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Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite

Qué necesitas

  1. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve los tornillos del panel trasero: paso 1, imagen 1 de 1
    • Antes de comenzar esta reparación, asegúrate de que el dispositivo esté completamente apagado.

    • Usa un destornillador Y00 para quitar los cuatro tornillos de 6.3 mm de largo que aseguran el panel trasero.

    • A lo largo de esta reparación, mantén un registro de cada tornillo y asegúrate de que vuelva exactamente a su lugar de origen.

    All my screws got stripped any ideas on how to remove?

    Almost A Mammal - Contestar

    A Y0 screwdriver seemed to work better for me.

    Tommy Morrill - Contestar

    What type of screw driver do I use to un screw the screws and which way

    Luca Capito - Contestar

    Y 0.6 was all I had but it seemed to fit perfectly

    Trevor - Contestar

    Like really snug? I've gotten away with using Drivers either bigger or smaller but I hate doing it. But if 0.6 is the exact size I need, then I'll get that. I don't wanna strip my client's Switch Lite's screws.

    Vincent Valodze -

  2. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve los tornillos superiores e inferiores del panel trasero: paso 2, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve los tornillos superiores e inferiores del panel trasero: paso 2, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa un destornillador JIS 000 o un Phillips 000 para remover los siguientes tornillos que sujetan el panel trasero.

    • Dos tornillos de 3.6 mm en la parte superior del dispositivo.

    • Dos tornillos de 3.6 mm en la parte inferior del dispositivo.

    • Para evitar que los tornillos muy apretados se barran aplica fuerza fírmemente hacia el tornillo y gira lentamente, intenta con varios destornilladores si no sale.

    I accidentally stripped the back screw and now I can't open it. I removed all the other screws. What should I do?

    tiggytiger555 - Contestar

  3. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Libera los clips que sujetan el panel trasero: paso 3, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Libera los clips que sujetan el panel trasero: paso 3, imagen 2 de 2
    • Inserta una herramienta de apertura en la rejilla del altavoz izquierdo en la parte inferior del dispositivo.

    • Gira la herramienta de apertura para liberar los clips que aseguran el panel trasero.

    • Evita insertar la herramienta de apertura más de lo necesario para evitar que se dañe el módulo del altavoz.

  4. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Continúa liberando los clips alrededor del dispositivo: paso 4, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Continúa liberando los clips alrededor del dispositivo: paso 4, imagen 2 de 2
    • Desliza la herramienta de apertura por la esquina inferior izquierda para liberar los clips del lado izquierdo del dispositivo.

  5. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Gira para liberar los clips: paso 5, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Gira para liberar los clips: paso 5, imagen 2 de 2
    • Inserta la herramienta de apertura en la rejilla del altavoz derecho en la parte inferior en el dispositivo.

    • Gira la herramienta de apertura para liberar los clips.

    • Evita insertar la herramienta de apertura más de lo necesario para evitar que se dañe el módulo de altavoz.

  6. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desliza y empuja alrededor de las esquinas: paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desliza y empuja alrededor de las esquinas: paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    • Desliza y empuja la herramienta de apertura por la esquina inferior derecha para liberar los clips del lado derecho del dispositivo.

  7. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 7, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 7, imagen 2 de 2
    • Continúa deslizando y apretando la herramienta de apertura a lo largo del hueco en la parte superior del dispositivo para liberar los clips.

  8. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el panel trasero: paso 8, imagen 1 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el panel trasero: paso 8, imagen 2 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el panel trasero: paso 8, imagen 3 de 3
    • Levanta el borde inferior del panel trasero abriéndolo como un libro.

    • Remueve el panel trasero.

  9. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve la placa de escudo: paso 9, imagen 1 de 1
    • Usa un destornillador JIS 000 o un Phillips (de cruz) 000 para remover los cuatro tornillos siguientes:

    • Tres tornillos de 3.1 mm

    • Un tornillo de 4.5 mm

    There are four screws instead of three mentioned

    Khurram Chaudry - Contestar

    it doesnt mention 3 anywhere, and it labels all four

    Ezi - Contestar

    With how easy it seems to be to do serious damage with the next few steps, I figured I'd say that realistically you can skip steps 9-13 when doing this repair. While they provide a bit of extra security by disconnecting the battery, the left stick is completely accessible and replaceable without touching the heat shield or anything underneath (And steps 17 and 18 disconnect power from the daughter board regardless).

    Nate - Contestar

    i stripped a &&^&^$^ screw

    SpongebobFan254 - Contestar

    Well I actually removed the screw right next to the 4.5 screw. I did not realize it till my son showed me why the plate wouldn't release. Ha ha, it's funny now but yeah not a big deal. I could have bent it badly assuming I took all screws out though. For anyone reading this before going in. 👍

    Toastninja - Contestar

  10. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 10, imagen 1 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 10, imagen 2 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 10, imagen 3 de 3
    • Usa un spudger o sus dedos para levantar la placa del escudo y sacarla del dispositivo.

    • Puede que sienta un poco de resistencia. Esto es normal, ya que la placa de escudo está ligeramente adherida al disipador de calor con pasta térmica.

    • Remueve la placa de escudo.

    • Limpia la pasta térmica vieja de la placa de protección y del disipador de calor con alcohol isopropílico y un paño de microfibra. Aplica la nueva pasta térmica al disipador de calor antes de volver a montarlo.

    You may need to replace the thermal paste on the heat sink.

    ahoz28 - Contestar

    What type of Thermal Paste would you guys recommend? I clicked on the picture but nothing.

    Vincent Valodze - Contestar

    Personnaly i use some Mx-6 from Artic, really good quality/price, never have to complain.

    Nothing -

  11. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta la batería: paso 11, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta la batería: paso 11, imagen 2 de 2
    • Utiliza una herramienta de apertura o tu uña para levantar la pequeña tapa de cierre con bisagra del conector ZIF del cable de interconexión de la placa madre.

    The clip broke off when trying to remove this cable. Audio only works through headphones and the display now won’t turn on after the clip broke. Does anyone know where I could get a clip or how I could fix it without it?

    Alexz Zepeda - Contestar

    Mi è successa la stessa cosa è non so come ripararla! Chissà se c’è un modo!

    Paolo De Falco -

  12. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 12, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 12, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¡No Uses Pinzas de Metal! Algunos reparadores afirman que las pinzas metálicas pueden provocar un cortocircuito en el cable plano/conector. Podría ser más seguro utilizar simplemente pinzas con punta de nailon o de cerámica.

    • Usa un par de pinzas para sacar el cable de interconexión de su conector en la placa madre.

    I turned the unit off beforehand, I used tweezers just like the instructions said (ifixit branded) , my device sparked and now it won’t turn back on

    User Service - Contestar

    The flap came off is it important or is there a way t fix it?

    Jose Cruz R Rangel Cordero - Contestar

    We're you able to get it working without the white flap? My screen is not working after putting it back together and i noticed this white flap was falling off

    Jimmy “Ghost” Trost -

    Did you get it working without the white flap? Everything on the switch works fine except for audio going through headphones and the display not turning on.

    Alexz Zepeda -

    do not use metal sharp pointed tweezers! you will rip your ribbon cable. Use the inside of a Bic type pen or something else dull and plastic to pull the cable away by putting the pen part where the first bend is.

    Christopher Bales (C.J.) - Contestar

    Anyone figure out how to fix this? my device shorted in this step.

    Acord - Contestar

    Maybe tape the Tweezers or smear some hot glue on them to insulate them to save you time and money.

    Vincent Valodze - Contestar

    Maybe put all the Warnings at the start of the guide as well. We fix it geeks tend to get excited when fixing things 😁

    Vincent Valodze - Contestar

  13. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 13, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 13, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa la punta de un spudger para levantar el conector de la batería de su zócalo en la placa madre.

    Caution the connector may not be properly soldered onto the motherboard. For me it snapped off the pins and now have to find a place to get that fixed if even possible. may have bricked it.

    Craig Osman - Contestar

    Yup, broke the connector right off the motherboard. Thanks, ifixit -_-

    Justin Kerr - Contestar

    I backed out when I reached this point. I couldn't risk damaging it. Do u just need to pull it up? Did you mean that it might have been soldered shut below?

    Jannalyzer - Contestar

    You should just need to pull straight up, but make sure you’re pulling on the wires or the gray plug—do not pull on the black socket or it can snap off of the motherboard.

    Adam O'Camb -

    I pulled straight up from the south side on under 2 or three wires and held down the device as I pulled and the gray connector disconnected from the black connector on the Switch. Just be careful at this part.

    Jon - Contestar

    With how easy it seems to be to do serious damage at this point, I figured I'd say that realistically you can skip steps 9-13 when doing this repair. While they provide a bit of extra security by disconnecting the battery, the left stick is completely accessible and replaceable without touching the heat shield or anything underneath (And steps 17 and 18 disconnect power from the daughter board regardless).

    Nate - Contestar

    just broke my connector... ifixit PLEASE put a warning on how fragile the solder on this connector is.

    Nate Mascis - Contestar

    Note for this step, you do not need to apply a lot of force. I used two tools here: small screwdriver to hold down the black base, and one side of fine-tipped tweezers to get under all 3 wires. Gently, push down on the tweezers to push the wires upwards, which should force the gray connector up and off the base. It did not take a lot of force. Take your time and it will be fine. Again, like others have said, do NOT pull or pry up the black base.

    Christopher Gillett - Contestar

  14. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el módulo del altavoz izquierdo: paso 14, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el módulo del altavoz izquierdo: paso 14, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa un par de pinzas o tus dedos para sacar el cable del altavoz izquierdo directamente de su zócalo en la placa hija.

    • No tires de los cables, o te arriesgas a arrancar los cables del conector.

    pulled from the connector, not the wires, and ended up ripping them off the connector anyways since it encountered tension from the other end (the gray chamber on the left)

    consider doing step 15 before pulling the wire, just in case.

    Phillipe Legenda - Contestar

    Why even disconnect this cable. Not worth the risk leave it connected to daughter board.

    Michael McNally - Contestar

    while doing this I ripped the pad on the circuit board off. Should i risk trying to repair it or should i just try to go without the speaker???

    sarah.carney203 - Contestar

    I also accidentally ripped off the connector, disabling the left speaker. However, that will not break any functionality of the switch. The right speaker works just fine on its own (just remember to turn the audio to mono in system settings) and I was successfully able to replace the joystick. Although the audio quality is a little bit depleted, you barely notice it if you turn up the volume a little, and I think being able to actually MOVE FORWARD in my games is a better plus than having louder, stereo, audio.

    Jonathan Maye - Contestar

    Went to pull the speaker connector and it pulled right off the motherboard. Would not come loose.

    putnamjerome4 - Contestar

    I'm gonna echo what others said here and suggest that you skip this step. After you complete Step 15, you can just move the speakers enough with your fingers to complete Step 26, which involves a screw half underneath it.

    Regarding the ribbon cable in Step 17 & Step 18, you can honestly use your fingers if they're small enough. The ribbon cable is wide enough for you to press down on it a little and slide it out bit by bit.

    Overall, this makes the disassembly and eventual reassembly process easier and lets you avoid running the risk of damaging or completely tearing out the wires, like I almost did.

    ThatDerpGuy - Contestar

    I too tore the connector off the board. I didn't read the comments first :(. Take the advise and leave the connection

    Bob - Contestar

    Removing the screw from 37 is enough to give you space to remove the board, I honestly think you shouldn't try to remove this connector.

    Romaric Dgp - Contestar

    Unfortunately, I had to reinstall multiple daughterboards on the same Switch Lite. I strongly recommend orienting your straight tweezers with ridges (like the ones in the picture) perpendicular to the device. Grab the plastic connector with the tip of the tweezers from the top. It makes inserting and removing this connection significantly easier.

    Albino Digits - Contestar

  15. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 15, imagen 1 de 1
    • Utiliza una herramienta JIS 000 o una oficial iFixit PH 000 para quitar el tornillo de 4,5 mm que sujeta el módulo del altavoz izquierdo.

  16. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 16, imagen 1 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 16, imagen 2 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 16, imagen 3 de 3
    • Usa tus dedos para levantar el módulo del altavoz y sacarlo de su hueco para quitarlo.

    • Parte del módulo del altavoz se encuentra debajo de un delicado cable plano. Ten cuidado de no enganchar el módulo del altavoz en el cable al retirarlo.

    Pulling the lower screw on the speaker assembly gave me a little more wiggle room to get it out without damaging the flat cable.

    Spacer - Contestar

  17. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta el cable de interconexión de la placa madre: paso 17, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta el cable de interconexión de la placa madre: paso 17, imagen 2 de 2
    • Utiliza una herramienta de apertura o tu uña para levantar la pequeña tapa de cierre con bisagra del conector ZIF del cable de interconexión de la placa madre.

  18. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 18, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 18, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa unas pinzas para deslizar el cable de interconexión de la placa madre fuera de su conector en la placa hija.

    Reconnecting this part was touchy. After initial reassembly, the Switch did not power on. Even though this looked like it was correctly connected, pulling it out and reconnecting it solved the problem.

    John - Contestar

  19. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta los cables del botón de volumen y de la pantalla: paso 19, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta los cables del botón de volumen y de la pantalla: paso 19, imagen 2 de 2
    • Utiliza una herramienta de apertura o su uña para levantar las pequeñas lengüetas de cierre con bisagras de los dos conectores ZIF del cable plano.

  20. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 20, imagen 1 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 20, imagen 2 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 20, imagen 3 de 3
    • Usa un par de pinzas para deslizar el cable de la pantalla de la placa hija fuera de su conector en la placa madre.

    • Repite este procedimiento para el cable del botón de volumen.

  21. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve los botones de volumen: paso 21, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve los botones de volumen: paso 21, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa un par de pinzas o tus dedos para remover los botones del volumen.

  22. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta el cable del joystick: paso 22, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Desconecta el cable del joystick: paso 22, imagen 2 de 2
    • Utiliza una herramienta de apertura o tu uña para levantar la pequeña tapa de cierre con bisagra del conector ZIF del cable del joystick izquierdo.

  23. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 23, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 23, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa un par de pinzas para sacar el cable del joystick izquierdo de su conector en la placa hija.

    The connector for my left joystick broke. Is there a way to fix it?

    Christopher Shackelford - Contestar

    How badly did it broke?

    Daniele Carminati -

  24. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Quitar el ensamblaje del botón del gatillo izquierdo: paso 24, imagen 1 de 1
    • Usa una herramienta JIS 000 o una oficial iFixit PH 000 para quitar los dos tornillos de 4.5 mm que aseguran el ensamblaje del botón del gatillo izquierdo.

  25. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 25, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 25, imagen 2 de 2
    • Retira el ensamblaje del botón del gatillo izquierdo.

  26. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve la placa hija: paso 26, imagen 1 de 1
    • Usa una herramienta JIS 000 o una oficial iFixit PH 000 para retirar los cuatro tornillos siguientes:

    • Dos tornillos de 4.5 mm

    • Dos tornillos de 6 mm

    The two 4.5 mm screws were very difficult to remove here and ended up getting stripped. I CANNOT remove them, help!

    Sara Rouse- Barker - Contestar

  27. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 27, imagen 1 de 2 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 27, imagen 2 de 2
    • Use tus dedos para levantar la placa hija y sacarla de su hueco para quitarla.

    Stop here if repairing Switch Lite for joycon drift. After removing daughter card you can see the bottom of the joystick. This thin metal actually bends during use causing bad connection of joystick. If you cut out a business card the same size as the joycon and put it on the bottom of the joystick it gives the metal enough backing to fix the issue. I used two layers with just a small bit of glue stick to adhere it. Put it all back together and you will find your issue is fixed.

    Michael McNally - Contestar

    That's great, but it's only Temporary.

    You may as well put a New Stick in (preferably Hall Effect) after going through Hell to open the darn thing.

    If you do choose the cardboard route, you may as well clean the innards of the Joystick, BUUUT, it's not easy getting the Joystick back together.

    Vincent Valodze -

    Daughterboard. That's a new one for me.

    Vincent Valodze - Contestar

  28. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite, Remueve el joystick izquierdo: paso 28, imagen 1 de 1
    • Usa una herramienta JIS 000 o una oficial iFixit PH 000 para quitar los dos tornillos de 3,5 mm que aseguran el joystick izquierdo.

  29. Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 29, imagen 1 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 29, imagen 2 de 3 Reemplazo del joystick izquierdo del Nintendo Switch Lite: paso 29, imagen 3 de 3
    • Usa el extremo plano de un spudger para levantar el joystick de su hueco.

    • Usa tus dedos para remover el joystick.

    • Hay una fina junta negra alrededor del agujero donde el joystick atraviesa el marco. Intenta no perturbar esta junta al retirar el joystick.

    During reassembly when putting the screws back in, slowly turn them CCW until you feel it drop into its thread. You will never crossthread them by doing this.

    Robert Hale - Contestar


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Craig Lloyd

Miembro Desde 02/10/16

38,614 Reputación

82 Guías creadas

40 comentarios

Really appreciate the detailed pictures.


Great guide! Circling the screws really helped as went backwards for the reassembly. Not a bad repair just very delicate components. Best of all no adhesive removal required!

lee - Contestar

This was great, I love how every step was so simply broken down and had pictures. Thank you, my son is very happy to have his switch back in action.

Louise Perkins - Contestar

I followed this guide, bought the tools and replacement part, after successfully doing the replacement, my switch light now won’t power on at all, how can I fix this? any help please…

lczleal - Contestar

Hi Iczleal I had the same issue when I first did it and then I went back step by step. Turns out I didn’t plug the battery back in correctly, I recommend just repeating the steps and checking to see if everything is connected properly. Hope this helps :)

Moon Poppy -

Thank you to both. Had the same problem and you helped me solve it.

Paulette Taylor -

It is not called a daughter board it is called a mother board

Caden Anderson - Contestar

It’s called a daughter board because it is not the main device board and it can only work if it is connected to the main (mother) board, thus making it the daughter board. For the normal joy-cons, those boards are considered motherboards because those are separate from the Switches mother board and can operate with their own battery pack. Hope this makes sense :D

Simao Monteiro Ramos -

Appreciate the detail. Now it's fixed and my character doesn't wander off anymore.

Paulette Taylor - Contestar

That was easy to follow. The procedure went really smoothly! Thanks for the guide! <3

Simao Monteiro Ramos - Contestar

Is it mandatory to replace the thermal paste or can I just place the heat shield back without any consequence?

E. Serrano - Contestar

Thanks for this guide! The thumbstick on my son's Switch Lite stopped moving up and down. I already had the iFixit tools so I bought the part and followed the iFixit guide and repaired almost like new.

Glad I had some thermal paste on hand from a previous laptop repair.

Robert Blois - Contestar

Hi- I did this step for step and now my screen doesn’t work. It turns on and I can hear it clicks when I press buttons but the screen is black. Any ideas?

Carina - Contestar

This guide is magic! Battery connector does need a bit of a push to re-fit though. Thanks from my daughter and me. - Contestar

Just so you don't loose it, I'd recommend removing the left shoulder button as well at step 25.

It is kind of hard to put back in because of the spring but it really likes to fall out on its own.

Jesse Russell - Contestar

Hi! I attempted this repair years ago when I was less careful, and ended up awfully stripping the left 4.5mm screw on the daughterboard in step 26, making it impossible to access the stick. Since then the drifting has gotten to the point to where the console is unusable and I want to attempt this repair again. Does anyone have any tips as to how I could get that screw out? I'm not really concerned with salvaging the screw at this point, just the console.

Aidan Tramontana - Contestar

Put a rubber band in between the screw and screwdriver, then firmly, but slowly, unscrew it. Otherwise, if you don't mind ruining your bit, put a tiny bit of super glue on the screw, press your screwdriver on the screw, then wait until it's dry and slowly turn. Hope that helps! And good luck :)

Chris Worthington -

We replaced both joysticks on my son's Switch Lite, but it will not turn back on now. I went back step by step to confirm everything was connected correctly & put it on the charger, but it will not power on at all. Any suggestions on what I can do?

Wendy Bradley - Contestar

Before i found ifixit's repair guide I already got a repair kit featuring a a Philips 2.0 x 40mm should this be sufficient for the repair and if not how does it differ from the the Philips drivers you suggest

Ian (SaltySorrin) - Contestar

Be weary of this process; some of the screws were impossible to remove which caused some damage. I would say invest in going to Geek Squad or having it professionally repaired before you take your entire switch apart!

Sara Rouse- Barker - Contestar

Did the replacement but now my switch makes noise and is responsive, but the screen is completely blank. How can I fix this? Any help much appreciated

Aidan wheeler - Contestar

What would happen if I don’t remove the batterie and the screen? I see to access those you need to remove the back plate heatsink and I will need tk replace the thermal paste but I dknt have that. And I also see that j can acces everything I need tk replace the joystick without removing the backplate. Will there be any risks if I dknt?

ermhs Gpro - Contestar

I've watched some videos on this and you can definitely leave the backplate in place if you're just replacing the left joycon

David Schoonover -

Amazing detailed guide. Reall helpful that there are lots of pictures in the guide. Made the repair of my switch really easy.

Nicolas Ely - Contestar

super easy repair, did both sticks while working (I work from home) took about 3 hours to do both sides.

Lonnie Brown - Contestar

The new joystick works based on the sound but similar to some of the other reviews the screen no longer illuminates. I tried several times removing and replacing the screen cable multiple times to no avail. Was anyone able to overcome this or at least have any fresh ideas to try?

Kevin Stradinger - Contestar

I followed this guide step by step and the replacement went perfectly. The detailed pictures and guide were great and very helpful. Thank you iFixit!

PanicnAnakin - Contestar

This guide is very clear and made the whole process a lot simpler.

Thank you for the detailed explanations!

Orestis Tranganidas - Contestar

Merci beaucoup pour ce tutoriel. Cela m'a permis de changer les deux sticks sur la Switch Lite de mon fils. En prenant son temps et en triant par ordre chronologique chaque vis et pièce, c'est presque facile. Merci encore pour tous ces détails, ces conseils au fur et à mesure, le tuto est parfait.

Marc Goujon - Contestar

Went through the process of replacing both joysticks and now the Switch Lite won't power on. I even tried leaving it plugged in to the charger overnight. I opened it back up to check all of the ribbon cable connections and everything looks snug. The only thing I can think, is that the unit had been sitting for a couple weeks before I did the repair. Could the battery be toast now?

Always Sleepy - Contestar

Thanks just did this to fix a family members switch. It went flawlessly!

J Sparrow - Contestar

Done it but there is now no backlight and my switch lite just wont go back to normal. I went over everything from this guide only thing is I didnt replace thermal paste. Also the white locking flap to disconnect the battery (step 11) may have come off. Im still genuinely confused about what is the problem.

AceroK40 - Contestar

I did it! These instructions are easy follow. My switch lite battery was completely dead, so now I wait and hopefully everything is right...and it powers on.

Toastninja - Contestar

Final step, recalibrate joystick.

David Burk - Contestar

This was a fantastic guide, but I'm still having an issue. Replaced a left stick that had a limited range of up/down motion. The new stick worked great at first but within a few hours became even worse than the original stick. Could there be another issue at play here?

Nick Grottick - Contestar

Similar to others here, i replaced the left joystick and now the screen wont turn on?

Zachary Isom - Contestar

Very well documented - clear photos with screw location/length annotation made this repair a snap. Thanks!

B Kim - Contestar

Running into an interesting situation after replacement - my switch recognizes the new left joystick and is receiving inputs when I push down on it (getting the click sound from the system) but not registering any up-down-left-right movement. Can't access joystick calibration in settings. Is it possible I damaged the joystick cables when inserting them, therefore limiting functionality? Might just have to try again with a new part, whoops.

doesnotweave - Contestar

Followed all instructions, but device won't turn on.
No indicator on screen from charging either.

After reading comments here, i checked and battery wasn't plugged in correctly. But unsure what else to check.

Is there an easy way to confirm that i've bricked it? (Perhaps accidentally shorting it from having a partially plugged in battery?)

Milesh Bhana - Contestar

I bought this repair kit and went through the steps. I think I broke off the locking hinge on the first cable to be removed in this tutorial. Could this be why my switch is not powering on? Is it possible to replace the hinge or is my switch now a brick?

Kendall E - Contestar

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