Hello. I'm Collin Kidd a student at Austin Community College, currently studying Engineering. Then further pursing a career in Chemical Engineering with an overall goal of being a licensed Professional Engineer.
My Skills:
-American Sign Language
-Microsoft Office
-Problem solving
Projects: A self driving, obstacle avoiding toy car.
Here is an image of the car that myself a small team built and coded to use sonar technology to detect objects in its path and auto correct itself to avoid them. Using CAD I designed additional parts to hold the micro transmitters in place, and the circuit board on the car.
My most prevalent hobby related to my field of study, would be metal recycling, and blacksmithing. I melt down scrap metal, and refine it into either a pure metal, or create an alloy to either use myself and smith something, or sell it by the ingot.
Mis guías
Guías En Que Yo He Contribuido
Wikis en las que he contribuido
Collin Kidd
Austin Community College, Team 9-1, Watkins Fall 2022
Etiqueta de equipo: AUSTINCC-WATKINS-F22S9G1