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I’m Leilani Babilonia-Bautista. I’m from Puerto Rico. I moved to Frisco in the 7th grade. I am a freshman at the University of North Texas. Once high school started, I joined the wrestling team, which quickly became my favorite hobby. The team was my safe space and my family. I made all of my best friends through wrestling. I learned leadership skills that I have applied to all aspects of my life.

I plan on majoring in Data Science. My initial attraction was to be a software engineer so I could work for Pinterest, but I talked to a few engineers in B&H Engineering, and they redirected me toward their boss. Their boss was a data science major and shared some new insights. I also wish to minor in cybersecurity.

I love my family and dogs. I have a yorkshire terrier, a weiner, and a mutt. They are all super sweet dogs. I love dressing them up with cute bows and dresses.

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Wikis en las que he contribuido









Es miembro desde 09/12/23
