The Device is Not Charging
The charging indicator light is not illuminating when the device is plugged in. If the device is on, the battery tray icon on the bottom right of the desktop indicates the battery is not charging.
Faulty Power Adapter
Ensure the power adapter is plugged in and the charge light is on. If the light is not on, and the adapter is plugged in, the adapter is faulty. Consider purchasing a replacement adapter.
Faulty Battery
If the adapter is plugged in, and the light on the adapter is on, make sure the adapter is connected to the laptop. If the laptop only powers up when the adapter is plugged in, regardless of charging time, then the battery is faulty. Replace the battery using the Battery Replacement Guide.
The Device will Not Power On
The device does not respond when the power button is pressed.
The Device is in Service Mode
Service Mode is a Dell feature that cuts power to the system for service. Plug the charging cable into the device and press and hold the power button for at least 3 seconds. If the device was in service mode, it will exit service mode and power on.
Faulty Power Button on Keyboard
You need a functioning power button to turn on your device. If the device shows that it is charging but will not power on, there may be a problem with the power button.
The power button alone, or the entire keyboard may have failed. First, check to make sure that there are no crumbs or obstructions preventing you from fully pressing the power button.
The Device Can't Connect to WiFi.
The Device Can't Detect or Connect to any WiFi Networks.
Faulty WiFi Card
If the device does not detect any WiFi networks, there may be an error with the WiFi Card. Open the Windows start menu and search for "Device Manager". Open the Device Manager application. A list of all peripheral devices connected to the device should populate. Scroll down and find "Network Adapters".
If there is no WiFi network adapter listed, then the device does not recognize a connected WiFi adapter. Follow the guide Wifi Card Replacement to replace the WiFi Card.
If a WiFi card is on the list, then right-click it and choose view properties. On the General tab of the properties dialog, view the Device status. If the card is connected and working properly, the status will read "This device is working properly". If the device status states the device is not working properly, then follow the WiFi Card Replacement Guide.
WiFi Antenna Cables are not Connected to the Card
Even if you have a healthy WiFi Card, it will not function if the antenna cables are not connected to the card. Follow the guide Wifi Card Replacement and stop to check that the black and white antenna cables are connected to the WiFi Card. The connectors need to be properly seated, check to ensure that the connectors are not loose.
The Device can't Detect a Drive
The device displays an error message during boot that no boot device is found.
SSD is not Properly Seated
The SSD may not be fully connected to the device. Follow the SSD replacement guide and stop at step TBD "removing the SSD." Check that the Drive is fully seated and the 3 screws are in place to retain it. If the drive appears improperly seated, remove it and reinstall it correctly. If any of the 3 crews are missing that hold the drive in place, replace them.
Faulty SSD
If you checked that the SSD is properly seated and the device still does not detect a drive, the SSD may have failed. To replace the SSD, follow the SSD replacement guide.
The Device won't Produce any Sound
The device is not detecting the built-in speakers and the device does not produce any sound.
Speaker Cable Disconnected
The speaker cable is loose or disconnected. It needs to be removed to access components beneath the bottom bracket. It is possible that this cable was not fully reconnected during another repair. Check that the connector is properly inserted in the slot.
Faulty Speaker
If you have checked that the speaker cable is connected, then it is possible that the speakers have failed. You should replace the speaker at this point.
4 comentarios
Laptop will not come on ,I can hear it running but screen is black
Arlena Offutt - Contestar
I can hear my new laptop running but the screen is black nothing show up on the screen
Arlena Offutt - Contestar
I have a laptop but it doesn't have the battery, but only with the adapter, it doesn't start, where is the problem
shpend ahmeti - Contestar
After using "B" + Power Button to use Service Mode on my Latitude 5520, to perform a fan replacement (*), I was stuck in Service Mode, with no ability to use the machine on battery power.
(*) per Dell Service Manual 5520-sp15-sm-en-us.pdf
On a wild guess, I unplugged the battery from the motherboard and plugged it back in again (about a minute later), and Service Mode turned back off at the next power-up. Without that step, I could only use the machine with a charger plugged in.
dj wbro - Contestar