With a simple hooked-end machinists scribe, it was easy to gently lift each little tab forward from the front and then easily lift the back board (over the printhead screws) straight up.
All I needed to do to let the printhead be moveable is turn the unit off, then turn it on. The printhead moves to center, then unplug the unit. Now the printhead is easy to move.
This "unplug it" method is common to most CISS retrofits to most Epson printers and it is not supposed to hurt anything.
Since all I am replacing is the printhead, why do I need to remove the covers from the printer? In the later steps, you show clearly how to remove the printhead directly from the top front of the printer. Isn't that all I have to do to remove and replace the printhead?
After replacing the printhead on the Epson 1400, do I need to do some special kind of reset?