drive won't show up and making clicking sound
off of a sudden my 2tb WD External stopped showing up and is making a clicking sound. is this thing toast?
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off of a sudden my 2tb WD External stopped showing up and is making a clicking sound. is this thing toast?
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Sadly, it likely is.
Here's a nice YouTube on what it looks like inside: How To Repair WD Clicking HDD?. Frankly this guy is trying to scare up some business with this vid.
In any case don't open it up like he did as you will make things much worse!
You need a clean room and very special tools to repair the drive if it can be. Often the heads snap off from a sharp bang. Think how a phonograph works with a record when you hit it you kill the record as the needle scratches it. A HD is no different, if you banged it you kill it. Data recovering services charge a lot so hopefully you have a backup.
Heres the WD TN on the causes: WD external hard drive makes a repeated clicking sound
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Youtube link it's a joke; please remove useless answers like this
@gallina - Understanding whats happening is not useless! As expressed "Here's a nice YouTube on what it looks like inside" that's what it is nothing more or less!
Sadly the repair is brain surgery! Are you a brain surgeon?
If you are then go for it! 99% of the people here are not (including my self).
@danj I meant that the video posted here should have not the title "How to repair WD..." (you're right, it's a click... bait);
and yes, I am not a brain surgeon by the way
Had the same issue with one of my Passports. Remembered having the same symptoms with the old iPod drives before they went solid-state. Old school lo-tech fixes sometimes just work. Tried utilities, web searches, youtube , different computers and ports. Finally just rapped the POS sharply on an edge against a counter, just like the old iPod. Spun right up with no clicking when I connected it. Copying the data elsewhere since it's likely to occur again. Before the trolls start flaming me... it worked. Argue with that. When you have a dead drive and no other recourse what have you got to lose?
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Lol! That's called a "technical tap". Yeah, when you got nothing to lose why not!
Just had one not mounting, listened to it and it sounded stuck but not clicking. Gave it a hard knock on the desk and it mounted; lol. Nice.
my laptop died, was the hard drive so replaced the drive. about a year later i figured i might try to check if i can access it with an old external drive attachement. it was making a clicking sound, after reading this i gave it a good tap in my hand.... didnt work so i tried again on the other side... still didnt work so gave it a few more hits on both sides and tried it... and it DID work! was kinda surprised and happy about that!
@matt more
Just a stuck head. The tap loosens it.
Had click of death on my ext Verbatim HD due to sudden power drain. Tried it on every computer, but just clicking. SalvageData estimated $400-900 to recover (by phone--I didn't send it in). Tried hitting on table half a dozen times as you suggested. Plugged it in, and it mounted w/o clicks! Managed to transfer all data before it started intermittent clicking again. Thank you so much!!!
I just had a 2.5" wd blue 500G drive die on my wife's Lenovo. The HDD make repeated clicking/chattering noises and for all intents and purposes was dead. I put the drive into the second sata bay of my Clevo laptop and windows disk manager showed it was recognized as a drive but could not register or access any volumes. This told me it most likely wasn't the HDD's circuit board.
Im pretty gifted at fixing things so with nothing to lose I removed the HDD's cover which revealed the platters. I noticed the head was parked in the middle of the platter. Very carefully I swung the head assembly back to its power off position. I buttoned everything back up, powered it on and to my suprise it was working!!! I scanned the disk for errors and none were found. Even though I had an incredible stroke of luck Im taking no chances, Im making recovery discs and will probably install a SSD.
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The good news ᎓ While looking for a solution to my own clicking/chattering Seagate Expansion external USB drive I found this thread and really, really liked this post, Chris Barth.
The bad news ᎓ I liked it so much I decided, in my own mind, that this MUST be exactly what's wrong with my drive, and that, were I to open it just as you did, I will find EXACTLY the same situation, whereupon I will fix it in EXACTLY the same way, and all will be right with the world . . . and so this is bad because, when I DO open it and see that the drive heads are NOT in the middle but parked PRECISELY where they should be, I will carefully, methodically, and with no fanfare at all, set about killing myself.
Hello Chris.Please can you contact me.My WD drive dropped on the floor and i have not been able to access anything inside of it.It shows LED light when connected.It doesnt show in "My Computer" but it makes clicking sounds for about 5seconds and in Computer Management it shows as Disk1 and says "Disk not Initialized". When i try to initialize it with the Masters Boot Record Option ,i get " The system cannot find the file specified". I need you to help with a solution to my problem.
Please you can contact me on skype so i can share my screen with you to see the behaviour of the 2TB WD External Harddrive.My Skype ID is dami_b and my whatsapp gsmno is 2348032307740.
If it was spinning while it dropped you may have scratched the platter or corrupted the file format. It may have damaged the read/write mechanism but most likely it scratched/corrupted the platter. I once did the same thing while backing up some pics, lost all my son's baby pics:( The head actually never touches the platter, it floats on a cushion of air created by the spinning disc, dropping it while spinning will crash the head into the disc. You may still be in luck though, there may be software that can recover some/most of the files. I'm not an expert in file recovery though so I can't point you to what software to use.
I have a lot of WD drives, I'm a Vietnam based photographer and I use them to store my work on. I travel regularly for work so I keep three copies of every drive so that I can travel with two drives and leave one behind in case I get robbed while I am travelling. When all three drives are full I send the third drive back to my home country of Australia in case something happens to my drives in Vietnam. I have been using WD drives since 2012 and I now have 24 drives in total. In the past six months I've had this happen twice so I am thankful that I always keep backups of everything. On a side note I sync the backups using a program called Cronosync which syncs all new and updated files automatically at the click of a button. Anyway luckily both of effected drives where still under warranty when it happened and both where backed up onto other copies. WD replaced the drives within a few days of me notifying them of the problem as well. So for anyone whom does have a backup (and anything important should be backed up) then this is the best way to fix the problem. Just get onto the WD website and log into the my support section. Notify them of the problem and the drive will be replaced.
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Don't rush throwing it away.
My oldest WD internal drive is 14 yo and all of a sudden it started clicking loudly and shutdown itself after 30sec. Removing the data cable as WD suggest didn't help. A guy from recovery services said, if it's spinning, 99.9% it's not the PCB.
My HDD never fell, nor got a physical damage. Could be heads calibration issue or a damaged Service Area that stores manufacture data required for HDD operation.
I thought of opening and inspecting the heads and platters (drive has no critical data on it), pulled the HDD out and while holding it bottom up connected it to the power. Surprisingly, the gravitational force made the trick with the heads! The HDD started spinning without clicking. Holding in this position, I connected the data cable, opened the Device Manager and performed a Scan for HW changes. The drive was detected and showed in Windows. I copied all the needed files, except two that failed reading at 95% due to bad sectors. Copied those using Roadkil's Unstoppable Copier. It took two days to copy while HDD is in bottom up position.
Hope this helps someone.
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i have the same issue now. sad my external HD drop and is has clicking sound now. exactly same issue @drenana Dara Bakare
I just got one brand new for christmas and it was making a horrible clicking noise like it was killing itself every second.
I found out that plugging it in directly to my laptop solved the problem. Previously I had it plugged in to the splitter built into my Mac keyboard, maybe it wasn’t getting enough power? Now I’m just concerned that the sound it was making may have screwed something up :\
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I have a self-powered USB drive that clicks when attached and often won't mount, but as soon as the hub is plugged in it stops. and appears normally. It has done this many times with no ill effect, you should be fine. My regime for back-ups is a self powered small portable to attach quickly but I also keep identical back ups on mains powered desktop drives as well just to be safe. Never rely on just one backup!
Thank you! That was my problem as well. After reading of your experience I unplugged mine from the splitter and put it directly into the computer. Problem solved! My unrecognized, clicking hard drive is back!
Tom Boove, My WD Passport is clicking and continues to click when plugged into different computers, any suggestions? I don't have a warranty and the data is not backed up :(((
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Im also having the same clicking problem with my pc, but i always wear earphones while listening songs, i think my earphone giving me clicking sound, is it really a problem of disk or HDD, ?? clicking increases while playing games or watching videos help me,
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If it increases while playing games, that's almost certainly a fan in your device with something in it. When that fan spins up, so will the clicking sound, which would explain why it gets more frequent during gaming.
Most laptop (or desktop) fans are quite easy to clean these days, so I would recommend looking up your device model here on iFixit and finding a guide for how to get to the fan assembly so that you can clean it out. Often the object causing clicking will be something like a tiny piece of paper or a piece of hair.
I also experienced this HD symptom when my bosses computer stopped booting up. He said it happened 3 times in the history he has owned this computer. This time round it wouldn’t boot up for him. When I booted it up it made the same mechanical clicking buzzing noize. I opened up the computer tower case. then rebooted the computer tower and before the boot process started i physically tapped the HD and it seemed to have dislodged the arm or needle and the drive made a spinning noise and the computer booted up again. think its time to move to an ssd for him.
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A Verbatim drive had the same issue. Clicking and wouldn’t mount if chained to keyboard. Plugged it straight into laptop, problem solved. Bizarre.
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Not really bizzare. Quite common actually, especially with older external drives. Insufficient power when chained to keyboard or any other low rated USB port.
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23 comentarios
I had that problem and went to office depot which is where I bought it. The tech was able to access the drive using linux (more forgiving than windows). I immediately transferred everything to a memory stick. I shall never use an external drive to backup again.
- de Tom Bouve
this said solved which is y i opened this link but there's no solution, what exactly is the solution should i just throw this low quality garbage away...been using it for under 5 months and it decides to crash during exam week wow
- de pamelalucia18
did you ever find a fix for that problem?
- de Quentin Anthony
Please, please tell me someone found a fix- I have a Mac and Mac compatible external harddrive.
- de j levin
I had this same issue, computer gave ERROR CODE: 2000-0141, HARD DRIVE:- NO DRIVE DETECTED' and the hard drive was making a skipping clicking noise.
Turned off and on a few times, no change, put the hard drive in another machine, no change.
Hit F12 to go into boot setup, of course hard drive not detected and it makes crazy beeping noises and drive still clicking away. I cancelled the drive search so it was just sitting in this white screen diagnostics menu. After a while, maybe 10-20 minutes all of a sudden the clicking stopped and drive sounded normal. I rebooted, and everything was fine. I guess the spinning drive got stuck and while clicking away trying to spin it eventually unstuck itself. Not the best solution and I'll try to update if it "dies" again, but wanted to share.
- de Mike A
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