto —allow for optical zoom" Really? Isn't it only for Focus?

    Masa - Contestar

    One camera is a 28mm F1.8 with OIS and sensor, the other is a 56mm F2.8 normal lens with no OIS and it's own sensor, read, not telephoto that optically doubles ( 2x ) the magnification of the two cameras in use. I am not sure how it is dealt with when in between 1-2X but beyond 2x is "digital zoom" which is essentially cropping the native file of the longest lens. There is no real "telephoto" lens in the iPhone 7+, it is just marketing speak. However, the combination of a 28mm and a 56mm lens is not a weak addition to the already great iPhone camera platform. I plan on using it a lot and making a lot of great images with it when not using my professional gear, for my profession.

    dphotobayer - Contestar

    what kind of sensor ? IMX????

    badnessboy83 - Contestar

    I know it's Apple's term, but the non-wideangle camera is not, by any definition, "telephoto". It's actually a "standard" lens, roughly equivalent to a 55mm lens on a 35m camera.

    biowizard - Contestar

    Technically it is a telephoto as are all phone lenses - telephoto means that the lens is shorter than its effective focal length whereas on slrs wide angle lenses have to be reverse telephoto to clear the mirror. It is a telephoto of normal focal length, like the pancake lenses fitted to a number of digital cameras.

    Martin Bacon -

    A telephoto lens has a focal length longer than that of the track length of the lens assembly. Apple is using the term correctly.

    mcm - Contestar

    where is gyroscope sensor? and accelerometer? thanks

    hector - Contestar

    I'd like to know what the camera module is, and what the pixel size is. In the announcement, they stated "bigger pixels" but never said how big.

    skydivertak - Contestar

    Could you please tell us what the image sensor is? I'm hoping for IMX260 or IMX377, probably the two best smartphone chips on the market today; if the nominal rated size of the main chip is "1/2.6" at 12 MP, the closest match I'm aware of in the Exmor lineup would be the 260 given unless its something brand new, that's the closet match to the specs given (at ~1/2.5 and 12 MP), and Sony only makes a few 1/2.6 chips, none near 12 MP, as well as the 260 being the sensor used in the also dual camera V10. I can't see any obvious candidates for the second sensor; the only 1/3.2 sensors Sony has are the 8 MPs. And I don't see any discussion of the front sensor here, though perhaps I'm just missing it.

    CAM Gerlach - Contestar

    Which is the maker of these sensors?

    Techno Golo - Contestar

    What's the baseline between two camera?

    kaiyeh0913 - Contestar

    Hello guys,

    Have you figured out who is the sensor manufacturer?

    Miguel Ferreira - Contestar

    Smartphones even iPhones suffer from image noise during low light shooting. They use very small image sensors which can't gather enough light fast. So the software amplifies digitally the ISO creating image noise and deteriorating colors.

    I would prefer a bigger camera with a bigger image sensor with better image stabilization instead of two cameras. Ordinary users are impressed more from the two cameras and don't know the benefits of bigger image sensors.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    I think Sony should be the manufacturer, OIS is not available for the telephoto lens.

    gr8sujit - Contestar

    The comments below this article indicate the telephoto lens does indeed have OIS. But the comments above my post say otherwise. What is the final conclusion? Does the iP7+ have OIS on all lenses/cameras?

    speedlever - Contestar

    Can the camera glass be replaced?

    parshnib - Contestar

    Would there be a way to turn off the hardware OIS by doing into the machine? Some people with stabilizing gimbals are finding the hardware OIS troublesome by causing jitters on video capture. Apple has not enabled a way to completely turn off hardware OIS.

    timdlr - Contestar

    Any chance of being able to replace the camera glass? It's built into the chassis but looks like it could be removed and replaced.

    phnxdemon24 - Contestar

    How do you troubleshoot the camera system when only the 2x camera will work? Replacing the camera didn’t effect the situation - still the same. Any suggestions?

    Rich Tefertiller - Contestar

  11. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 12, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 12, imagen 2 de 2
    • Antes de desenterrar la placa lógica de la carcasa trasera, tenemos que remover porciones del ensamblaje de antena—incluso el cable flex de la antena, que funciona como un puente entre las rutas de antenas.

    • Con el cable flex de la antena fuera del camino, nos concentramos en la antena superior izquierda Wi-Fi.

    These both appear to be Squelch pads. The second image is the shielding cover over the second. The antenna is the upper case its self.

    Unlike the iPhone 6 series which had two antenna's in the top case this series shares the same antenna for both cellular and WiFi. Its possible they also have so attenuator logic here as well.

    Dan - Contestar

    What's with all the tooling marks in the pink? I thought the back is supposed to be as beautiful as the front?

    Charles Reese - Contestar

    I hope the the new iPhone 7 with smaller visible antennas will have the same sensitivity as previous models.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

  12. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 13, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 13, imagen 2 de 2
    • Sacar la placa lógica del 7 Plus es mucho más fácil que sacarla de su predecesor. No hay necesidad de dar vuelta la placa lógica para remover las conexiones finales.

    • Podría parecer una pequeña victoria, pero nos sentimos animados —aún pequeños cambios de diseño pueden marcar una diferencia en términos de reparabilidad.

    • Mientras quitamos los stickers EMI, espiamos lo que podría ser un control de temperatura adicional.

    • ¿Podría ser el A10 lo que está ahí debajo?

    That EMI stickers are destroyed when are peeled off? Can they be reused with the same efficiency? Can they be replaced by better quality and more safe ones?

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    You guys seem to have ignored the above comment. But really is the EMI sticker replaceable? If so where can we get it ?


    Musa Bah - Contestar

  13. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 14, imagen 1 de 1
    • ¡Ya cayeron los escudos! La placa lógica está libre y lista para inspección. ¡Veamos lo que se trae este cachorro!

    • Apple A10 Fusion APL1W24 SoC + Samsung 3 GB LPDDR4 RAM (indicado por las marcas K3RG4G40MM-YGCH)

    • Modem Qualcomm MDM9645M LTE Cat. 12

    • Módulo amplificador de potencia Skyworks SKY78100-20

    • Módulo de Amplificador de Potencia Avago AFEM-8065

    • Módulo de Amplificador de Potencia Avago AFEM-8055

    • Universal Scientific Industrial O1 X4 (probablemente el M2800 "Trinity" SIP)

    • Sensor de Presión Barométrica Bosch Sensortec BMP280

    Anyway to tell if there are enough antennas support 4x4 MIMO?

    Nick Roosevelt - Contestar

    The blue chip is bigger than the small one, so it can't be same.

    The blue one is an Avago AFEM-8055 Power Amplifier Module.


    Sebastian Beyer - Contestar

    Blue one should be 8055 from the picture?

    torlies - Contestar

    What's the part at the right location of the blue avago chip?

    torlies - Contestar

    The Qualcomm Snapdragon X12 LTE modem indeed does support 4x4 MIMO, 256-QAM downlink, 64-QAM uplink


    tuanchoang - Contestar

    It supports 4X4 MIMO, but the physical antennas have to be installed by the manufacturer, in this case, Apple would have to be sure to include the antenna set. It is supposedly supported via software update, so it seems that might also depend on Apple.

    Nick Roosevelt - Contestar

    The chip below the green one looks like a Murata one. It has its marker "M" with a circle.

    Jie Zou - Contestar

    So Apple is advertising a 450 Mbps maximum downlink throughput (cat 9 or 10) but Qualcomm chipset (at least, no idea for intel LTE baseband used) is capable of Cat 12 , i.e up to 600 Mbps throughputs ? Maybe Apple is advertising 450 Mbps because only Qualcomm chipset support it ? Maybe it is firmware locked to ue cat 9 or 10 ?

    Basile Carle - Contestar

    Looks like there is another chip hidden. Left side of A10chip, in between capacitors - try to xray or remove the material

    humanresourceac - Contestar

    You mean the inductor coil?

    Dan -

    3 GBytes Ram on iPhone when the 4Gbyte Ram of new macbook are considered enough by Apple. This phone is a real beast. The one Gbyte of iPhone 6 plus isn't enough for multitasking with the new updates of apps. A really huge step forward. The gap between iPads and iPhone is closing.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    The Avago chips are really Broadcom chips. Avago announced its intention to acquire Broadcom in May 2015. The acquisition was completed in February 2016. Avago decided to exist under the Broadcom name, as it was more well known than the relatively new Avago (which formerly was part of Agilent, which itself was a spin-off from Hewlett-Packard).

    bobmcd50 - Contestar

    It is not "MDM9645M". It is MDM9645.

    JJ Wu - Contestar is showing the Invensense 773C chip on the same board.

    Geeky1 - Contestar

    Here is also a link to the translated article.

    Geeky1 - Contestar

    Very surprised that Ifixit would miss such an identifiable chip. Especially after having so much time to correct it. Could something foul be afoot with the politics in which they "teardown"?

    dseigel - Contestar

    Can't say for certain. I just find it bizarre that no US teardown has identified this chip but several others internationally have.

    Geeky1 -

    what is inside "Universal Scientific Industrial O1 X4"? There are two similar parts on the main board.

    JJ Wu - Contestar


    Ivan Xie - Contestar

    i want to know what is the middle ic of ( green/yellow/blue/ )

    Under the Avago AFEM-8065 Power Amplifier Module ic

    what ic is that ..i want to replace that ic .. coz i have buy a iphone 7 plus with 3g 4g issue ..and someone remove that ic from the m.board ..plzzz help me to find that ic..thanks

    kasun ruwanga - Contestar

    There are 2 antenna connector at the bottom of the front logic board. Can someone ID what are the two for? One plug into a signal cable from the loud speakers and the other came from the thin film lightning connector assembly. Why the loud speaker have a signal/antenna cable?

    tandylan - Contestar

  14. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 15, imagen 1 de 1
    • Ahora en la parte de atrás: ¡otro campo de circuitos integrados!

    • Toshiba THGBX6T0T8LLFXF 128 GB NAND Flash

    • Módulo Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Murata 339S00199

    • Controlador NFC NXP PN67V

    • CI de Administración de Potencia Dialog 338S00225

    • CI de Administración de Potencia Qualcomm PMD9645

    • Transceptor LTE Multimodo Qualcomm WTR4905

    • Transceptor RF Qualcomm WTR3925

    Which SKU of iphone7+ are you tearing down? Does it support CDMA?

    sameer vora - Contestar

    The wifi module is done by Murata again. And it seems to provide another chip above the blue one?

    BTW where is the motion sensor, i.e., the accelometer and gyro?

    Jie Zou - Contestar

    Sameer Vora - There is only one. The iPhone has been CDMA+GSM since the "World Phone" of the iPhone 4S

    Steven Gergus - Contestar

    Not true - The 7 now has 4 part numbers: 2 for the CDMA (7 & 7+) and 2 for the GSM (7 & 7+) . IIRC - the GSM only models have Intel Modems - but no CDMA support.

    Nikon1 - Contestar

    TLC again! Is it a 3D NAND?

    Yifan - Contestar

    How is the Bluetooth antenna compared to the one on the 6S Plus? Bluetooth performance is particularly important for me since I've invested in wireless earbuds with a weak RX. 6S Plus works fine but there's always room for improvement.

    nametemp - Contestar

    Has anyone noticed the lack of an envelope tracker on the Qualcomm version of the iPhone 7??

    Anshel Sag - Contestar

    Of course there isn't place for an FM analog radio receiver. I will die and iPhones will still snob the traditional free analog radio. Mobile carriers love people paying for listening radio during commuting. Apple doesn't even produce an adapter for radio. One of the few topics that android phones are betters.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

    The model is A1785 according to the first post. This means this is the Japan model. If what I hear is correct, this means that the chips in this model are different than those around the world. This has to do with the FeliCa chip that Apple said would be available in "iPhones sold in Japan." What I would like to know is what a teardown of a non-Japanese iphone 7 has in terms of NFC chips. I wonder because there would be a difference of "We only advertise FeliCa in Japan (but the hardware is there)" as opposed to "We only include the hardware for FeliCa in the Japanese SKUs, A1779 (iphone 7) or A1785 (iPhone 7 Plus)." As someone who travels to Japan (and has Suica/FeliCa cards), this would be useful to know.

    Charles Rosenberg - Contestar

  15. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 16, imagen 1 de 1
    • ¡Pero, espera, hay aún más circuitos integrados en la parte trasera!

    • Apple/Cirrus Logic 338S00105 Audio Codec

    • Amplificador de Audio (x2) Cirrus Logic 338S00220

    • Semiconductor de celosía iCE5LP4K iCE FPGA

    • Skyworks SKY13702-20 Módulo de recepción de diversidad

    • Skyworks SKY13703-21 Módulo de recepción de diversidad

    • Avago LFI630 183439

    • Multiplexor de puerto de pantalla CBTL1610A3 de NXP Semiconductor (probable)

    it should be lattice iCE5LP4K . what is the purpose for this ? any advantage with it ?

    william0312 - Contestar

    Thanks for the Audio Codec and Amplifier info!!

    Barry Wilson - Contestar

    As usual Apple exept the panel of iPhone, purchases everything from third suppliers.

    Agnostos Gnostos - Contestar

  16. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 17, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 17, imagen 2 de 2
    • Sólo unos pocos últimos circuitos integrados en la placa lógica:

    • Módulo de conmutación de antena TDK EPCOS D5315 (probable)

    • IC de cargador de batería SN2400AB0 de Texas Instruments (probable)

    • Texas Instruments TPS65730A0P CI de administración de energía

    • Controladores de retroiluminación Texas Instruments LM3539

    • Administración de energía Texas Instruments SN61280

    • ON Semiconductor DC-DC Converter (probable)

    • Y como siempre, ¡gracias a nuestros expertos en silicio de Chipworks por ayudarnos a identificar los circuitos integrados clave en juego! Dirígete a su página de desmontaje para un análisis en profundidad del hardware de control del iPhone 7.

    Is there any dimension numbers?

    Hmil2017 - Contestar

  17. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 18, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 18, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 18, imagen 3 de 3
    • Al levantar el altavoz fuera del teléfono, encontramos unos bonitos contactos de resortes y algo de malla para protección de acceso.

    • Además de compartir similitudes de diseño con los altavoces en el 6 Plus y 6S Plus, el altavoz en el 7 Plus tiene una extremedidad de antena conocida.

    If the lightning port is not smooth with the body the phone will fail when submerged in water?

    Bubs - Contestar

  18. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 19, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 19, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 19, imagen 3 de 3
    • Hay pequeños cables cinta que sujetan el ensamblaje de conector Lightning a los micrófonos que están firmemente adheridos a la rejilla del altavoz.

    • Como predecimos, las rejillas del altavoz tienen una protección de acceso para mantener las partes internas secas.

    • Y por si no lo has notado, este ensamblaje de conector Lightning es gigante. Como en generaciones anteriores, está moderadamente adherido y se remueve sin inconvenientes de la carcasa trasera.

    • Este ensamblaje de cable también cuenta con el sellado más substancial que hemos visto en un conector de Lightning. Mientras que los modelos del año pasado usaban adhesivo de espuma para que no entren agua y polvo, éste presenta un sellado total de goma capaz de contener una columna de agua de 50 metros.

    I think the 50m water resistance is apple watch 2's feature, not iphone 7's.

    ruoungon - Contestar

    QUOTE: "capable of holding back a 50 meter column of water"

    Really?! I thought the iPhone 7 models were IP67 - meaning they should withstand ingress from 1m of water for 30 minutes

    biowizard - Contestar

    I think I found the baro sensor, it's underneath the lower left mic, sharing the same port.

    Tom Chai - Contestar

    The gasket itself perhaps can hold back a 50m column of water.

    Rick Bargerhuff - Contestar

    Me thinks steps 18 & 19 got swapped

    coodie - Contestar

    Whoops! Fixed, thanks!

    Andrew Optimus Goldheart -

  19. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 20, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 20, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 20, imagen 3 de 3
    • La resistencia al agua ha sido ofrecida como la gran característica nueva en el iPhone 7 Plus —¿pero qué es lo que en realidad lo hace resistente al agua? La evidencia está en todos lados:

    • Imagen 1 y 2: un tapón plástico de expulsión SIM con una junta de goma.

    • Imagen 3: una junta de goma en la bandeja SIM.

    • Las juntas de goma y los tapones no son tecnología nueva, pero son efectivos para mantener el líquido y el polvo fuera de tu teléfono. Pero hay un costo—cuando reemplaces un componente tendrás que asegurarte de poner la junta en su lugar y que selle bien, lo que tiende a ser un paso complicado adicional.

  20. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 21, imagen 1 de 1
    • Hagamos una pausa en nuestra excavación de la carcasa trasera y nos tomamos un momento para examinar el ensamblaje de pantalla y sus respectivas partes.

    • Desde la cara frontal, la pantalla se ve idéntica a las pantallas de 1920-por-1080 que sacamos de los iPhone 6 y 6s, pero hay algunos cambios notables: Este chico soporta una gama de colores P3 más amplia que sus hermanos mayores y es 25% más brillante.

    • También notamos un indicador de daño por agua en el borde izquierdo del escudo EMI de la pantalla. Este aparato puede ser resistente al agua, pero parece que Apple no se hará responsable si llevas tu teléfono a nadar.

  21. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 22, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 22, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 22, imagen 3 de 3
    • Después de liberar unos pocos tornillos estándar Phillips, el altavoz auricular se cae prácticamente desde abajo de la cámara frontal.

    • Este altavoz auricular nuevo realiza dos funciones—por primera vez, también sirve como altavoz, dándole al iPhone sonido estéreo para esos momentos cuando necesites rockear y no tengas ningún lugar para enchufar tus auriculares.

    • El ensamblaje de cable de la cámara frontal es algo más problemático. Normalmente cuando nos sirven algo tan enredado, viene con albóndigas.

    • En total los componentes superiores son:

    • Cámara frontal

    • Micrófono MEMS

    • Altavoz estéreo

    • Sensor de luz ambiente y de proximidad

  22. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 23, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 23, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 23, imagen 3 de 3
    • Más tornillos tripunto sujetan el botón de inicio y la placa escudo de LCD.

    • Pero, por suerte, no hay adhesivo en la placa escudo de LCD — y los cables están bien gestionados.

    • No hay mucho para ver aquí, así que quitamos rápidamente la placa escudo y nos dirigimos hacia el inicio, es decir el botón de inicio.

    Has the possibility to swap the flat button extender home like the iphone 6s

    atlantisgfx - Contestar

    为什么中国的iPhone7 LCD屏盖板上有粘合剂?把屏幕排线和盖板粘在了一起

    FlyingPig - Contestar

  23. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 24, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 24, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 24, imagen 3 de 3
    • Lo último en dejar el ensamblaje de pantalla: el botón de inicio.

    • Es más como un sensor táctil de inicio en realidad. Nada de botones.

    • Dispositivos Análogos AD7149 Controlador de Sensor de Capacitancia

    • Para aquellos que esperan conteniendo el aliento, parece que el botón de inicio de estado sólido es removible. No será un procedimiento simple, con tripuntos pequeños y adhesive ligero en el cable—pero no hay más una junta delicada para reemplazar. En general, es un paso en la dirección correcta.

    • Un botón de inicio reemplazable es una buena noticia para los consumidores. El botón de inicio mecánico ha sido un punto de falla en iPhones pasados. Si bien nuestros datos muestran que la confiabilidad del botón de inicio es mejor en el 6 y 6s comparado con el 5 y 5s, todavía hay cerca de 100.000 personas que usaron nuestra guía de reparación de Botón de inicio de iPhone 6.

    • Adicionalmente, el cambio por un botón no mecánico debería mejorar la confiabilidad en general y reducir la necesidad de reemplazo. Sin mencionar que se ve estupendo bajo el rayo X.

    How is the home button waterproofed? It looks like it just sits on top of the glass but that can't be right...

    Steven Gergus - Contestar

    The home button acts like a plug, with wedged sides pressing on the screen from above. The screw actually pulls the button in to seal tightly.

    Tom Chai -

    If it doesn't 'move' for normal operation, why is the home button removable? I'm anxious to feel these in action.

    lwwells - Contestar

    The home button still implements the touch ID circuitry so it needs to be removable in order to replace.

    Rick Bargerhuff -

    If I recall, not everyone can replace the home button on the previous iPhone because there was a chip on the cable that has some data that's tied to the specific motherboard (apple citing that it was a security feature). Only a reprogram at Apple can "pair" a new home button to a phone. I wonder if this is like that? But without any moving parts, it's a lot more reliable of course.

    Ryo Saeba - Contestar

    Yes the home button needs to be paired so after replacing my screen and new home button. It doesn’t work. And it’s $399 for apple to fix it without Apple care

    Daniel L - Contestar

  24. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 25, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 25, imagen 2 de 2
  25. Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 26, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPhone 7 Plus: paso 26, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¡Y el gran final! Con el iPhone 7 Plus todo desarmado, alineamos nuestros premios para inspección.

    • Pero no por mucho tiempo—tenemos otro aparato de avanzada que vendrá pronto desde Cupertino. ¡Estén atentos!

    • Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros amigos de Nikkei por prestarnos su espacio de oficina para hacer lo que sabemos hacer mejor.

    Did/could you guys put the phone back together into working order. Did ya fix it?!

    fullard108 - Contestar

  26. Consideraciones Finales
    • La batería se puede acceder de forma directa. Para removerla se requieren destornilladores y conocimiento de técnicas para remover adhesivos, pero no es difícil.
    • El botón de inicio de estado sólido elimina un punto común de falla.
    • La protección mejorada contra el agua y el polvo reduce la necesidad de reparaciones asociadas con el daño ambiental y derrames accidentales (pero además hace las reparaciones más difícil).
    • En ensamblaje de pantalla continua siendo el primer componente que sale, simplificando la reparación de pantalla, pero el procedimiento se ha vuelto más complicado con las medidas mejoradas de resistencia al agua.
    • Con la adición de tornillos tripunto, muchas de las reparaciones de iPhone 7 Plus requerirán hasta cuatro tipos diferentes de destornilladores.
    Calificación de Reparabilidad
    Reparabilidad 7 de 10
    (10 es lo más fácil de reparar)

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153 comentarios

%#*@ i was so eagerly waiting for this ! I'm like ifixit hasn't uploaded the first set of teardown and here we go

yazdanbanaji - Contestar

Me too! Love their work.

Colin Baines -

Has anyone tried to remove the home "button" yet? Worried about being able to transfer touch id to replacement screens......

rneeley - Contestar

I think the home button is still transferrable to replacement screen based on the screws right under its plate, it should have a small connector to the LCD assembly itself.

iTechshark MO -

That it what I am hoping based on the video that came out Wednesday, but then they did not remove it. I own a repair shop, I am sitting on the edge of my seat here ;)

rneeley -

Same thing here lol

iTechshark MO -

Somebody in China beat ifixit to it and did a full teardown. The home button is transferable.

Tom Chai -

Tom - Do you have a link?

rneeley -

Re Home "button" replacement. I was under the impression a new "button" still needs to be calibrated to recognize all previous finger prints. I am not completely positive this is still the case. (?)

jchagman -

If you save your original home button and swap it to the new screen before you close it up, it is still paired to the motherboard. Sometimes the Touch ID won’t work but it’s hit or miss.

Daniel L -

Are you going to teardown model A1784 to see if it does indeed have an Intel modem?

andrewdavidharvey - Contestar

It's all about the modem here. Big thing is for me: if Qualcamm, what model, X12? How many antennas, 4x4?

Nick Roosevelt -

Yes, its Qualcomm LTE Cat 12 modem which is capable of 650Mbps downlink speed. But stupid Apple folks have restricted it to 450 Mbps to match with inferior Intel modem on some models. Intel is Cat 10 modem capable of max 450Mbps

shreyassv123 -

I'd be interested to know if iPhone 7 not sold in Japan contains "FeliCa Type-F NFC contactless technology,"

msulistio - Contestar

I second this! Look forward to maybe hearing from you guys.

Sam Lewis -

The same NXP 67V04 chip is installed also in the AT&T model.

koyama -

what is the difference of this iPhone compared to the one they sell in USA?

george allo -

It appears the Home button is screwed in. The LCD shield looks like it will be fun to remove since the display cable is now in the middle left of it instead of at the top.

Kevin Stuckey - Contestar

I am zooming in trying to find a cable, so far I can't find one coming off the button. I know the folks at iFixit have to take their time and do a complete teardown (and upload and type out info), I just wish they would skip ahead a little ;) - We all know the logic board will come out ;)

rneeley -

Thats pretty much same layout of LCD/Digitizer in iPad Air located on the lower right side with the addition of another flex for front facing cam on iPhone 7 series.

iTechshark MO -

The cable might be routed under the LCD back plate and thats what I am hoping, Apple will be insane having the home button built in the LCD assembly, maybe next year but not that year lol

iTechshark MO -

Ya, It does have a resemblance to the iPad Mini 4 too (oddly enough did two of those this week, of four total I have seen). We should all know very soon hopefully. We all know the fruit company would like to kill all the small repairs shops off and force people to their stores, but then again I am in a fairly large city with no store for 2.5 hours in any direction...

rneeley -

Will this iPhone have USB 3.0, like the iPad Pro?! Haha.

hyperintel13 - Contestar

no, Lightning port on iPhone 7 does not have pins on both sides like iPad Pro 12.9"

joel -

The flex cable appears to go off on the right of the Home button and there seems to be an extension cable that connects to it near the rightmost screw. You can see a small bubble in the cable between the LCD shield and Home button shield??.

Kevin Stuckey - Contestar

You are right, thats what I was saying a minute ago.

iTechshark MO -

Also I am kinda feeling that the home button/touch ID will be easier to transfer than previous model with no adhesive, it seems its just a plate screwed in the button.

iTechshark MO -

Also if you look at the photo closely, there is a flex on the right side of the home button ( its on the left side on the 6 /6S series ) so I am kinda positive that the home button/touch ID is transferrable based on a close up of the photo with a zoom in the right side of the home button.

iTechshark MO - Contestar

I agree with you!

Kevin Stuckey -

OK, I see what your talking about. Their is also a little hump on the right that is probably the connection point. Looking at the screw in the center of the button, maybe it comes out the front like the track-pad on a macbook. That shield should be lots of fun, I am betting the LCD flex is glued over.

rneeley -

Yup that sounds right except that the screw is just sitting to hold the button on place and not to adjust its tactile feedback since its not mechanical.

iTechshark MO -

"Two separate sensors, two lenses, and two sets of optical image stabilizers." So OIS on both lenses/sensors?

Holger - Contestar

Yes indeed ! You got the right mate ! Despite people's claims on the telephoto lens not having the OiS it's crystal clear from this teardown that it indeed does have one

yazdanbanaji -

Based on Apple , its just one mechanical OIS and the second one is just software controlled so its just one OIS as far as I can tell.

iTechshark MO -

No I don't think so, the electromagnetic coils of the 56mm unit only move the lens back and forth for focusing. The 28mm unit you can clearly see the coils and the magnets that allow it to move side to side.

garyliao2001 -

You are right, didn't notice the coils at all.

iTechshark MO -

I can confirm that the touch ID/home button is screwed in a plate with 3 screws to pull it off and the button itself is screwed to the middle of the shield with one , cheers guys, its gonna be transferrable :)

iTechshark MO - Contestar

Good! Now I can sleep soundly tonight knowing I still have a job for the next year :)

Kevin Stuckey -

We all have businesses for another year then Ed :) -- Can not wait to see the pictures, and especially do my own teardown (I am on the east cost of the US, so I have 8-9 hours to wait on Fedex still.)

rneeley -

Haha you are %#*@ right, one more year in repair business lol

iTechshark MO -

Not like many of us get much Samsung business anymore... Most of my customers faint or hang up when I tell them how much to fix an S7 Edge screen... Looking into the freezing technique, but not eager to spend a could grand on a maybe....

rneeley -

Awesome job ifixit. $&@".?

Alber Einsten - Contestar

You are always so professional

Dorothy - Contestar

Great work!! Can't wait to see the speaker on the top !

Barry Wilson - Contestar

Please do provide a detailed review of the new NFC chip that features FeliCa technology exclusively for the Japanese model A1784.


AKari Kamigishi - Contestar

Please also tear down the 3.5mm to lightning cable to determine what type of DAC it uses

Pasko - Contestar

Yes, please do this someone!

Dan Parsons -

And the earphones ~~ DD

Henryplusone -

Are we sure this uses a DAC and the lightning port isn't just capable of outputting an analog signal?

lwwells -

Indeed I am also dying to know what the DAC situation is!

Foo Bar -

I've had one of these adapters since Thursday -- if I had know it was going to take this long, I would have just torn mine down and published the results on my own blog! The reveal of the third amp is a serious indicator Apple has modified its MFi specs, and now allows analogue output from Lightning. That's a HUGE deal.

Mac 128 -

Yes also very keen to find this info out. Chop-chop ifixit (literally)!

shrike8 -

I'd like to see the SIM tray portion that this mechanism is how to achieve water resistance IPx7.

ao11oaray - Contestar

Nice teardown!

How about gyro?

STM or Invensense?

john smith - Contestar

I am guessing the rectangular chip besides those front-end modules in step 14 is the gyro/accelometer. It becomes such a weird shape because Apple wants both a low-energy 3-axis and an accurate 6-axis in one module. If my theory is right, the marker on that chip hints STM.

Jie Zou -

It is the latest INVN chip

Someone who knows -

Hey someone who knows why are you so sure? In the 6 there were two separate gyros, a Bosch 3-axis and an Invensense 6-axis: Is this a new part (combo 3 and 6-axis)?

John -

It is 6-axis Invensense and yes, I am very sure for reasons not related to this article.

Someone who knows -

7 and 7 plus accelerometer response is different ,so wonder if 7 still use Bosch acce like iphone 6.

john smith -

It appears to be an invensense chip. You can see it on the Chinese version...

Geeky1 -

Since the other link is now dead here is another!

Geeky1 -

So what is reparability score ?

Fahad Muneeb - Contestar

Would like to see what's going on inside the 3.5mm adapter.

Paul Weston - Contestar

+1! And there are chips in earphones, too. Crack it!~ DD

Henryplusone -

What is the model number of this phone ?

Sathish S - Contestar

model number: A1785.

skemhey -

Apple A10 Fusion APL1W24 SoC - made by TSMC or Samsung?

Lets teardown A1784..

skemhey - Contestar

100% made in TSMC. That is old news.

Jie Zou -

Wow, amazing. The battery is the same of 6 Plus.

Marco Tini - Contestar

I wonder, if I teardown and reassemble again will it be water resistant after re-assembly? as I can see there were some glue while opening the phone.

dhanesh shastri - Contestar

Who supplied the gyroscope and accelometer? Traditionally it is near those front-end modules.

Jie Zou - Contestar

Any changes to the proximity sensor and front camera?

tohff7 - Contestar

You complimented them.

ayushiagrawal42 -

Are you sure home bouton is transferable : supplier in china send me some photo and it s appear the home home flex is laser soldered on the metal frame

sylvainA FR - Contestar

Lets teardown A1784..

skemhey - Contestar

How does Apple get stereo from only one speaker? Or does the photo of the speaker in step 19 show a divider in the middle that "separates" two small speakers? If so, how does one call this "stereo" when the two speakers are so close together? And why do the diagrams on Apple's website show lines pointing to the two grilles on the bottom of the phone, with the legend describing them as "Stereo speakers", when the iFixit teardown shows that the left-hand grille doesn't actually have a speaker behind it, contrary to Apple's diagram? And why do some of Apple's own diagrams point to a supposed second speaker towards the top of the phone, though the iFixit teardown found no such speaker there?

johnsawyercjs - Contestar

The receiver speaker - that is, the speaker you hold up to your ear when you make a phone call, is the "second speaker" they're using for stereo sound now.

Dan Parsons -

Thanks. It took me a while to figure that out.

So it seems that the second speaker is a beefier version of the ear speaker at the top of the phone, shown above the display in step 5. If so, since this speaker is front-facing, and the speaker at the bottom is downward/side-facing, this might not give a normal stereo image, but it has the advantage of delivering sound along two planes instead of one, so that whether you're facing the front of the phone or its lower end, you'll still have one speaker pointed towards you, which should deliver better clarity than having neither speaker pointed towards you. Of course, if you have the phone sitting on a table and you're facing one of the two sides or the top end of the phone, you won't have a speaker pointed towards you, but you'll still have the front-facing speaker emitting sound up and out, and sound reflecting upward off the table from the bottom-facing speaker, so there will still be good diffusion of sound, and some stereo separation.

johnsawyercjs -

Looks like iPhone 7 Plus has Qualcomm Modem on both CDMA and non CDMA versions !!

shreyassv123 - Contestar

But where is the screen teardown??

edenadinar - Contestar

It seems more modular than 6s and earlier. Are there more easily replaceable parts?

John Gough - Contestar

Unanswered question, what model, if any, uses Intel Modem.

Is there really a specific NFC-F ( Felica ) hardware or is it all software?

K Sec - Contestar

Any thoughts about "BENDGATE" - as this phone is lighter than last year's model, will it be bendy, like the original 6-plus? Or pretty rigid, like the 6S-plus? What type of aluminium have they used this year?

biowizard - Contestar

It's extremely rigid.

max damage -

Anybody know who makes the 'Proximity sensor and ambient light sensor' shown in step 21?

PrettyFlyWiFi - Contestar

What about the 3.5mm adapter? Does it contain a dac?

George Papamichail - Contestar

can you measure the different dimensions of the two camera sensors?

simonesala - Contestar

This Looks like much easier display-replacement - right?

Naderio LP - Contestar

Tear down the adapter please! Dac and amp info needed!

John - Contestar

Repairability: Madness

Ivan - Contestar

So Felica is available for all iPhone models. I wonder if tourists can use Felica in Japan?

Staubchen - Contestar

iFixit! Where can we get hi-res images of these?

mooo - Contestar

IPhone 7

Audio ICs

The iPhone 7 still uses the same Apple/Cirrus Logic 338S00105 Audio Codec as in the iPhone 6S, but the Audio Amplifier has changed to the new 338S00220. (previously 338S1285).

We found not just 2 but 3 Audio Amplifiers - we speculate there is one audio amplifier for for each of the two speakers, and the third amplifier is for the headphone via the Lightning port.

The third Audio amplifier is situated next to the Applications Processor Module with 3 black blobs on it. It was discovered during de-soldering of the A10 applications processor. When the blob was scraped off, it was an ‘oh wow, there are 3 audio amps!’ kind of discovery. Chipworks has a Basic Functional Analysis Report of the Apple/Cirrus Logic 338S1285.

Note******** ifixit teardown report only lists 2 audio amps ....Chipworks discovered the third amp

marty - Contestar

Could you measure the dimensions of the A10 Fusion chip? That would be very useful calculation die size! Also, high-res photo's of the A10 would be much appreciated :)

Ewout - Contestar

anyone knows something about light and proximity sensors?

Gianluca Bertuzzo - Contestar

which ram is right for 7plus ?2gb?3gb?

wei wang - Contestar

Wow you guys are like display mate for tearing down phones.

rafaelbreban - Contestar

"Hopefully Apple didn't remove anything important." haha

Dylan - Contestar

Will you guys tear down the 3.5mm adapter?

rafaelgil2006 - Contestar

Does anybody know if the 7 plus is using saphire glass? Or is it (like it was shown in a video earlier on the regular 7) only using Gorilla Glass.

han - Contestar

You missed a third audio amplifier. Directly above the "A" in "A10" on the processor, there is a chip with 3 black blobs on it. It's the amplifier for the lightning port to headphone adapter.

spaceywilly - Contestar

Yes, that third amp is a significant discovery implying a major change to Apple's MFi specs. In which case its a huge reversal of position, and will lead to a flood of cheap analogue audio products previously not possible, not to mention significant confusion as to just exactly what a "Lightning" equipped product means. My adapter didn't work on my SE until I updated to iOS 10. That shouldn't have been necessary as Apple already has published Lightning audio specs -- unless they changed something significant. So suddenly its not an inexpensive digital adapter with a DAC and amp, its a very expensive port connector changer.

Mac 128 -

Great job! Very interesting and informative! Like your lite hearted easy to read writing!

orion2000 - Contestar

Nice teardown.... Looks like we have most of the tools available @RadioShack. Ah tri-wings... just like the McDonalds toys.

Radio Shack SLO - Contestar

Can somebody help crack my iPhone 6S encryption?? I forgot my passcode and only 2 more attempts before lock out.

hdtv720p - Contestar

what is the difference on the 1784 model?

I see everyone asking for a teardown. Is it better than the rest of them?

george allo - Contestar

Any idea what the part is between the RF front-end (between the Skyworks part and Avago PAMs)?

Harold - Contestar

The stereo speakers function in such a way, that if you do watch a video on your phone or if you tilt your phone sideways, there will be a left and right speaker, both working to create a stereo sound. Most people do use their iPhone sideways to view videos, so this will certainly be noticeable to them.

Jose Toscano - Contestar

I'd love to see a review of this. I can't imagine how they are going to make two different speakers sound the same, much less where one faces the listener, and the other points of to the side.

Mac 128 -

What about reassembly? It looks like a lot of the waterproofing is either a) lost, or b) significantly disturbed from the teardown. With reassembly, do we have to completely remove the waterproofing and reapply? If not, does it go back together imperfectly, due to gobs of the waterproofing building up during disassembly?

I wonder if you couldn't spray the entire internals with waterproofing, after the fact? It would make future mods/repairs basically impossible, but would improve/restore the initial waterproofing.

To all the rocket surgeons and techies out there, what're your thoughts?

bsquirdoff - Contestar

Can anyone explain why Apple keeps changing their screw heads? I'm genuinely curious to know how this is better than torx or pentalobe.

Ivy Wlrs - Contestar

The homebutton is almost the same venkat from

venkatramt - Contestar

I was wondering if phones get taken apart for repairability grading, do any of these phones get put back together? :)

Peter Shen - Contestar

How about the flash lights? They claimed to be 4 LEDs.

WPG - Contestar

why 4 different types of drivers? star for the bottom two screws, tri point for the new type and the obvious normal screw?

Krayzee - Contestar

Hello there ,

I have a question , what size are the tri-points screws (Y000, 1 or 2)??

because i have the classic Pro tech toolkit and i just want to make sure if i have the right tools or not!

Thank you guys

Ibrahim - Contestar

Did you specify the IMU package?

Is this the new IPS LCD panel from JDI? I have read it uses the second generation Low Temperature Polysilicon backplanes, which in another article fueled a rumor that a higher resolution panel was going to used due to the power savings.

Is the lightening port data throughput the same as the previous iPhone 6s Plus, or the updated standard used in the iPad Pro?

Have you confirmed that there is analog audio available now from the lightning port?

Michael Balzer - Contestar

How about the flash lights? They claimed to be 4 LEDs.

txlcdsupplier - Contestar

I have a question. Did Apple use any technology from printed electronics, like silver ink, in the latest iPhone?

lol - Contestar

If history is any guide as ALL Apple products have InvenSense gyros then we will see an integrated single 6 Axis from InvenSense. The Apple Watch must use a single 6 axis for everything to reduce power.

The only question is did Apple use InveSense GPS navigation Software?

Apple obviously has reduced GPS run time and rides the 6 Axis to reduce power consumption by up to 80% off time. This is what InveSense software specializes in and it has to be in the iWatch.

Will Apple do their own dead reconning algorithms or use InveSense SW?

KrisCo - Contestar

I found a write up on a Chinese site that shows the Invensense Chip.

Also here is a pic of its location:

Geeky1 -

Can anyone confirm if the camera lens cover and Home button are still sapphire? A few people have said, well, that they aren't.

Chris Brighton - Contestar

Can a 6+ or 7+ battery suitable on a 6s+

shrini23 - Contestar

Porque vocês não me dar um iphone, ao invés de quebrar-lo

fabinhod500 - Contestar

Porquê vocês não me dar um iphone ao invés de quebrar-lo

fabinhod500 - Contestar

I never understand why it takes so long for folks to figure out the accelerometers / gyros... It's nice to see that others have already identified the InvenSense 773C but I wish iFixit had figured it out first. Is this a living document? Will additional chips and information be added as the rest of the world figures it out? Regardless, great teardown guys! Thank you for doing this year after year!

Bob Powers - Contestar

It would be interesting to know who makes the microphone(s). That's a small but important piece that few ever take much notice of.

Bob Powers - Contestar

Is the camera sensor same as on 6s plus? I'm asking about the pixel and resolution. Not just the 12 megapixel total resolution. I know there is a new image processor. That's not the question. I want to know if this new sensor resolves for a better image quality than the iPhone 6 s plus. Practically speaking, is it (the 7 plus camera image sensor) a better film? Better pixels? Knowing the optics are improved for better optical resolution.

gwwakim - Contestar

Compared a 7+ Jet Black to and 7+ Black and find the lightning connector is not flush on the Jet Black. Has a sharp edge protruding past the phones surface. Is this normal?

Bubs - Contestar

If your lightning port is not flush it is not IP67?

Bubs - Contestar

Does anyone know if there is any place that sells the parts of the IPhone 7 plus? I am a new repairer so I want to know where I can find these parts and also the screws and screwdrivers that were used to assemble this. I tried searching this online but most online shops have only iPhone 6s plus parts at the most.


Gypsum Chen - Contestar

iPhone 7 and now Google Pixel...which smartphone is best for us?

Just purchased the iphone 7 recently from wantITbuyIT and now im waiting for google pixel. The battery life is good unless you are doing something that involves a lot of processing power.

Jenny Jonson - Contestar

More importantly did apple FIX the problem that causes Touch Disease in the iphone 6Plus and 6sPlus? you guys never took close photos of the chips to show if they had the epoxy potting that they should have.

timgray1 - Contestar

A question: the power button has the rubber around or something for the waterproofing, like the sim tray?

Michele - Contestar

There are indeed gaskets in the buttons, you can see them in the iPhone 7 teardown!

Sam Goldheart -


Gaonan - Contestar

Does anyone know what series of aluminum the iPhone 7 plus uses? Thanks.

Albert B. Lopez - Contestar

after replacing the touch pad of the 7plus the gps seems to jump around when on google map?

Riaan - Contestar

I want to know the place of ic Audio plz !?

s12.s13 - Contestar

Where is the GPS in the I phone seven

Robert Graves - Contestar

I was replacing an iPhone 7 Plus screen and when I opened the phone up all the screws looked stripped. So I had to figure out any which way to get the screws out. I did and then I replaced the screen. The magnetic cover that covers the phone’s battery/ and screen connectors bent a little. And I noticed that the silver screw female end that is supposed to be attached to the logic board wasn’t on the logic board it was attached to the cover would this cause the phone not to turn on?

Devin Jordan - Contestar

My iphone 7 plus screen recently broke and I’ve been told that the IC chip needs to be replaced. The phone won’t turn on. Will this affect the data (photos) stored on the phone?

Karishma Ahuja - Contestar

a cosa servono i 2 cavi coassiali ? quello dello speacker e quello de gruppo lightning?

thunderinparadise - Contestar

Translation: What are the 2 coaxial cables for? That of the speaker and that of the lightning group?

Dan -

Can y’all post how to fix a iPhone 7+ battery

Trap Sol0 - Contestar

My iPhone keep turn off without stopping

Vanessa Adjessa - Contestar

Best to create a question here Answers

Dan -

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