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Publicar: Respuesta a "Problem with camera, error come up"
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Votantes: oldturkey03 (Decisión de Administrador)

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Problem with camera, error come up

I bought this Asus Tablet on April 4, 2014 from Lately, when I click on a camera and ready to take a picture, the error message comes up and ask to restart the tablet, it did it 4 or 5 times last night. I have tried to recovery the tablet and turn on the camera ready to take a picture again, but the same problem come up. Why! It is still under warranty, I bought an extend warranty. Please help!

Rep: 496.4mil



If you have tried a factory restore on your tablet and it still malfunctions after, obviously it is faulty. You need to check your extended warranty conditions and follow the instructions given by the warranty as what you need to do regarding a warranty claim for a repair or refund.