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Nikon Coolpix L810 Motherboard Replacement
This guide should be for beginners, Mr. Symeon Leriou, and you will not only write "Mobo", but also motherboard or Mainboard or Hauptplatine (deutsch)
But I agree with you that it is not complete.
The motherboard is soldered to the on / off board (power supply for the batteries).
Soldering again is almost impossible ...
Nikon Coolpix L840 LCD Screen Replacement
I haven't seen you unplug the ribbon cable and replace the slide play, you stopped in the middle of the repair, what's the point?
Nikon COOLPIX P7700 Reflective Mirror Replacement
And how can you calibrate, adjust?
Nikon COOLPIX P7700 LCD Screen Display Replacement
But the ribbon cable goes into the camera ... that's only half the repair ... what's the point?