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Estas son algunas de las herramientas comunes que se utilizaron para trabajar en este dispositivo. Es posible que no necesites todas las herramientas para cada procedimiento.


For help discovering what may be malfunctioning on your Nokia 6236i, check out the Troubleshooting Guide.


The Nokia 6236i is designed to appeal to a wide range of users with a slim form factor, classic chrome accents, and a number of features. Introduced towards the end of 2005, this phone combines a lightweight yet sturdy structure with a speakerphone, a VGA camera, a 65,536 color screen, and an FM radio.

Although some may enjoy the compactness of this phone, it has led to issues as many struggle with the small buttons and tiny screen size. Furthermore, the innovative joystick feature of this phone can be difficult to use and is often pressed accidentally.


The model number (6236i) is found on the manufacturer label underneath the removable battery.

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Cal Poly, Team 10-46, Garner Spring 2010 Miembro de Cal Poly, Team 10-46, Garner Spring 2010


4 Miembros

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