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Estas son algunas de las herramientas comunes que se utilizaron para trabajar en este dispositivo. Es posible que no necesites todas las herramientas para cada procedimiento.


If you have any issues, several solutions are linked in the ASUS ROG G53SW-XT1 Troubleshooting troubleshooting page.


The ASUS ROG G53SW-XT1 was created in 2011 as a more compact version of the G73 series. Both models were designed with games and high-performance programs in mind. The G53SW is one of three version of the G53 series, which includes the G53JW and the G53SX.


The G53SW is distinguished from the G53JW and G53SX by its 5 -in-1 card reader and slightly smaller height.

There are few differences between the G73 and the G53 series beyond screen size, as both share the same internal components.

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