UPDATE: So after ordering another button board (LS-8501P) after the first replacement part was a dud, the computer works as it should. I can’t be sure until I desolder the button but it seems like it broke while being closed so it would immediately turn the laptop off when it would turn on. Thank you everyone who responded and gave me ideas and suggestions.
For those who may benefit from my attempts Before you solder — You must find the connection on the end on a multimeter as some TRRS connector ends are wired differently. Regardless of the color the wiring - HyperX headsets seem to always be wired as TRRS CTIA style: (You can usually find out on the product documentation page) Below is how I wired the HyperX Stinger Core with the color wires as reference. Tip - Left Audio ( Green ) Ring 1 - Right Audio ( Red ) Ring 2** - Ground (Striped Blue-Copper color + Copper outer “shell” of the White wire) (1) There may also be an additional colored wire as another ground. I had a Blue wire I attached to Ring 2 Sleeve - Mic ( White ) All of the wires must be “stripped” before soldering as they have thin enamel coating. Stripe the wires by using lighter to gently singe the coating off. Be careful as the wire will quickly catch fire if exposed to a flame too long. As for the Mic (white) wire, I recommend that you use the heat from the soldering iron to melt it off as I...