El daño por líquidos en circuitos electrónicos se asemeja un poco a una masa para rebozados: el día que la usas es relativamente fácil de limpiar en la encimera, si esperas a hacerlo a la mañana siguiente, ya es otra historia. Lo mismo ocurre con los líquidos en los circuitos electrónicos.
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32 comentarios
Hi, ok fair enough, but it has worked for me before . I don't open up the items, all I do is place them in the rice then place them it in direct sunlight and under the light globe. After that I open them and see how things look. In the bebops case all looked good so I fired it up.
Dave - Contestar
It did not work. You think it worked because you did something. You could have wrapped up your phone in Toilet paper and probably would have received the same results. Be sure to use the extra absorbancy kind. What worked was evaporation, but the corrosion will remain.
jods kin -
All very true. And if the loquid contained any amount of sugar, you actually need to first scrub and rince the parts with demineralized water as sugar is almost not soluble in alcohol. Then you rince with alcohol to wash out the demineralized water so it will dry properly, as it could leave moisture in small parts otherwise.
And you can check for the water marks inside. if they haven’t change color than you’re lucky and liquids most probably didn’t get in.
I saved a few devices this way (scrubbing with demineralized water and/or alcohol, not the rice). The rice is actually worst than letting it dry vertically. Depending on the rice you use, and how you put the device in, you can get rice dust particles inside the device, which will get stuck to the water droplets, and potentially burn up when you power on the device depending on where the are.
But like you said, scrubbing still is not magic, if you waited too long, tried to turn on your devices, or dropped it in some peculiar mix, no amount of scrubbing will do. I once forgot an iPhone 5 in the washing machine, turned on (sleep mode). Let’s just say the full cycle with soap, banging, spinning (too make sure everything got real wet. Let’s just say that one never walked again. Who knew metal could get so green so fast…
Olivier Gagnon - Contestar
Almost every time we have had a customer bring a phone that has been in contact with rice, there is a piece stuck in the charge port and the headphone jack. So even if rice was able to dry your phone, you are possible damaging your phone by introducing foreign objects into the exposed ports.
Damon - Contestar
Just thinking about the amount of dust in rice makes me cringe when a person says that they put their phone in rice
clifpip - Contestar