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I was just tearing down this old HP printer because i got a new better one, and I came across something strange. It looks...
Leer másI have a 23 year old ecotic V6 4.3 letter engine. I recently used seafoam on a 8 year old engine in the oil as a cleaner...
Leer másI have a 1994 GMC sonoma. It is a manual transmission, so when I park it, I use the rear breaks (the E break). Recently I...
Leer másI have a 1997 GMC sonoma, and if you take your hand, and push/pull on the drive shaft sideways, it moves probably 16th of...
Leer másIn my 1994 GMC Sonoma SLS vin: Z truck, I am slowly loosing coolant. I don't see any leaks though. Is it possible to have...
Leer másI am about to replace the differential fluid and I figured I might as well replace the bearings while im there. What is...
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the only real thing you can do is double check the sensor, make sure its not dirty, then check the fuse, if that's fine, then I would suggest taking it to a mechanic.
Leer másTime to break out a screw driver, and some nice basic tools, and dig in boy. It sounds like the lock some how broke off of the mechanism, or a screw came out that held it to it. One or the other, there is no quick fix for this. Just open it up, and it should be quite obvious once you look at it.
Leer másHere you go. This should help.
Leer másWell this is an interesting one. First thing first, Lenovo sucks for replacement unique parts like the back plate of a yoga. I also have never seen a shop offer the option to fix dents in laptop bodies either. So unless you can find someone to go around with a real tiny rounded tool, I doubt it can be "fixed" but instead replaced. And with some searching around, I can't find any source for back panels for a yoga. So your only real option left would be to buy a dead yoga that you can use for spare parts, and that will be hard to find. So if you can find someone to buy a back panel off of, thats pretty much your only real bet.
Leer másLook through the settings. There should be a maintenance section and it should have a section about auto maintenance or auto cleaning. Best of luck!
Leer másYes. You could have done quite a lot of damage. I doubt the "water proofing" is damaged, but you could have punctured the microphone. I would say, do a phone call, or just install a recording app on your phone then play it back. If you damaged it in any way, it will sound BAD or completely inaudible.
Leer másThe only way to replace that would be to open up the phone, then solder the jack back on, or solder a new one on. How to solder:
Leer másLook under the lid of the fuse box. Should tell you.
Leer másI presume you have a soldering iron. If not, go buy a cheap one. they are not very expensive and will pay for it self in repairs. I also suggest heat shrink, but electrical tape works too. Now yes, those wires are VERY tiny and delicate, but you can do it. Here is a vid on how to splice wires. and this goes for any wires. Best of luck! And try not to pull out your hair when you break the cable in the process XD
Leer másOh this is fun! Okay you have a few options, you can either do a new install of win10, or if you want to use your old key (I presume a windows 7) you can do so as well. First you need to recover your key for windows if you don't already know it. Here is a good tutorial on that. Then go to Microsoft and get there installation tool. (you will have to use your key to download the tool. And it is a very large file, so put it on, then go make lunch!) Then all you do is boot from the USB stick that you put the installation tool on: Then just follow the simple steps on installing windows 7. The steps are pretty much the same for win10, you just have to look up how to see the key in win 10, and google "windows 10 download" and download the tool for windows 10. Hope this helps! It may be scary,...
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