Hi, I have a bebop that took a swim. I placed it in rice which helps absorbs water and placed the container in the direct sun over two days and at night I put it in a box with a light on. Took it out and fired it up. It works , the only down side is the camera is a bit blurred.
Hi, I am interested in getting drones to work. I have 19, most are second hand. 14 are now going, with 5 on the working on them stage. One of the most important things I have found is to do your compass calibrations .
Hi, ok fair enough, but it has worked for me before . I don't open up the items, all I do is place them in the rice then place them it in direct sunlight and under the light globe. After that I open them and see how things look. In the bebops case all looked good so I fired it up.
Hi, I have had two p2 both bought used. It was obvious that one was well used and I didn't check it properly. So I pulled it down and found the compass lead loose. In fact it had broken away from the board. On further investigation I believe that the landing sensors are part of the compass so landing became crashing. On the second one I opened it up and made sure all the fittings were together properly before I flew it. After several failures with DJI I have come to the conclusion that their only interest is making money and not interested in customer service unless it gets them more money. The drone industry has just become a huge money hungry greedy industry. Buy a drone and it will not be supported within two years. Following in Apples footsteps.