I currently attend Clemson University.
My major is Mechanical Engineering - I chose this major because of it’s versitility and I really enjoy being able to imagine something, and see it become a physical object
I intend to work for an engineering firm in Greenville SC after I graduate. I prefer a good location to the actual work.
I worked in the engineering field in the Navy for about 6 years, so I developed a long list of skills that I can bring to the table in my degree field.
I’m pretty proud that I made my own wedding ring on a lathe out of a bolt on a submarine.
I am very hands on, and a little cheap, so I always try to fix things myself.
I am the current president of the Clemson Student Veterans Association.
I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, SCUBA diving, hunting, and being outdoors in general.
Our project is to repair a laptop, so since I use my laptop every day, maybe I can use thise experience to repair my own if something ever happens.
A fun fact about me is that I’ve been to the arctice circle
matthew morris
Clemson, Team 4-1, Hunter Fall 2021
Etiqueta de equipo: CLEM-HUNTER-F21S4G1