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Este desmontaje no es una guía de reparación. Para reparar tu iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display (2017), utiliza nuestros manuales de servicio .

  1. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017, Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina Display 4K: paso 1, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017, Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina Display 4K: paso 1, imagen 2 de 2
    • Bueno, este exterior ciertamente no nos dice mucho, pero no puedes juzgar un libro por su carcasa de aluminio y vidrio del iMac que estás leyendo. Comencemos con lo que sabemos:

    • Intel Core i5 quad-core a 3.0 GHz (con Turbo Boost hasta 3.5 GHz)

    • 8 GB a 2400 MHz de memoria RAM DDR4

    • GPU Radeon Pro 555 con 2 GB de VRAM

    • Disco duro de 1 TB (5400 rpm)

    • Wi-Fi 802.11ac y Bluetooth 4.2

    • Pantalla 43% más brillante (500 nits) con una resolución de 4096 x 2304 y una amplia gama de colores P3.

  2. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 2, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 2, imagen 2 de 2
    • Un vistazo a la parte trasera revela un grupo de puertos. Primero, los sospechosos de siempre: Un jack de auriculares, lector de tarjetas SD, cuatro puertos USB, y un conector Ethernet.

    • ¿Los sospechosos no usuales? Esta iMac lleva dos puertos Thunderbolt 3. Éstos soportan el doble de ancho de banda de la generación anterior; cada uno de esos puertos puede enviar datos a 40 Gbps.

    • Eso es rendimiento suficiente para conectar cuatro monitores externos 4K; incluso con esta configuración de hardware, Apple dice que estamos limitados a dos.

    • ¿Cómo se supone que debemos sobrevivir con sólo tres pantallas 4K? ¿Cómo?

    • Confirmando nuestra suposición de que esto es mayormente un iMac de 2015 con un lavado de cara, esta unidad lleva el mismo número de modelo (A1418), pero con un nuevo EMC: 3069.

  3. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 3, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 3, imagen 2 de 2
    • Tomamos nuestro cortador de pizza iMac Opening Wheel y fuimos a la ciudad. Luego, lo trajimos de nuevo a casa y lo usamos para abrir nuestro nuevo y lujoso iMac.

    • Vuelta y vuelta damos, y el adhesivo que asegura el perímetro de la pantalla desaparece.

    • Cuando Apple introdujo este factor de forma en 2012, reemplazando los muy amados imanes, estuvimos tristes y confundidos. Luego aprendimos sus secretos, y ahora estamos a bordo con lo fácil que es cortar este adhesivo.

    • Nos encantaría que Apple implemente algo como esto en sus otras líneas de productos.

    • Luego de un proceso de apertura familiar, damos nuestro primer vistazo dentro.

  4. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 4, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 4, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 4, imagen 3 de 3
    • Con todo el vidrio y los píxeles fuera del camino, inmediatamente vimos algunas actualizaciones sutiles.

    • Primero, la placa lógica ha crecido; invadiendo el terreno que era parte del altavoz derecho, e incluso expandiéndose hacia el ventilador un poco.

    • Incluso mucho más notable, hay una sobresaliente placa de montaje extendida del disipador de calor en el medio de la placa. Gracioso, el viejo disipador de calor no necesitaba una de ésas...

    • Por último, cerca del centro del bisel inferior de la pantalla, justo debajo del vidrio, ¡hay un micrófono!; cuyo cable va justo sobre la cabeza de un tornillo, cosa que es muy rara.

    Looks like the hard drive has a special bracket, would that likely be included if you BTO a model with SSD only?

    JM Palacios - Contestar

    its an usual 2,5” size, you can use any SSD device, phisicaly should fit

    Angel Sanchez -

    What upgrade to the cpu can be made?

    Tha-Don - Contestar

  5. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 5, imagen 1 de 1
    • Bueno, esta parte de la actualización no es tan buena como esperábamos; el altavoz derecho ya no es fácil de remover. Está atrapado muy sólidamente por los contornos de la placa.

    • No es un gran problema; sólo significa que tu set favorito de guías de reparación de iMac no servirán para este modelo. Nos pondremos a trabajar en eso para ti.

    Are you guys still working on this?

    Tim Rauls - Contestar

    Tim - It is complete, this is not a repair manual to fix something. It’s a view inside and what makes this iMac tick!

    Dan -

    @timspc The revised guides for this model are complete. (There’s no guide for right speaker specifically, but it’s easy to remove once the logic board assembly is out.)

    Jeff Suovanen -

    @Jeff Suovanen Thanks!

    Tim Rauls - Contestar

  6. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    • El resto de este iMac se sale más o menos de la forma que esperábamos, y nos hicimos con la fuente de poder, disco duro, y el ventilador sin mucho jaleo.

    • Y con un poco más de trabajo duro, inclinamos la placa lógica fuera de su zócalo, para revelar... RAM removible? No podemos creer lo que nuestros ojos ven.

    • Sip, son SO-DIMM. Dos de ellas.

    • ¿Ligeramente menos excitante, hay un excitante disipador de calor dividido. Pero en serio, ¡mira esa RAM!

    What's in the bottom-left corner of the mobo? It looks like a mini-pci card; maybe the wi-fi?

    Chris Clawson - Contestar

    It is Broadcom BCM943602CDP.

    JJ Wu - Contestar

    The Logic Board (Mainboard / Motherboard) isn’t named. Who’s the Manufacturer and which ModellType ???

    Like for Example: Gigabyte Maximus IX Formula (Intel CPU 1151 Board)

    Roni Schlossi - Contestar

    What Type of Logic Board (Mainboard / Motherboard) is used by Apple on the iMac 21,5 and 27 Modells 2017 ?

    Please Name it. Thx.

    Like for example: Gigabyte ASUS MAXIMUS IX FORMULA (Intel used 1151)

    Roni Schlossi - Contestar

  7. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 7, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 7, imagen 2 de 2
    • Quizás no sea tan accesible como la (muy simple) escotilla de acceso a la RAM encontrada en las iMacs de 27", pero aún esto es una victoria mayor para la capacidad de actualización sobre todas las iMacs de 21.5" con RAM soldada que encontramos en años recientes.

    • Antes de seguir, nos tomamos un momento para observar qué tienen para ofrecer esos módulos de memoria de silicio:

    • SK Hynix H5AN8G6NAFR 8 Gb DDR4 SDRAM (4 x 8 Gb = 4 GB por DIMM, 8 GB en total)

    Only 8Gb on what can hardly be an entry-level model?

    rjvbertin - Contestar

    Are these SODIMMs or normal sized DIMMs?

    Aidan Marrone - Contestar

  8. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 8, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 8, imagen 2 de 2
    • Este nuevo diseño del disipador de calor nos tiene intrigados. ¿Qué es lo que se esconde ahí debajo?

    • ¿Stickers de anulación de garantía en los tornillos del disipador de calor? Eso es extraño. Podría ser que...

    • ¡Sí! ¡La CPU también es modular! Se desliza junto con el disipador de calor, revelando un zócalo de CPU LGA 1151 estándar.

    • Otra vez, no es la cosa más accesible del mundo—está volteada sobre la parte trasera de la placa lógica, atrapada detrás de un montón de componentes, y enterrada bajo un panel de vidrio pegado—pero por primera vez en años, es posible reemplazar o actualizar la CPU sin una estación de soldadura por calor, y eso es una gran victoria.

    It should be noted that legally, such warranty void stickers are invalid. The Magnusson-Moss Act quite clearly gives users the right to upgrade, fix, and update their machines as they see fit, without voiding any warranty (unless the user, in the act of upgrading itself, breaks something).

    Mark - Contestar

    Does this all mean one CAN purchase and install a more powerful processor? After almost assassinating my own copy of this “upgradeable” machine by bending the clamshell gold tips that connect the BT and WiFi antenna cables to their pins on the communications board I probably shouldn’t be tempted, but curious minds…

    Jim Robertson - Contestar

    Up to a point! You are limited to the Kaby Lake series of Intel CPU’s as your systems firmware only offers the needed micro-code for the Kaby Lake CPU’s. Basically, what these system use iMac18,2

    Dan -

  9. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 9, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 9, imagen 2 de 2
    • Esta CPU está bien pegada térmicamente a su disipador de calor; despegarla fue sorprendentemente difícil. Alguien quiere que este procesador se mantenga frío.

    • Finalmente, estamos cara-a-cara con la estrella de este desmontaje: una CPU Intel SR32W Core i5-7400 Kaby Lake, 6M Caché, hasta 3.50 GHz.

    • Mirando al resto de la lista Kaby Lake, no estamos viendo actualmente ninguna CPU de clase de escritorio en un formato BGA. Quizás Apple se revirtió a una CPU montada en zócalo porque es todo lo que Intel ofrece en este momento.

    • Pero con las influencias y las famosas habilidades de negociación de Apple, pensarías que podrían obtener una CPU soldada si lo quisieran. Además de que está esa misteriosa RAM modular...

    • ¿Has estado escuchando nuestras plegarias, Apple?

    One branch of the heat pipe manifold went to the i5 cpu. What is the second brach cooling?

    Larry Nolan - Contestar

    Probably the GPU.

    fabianoarruda -

    Yes, it's the AMD Radeon Pro 555 GPU chip which is soldered. Watch the vid where you'll get a better view of it and the supporting VRAM chips.

    Dan -

    Para Apple era mejor poner el i5-7400 porque es más barato Intel tiene el i5-6585R con sus mejores gráficos

    Leonel Tirado - Contestar

    i wonder what sort of CPU upgrades will this mobo support.... maybe an i7-6700?

    dan - Contestar

    We dropped an i7-7700 into ours and it works great. :)

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Would they simply have realised, finally, that a 4k$ display is a bit too much to throw away when its computing component has become obsolete?

    rjvbertin - Contestar

    I'll bet Apple made it modular to make warranty repairs cheaper

    ethicalpaul - Contestar

    Yeah I'm guessing Apple is using modular CPUs to save on components. New iMac line? Same thing -- just swap out the CPU! I guess they came to a point where they were losing a lot of cash in repairs.

    TheAnimaster - Contestar

    I think that apple was seeing warranty costs expand for repairs to in warranty devices where the CPU or Ram Failed and the local apple store couldn't fix it and could only give them a "new- refurbished" unit. then the broken one would have to be torn down and sent through the refurb process to sell at a discount. Huge $$ drain on in warranty repairs. So giving a modular design but not easily accessible to commoner allows the local stores to repair these issues. Also apple was seeing a large number of the old "apple" crew that was holding on to their older machines (circa 2010, 2011) and moving up to the current models because it was difficult to justify a machine that you couldn't increase ram when a newer OS version would benefit for the increase ram. Also that apple was getting the jibe of being the new Microsoft/Dell wanna be's (proprietary, not up-gradable, overpriced disposable machines.

    bbbb - Contestar

  10. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 10, imagen 1 de 1
    • La parte final de la modularidad interesante en esta placa: una batería CMOS.

    • Con todo este nuevo hardware modular, parece que se quedaron sin espacio para este chico. Está hilarantemente colocado verticalmente en este lindo portapilas de estilo tostadora.

    • Nota al pie: Por favor no pongas baterías en la tostadora.

    • O tostarla en tu iMac para ese propósito...

    Did iFixit suddenly get a legal team? :D

    iEvan - Contestar

    Those kinds of slots are very common in server motherboards. They're easier to damage than the flat style but use much less PCB space.

    William Brown - Contestar

    I've had (Roxio) Toast in my iMac for years, with no harm done!

    sascha2 - Contestar

    Don’t you mean “bread”? The only time I put toast in the toaster is if I decide it isn’t toasted enough the first time lol.

    djlobb01 - Contestar

  11. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 11, imagen 1 de 1
    • Ahora que está despojada de todos sus pertrechos, podemos identificar el silicio de esta placa lógica:

    • Zócalo de CPU Intel LGA 1151

    • GPU AMD Radeon Pro 555

    • SDRAM SK hynix H5GC4H24AJR-ROC 4 Gb GDDR5 2400 MHz (4 Gb x 4 para un total de 2 GB de VRAM)

    • Controlador Ethernet Broadcom BCM5776 Gigabit (visto en las revisiones de iMac de 2015)

    • CD3215C000 de Texas Instruments (también visto recientemente en la MacBook Pro de 15")

    • Centro de control de plataformas Intel SR2C9

    Wouldn't it be (1 Gb × 4 for a total of 4 GB VRAM)???

    Alejandro Ferrari - Contestar

    The size of the b/B is important here the small b is bit where as the big B is Byte. 8 bits equal a single Byte

    Here's a full chart:

    1 byte (B) = 8 bits (b)

    1 Kilobyte (K / KB) = 2^10 bytes = 1,024 bytes.

    1 Megabyte (M / MB) = 2^20 bytes = 1,048,576 bytes.

    1 Gigabyte (G / GB) = 2^30 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes.

    Dan -

    Any clue on the empty SSD blade pads as to what the interface is? I hope you guys get one of the high end models with the blade SSD

    Dan -

    Hello! What about the chipset? Does this motherboard support 8th generation of the Intel CPUs?

    cgr1095 - Contestar

    Where is the bios on these boards?

    joe - Contestar

    Texas Instruments CD3215C00 is a power controller. It is mis marked here and the link to the 15” MacBook Pro with TB.

    Dan - Contestar

    @danj It looks correctly marked to me…?

    Jeff Suovanen - Contestar

  12. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 12, imagen 1 de 1
    • ¿Voltear la placa para más chips? No te preocupes, lo hicimos:

    • Procesador de cámara Vimicro VC0359

    • Controlador de sonido Cirrus Logic CS42L83

    • Memoria flash serie MXIC MX25L6473E de 64 MB.

    • Intersil 95828 HRTZ X707DMB

    • NXP 6142E

    • Regulador PWM multifase Intersil ISL6277A

    • Fairchild FDH10CJ

    Пропустили Thunderbolt контролёр. Он, судя по всему, расположен рядом с портами Thunderbolt 3.

    Nik Dagoth - Contestar

    There is one chip not identified near top left corner(next to the connector). It should be chip for Thunderbolt 3.

    JJ Wu -

    That would make sense! As the PCH does not have it embedded. Intel has stated they are moving to embed the interface within their chips.

    Dan -

    Where is the Wi-Fi+BT controller? Is it integrated somewhere, or you just missed it?

    Alex Rish - Contestar

  13. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 13, imagen 1 de 1
    • Moviendo nuestra atención de nuevo a la pantalla: el nuevo y lujoso panel viene cortesía de LG (quienes también hicieron el viejo panel).

    • Y ese famoso monitor externo alérgico al Wi-Fi...

    • Esta belleza particular de ultra-alta definición es el modelo LM215UH1-SDB1.

    • Ahora nos movemos a los chips de la pantalla, ¡sigue leyendo!

  14. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 14, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 14, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 14, imagen 3 de 3
    • Echa un vistazo a lo que mueve a esos píxeles emergentes:

    • Transceptor de bus de doble suministro de 8 bits Texas Instruments SN74LVC8T245

    • Generador programable de voltaje gamma y Calibrador de Vcom Texas Instruments BUF16821

    • Controlador de sincronización LCD Parade Technologies DP665 (el mismo encontrado en la anterior generación de iMac 4K)

    • Asumimos que esta es una versión modificada de Apple del DP663

    • Convertidor reductor sincrónico SWIFT 4.5 V a 17 V de entrada, 3 A Texas Instruments TPS54218

    • Convertidor reductor sincrónico SWIFT 4.5 V a 17 V de entrada, 3 A Texas Instruments TPS54320

    • Voltaje de polarización totalmente programable de alta resolución Texas Instruments TPS65168

  15. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 15, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 15, imagen 2 de 2
    • Las iMacs previas llevaban una configuración de micrófono doble, con dos micrófonos escondidos detrás de la cámara frontal. Ambos micrófonos permitían al dispositivo filtrar el sonido ambiente y producir una señal más clara.

    • Este año, pareciera que Apple cambió a un solo micrófono; y lo movió al fondo de la pantalla, detrás del vidrio.

    • Quizás ellos mejoraron su procesado de señales lo suficiente para hacerlo con un solo micrófono y ahorrarse algunos centavos.

    • Tendremos que esperar a los primeros dueños para saber si la nueva configuración es aún mejor o peor.

    Any clue on the foot stand? During the presentation they implied the foot was now user removable! And a VESA mount was coming back. Can you see if you can remove it please!

    Dan - Contestar

    Hey Dan, it looks like the foot is not "user-replaceable." The mounting screws on the foot face into the iMac rather than straight up, so they can't be revealed by pivoting the stand around its hinge.

    Evan Noronha - Contestar

    Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement microphone?

    techr - Contestar

    Did you ever find one? I need one too. Mine stopped working and we’ve determined it’s not a software issue.

    Chris West -

  16. Desmontaje del iMac Intel 21.5" Retina 4K Display 2017: paso 16, imagen 1 de 1
    • ¡Y eso es todo!

    I didn't see it addressed but is the stand mounting identical to previous models? I have a custom mounting adapter that works for 2012-15 models.

    hamesken - Contestar

    What's the circular thing in the upper-middle of the rear panel?

    Chris Clawson - Contestar

    That's where the Apple-logo is located. Looks like it might be backlit.

    Andreas -

    What's the size of the SSD in Fusion Drive-equipped configurations?

    Jorge - Contestar

    It’s really disappointing, you missed the Wi-Fi module in the article. I can't even find it in the last picture.

    fadedmaple - Contestar

  17. Consideraciones Finales
    • La CPU y la RAM, dos de los componentes que son más próximos a actualizar en algún punto, son ambas modulares.
    • El disco duro estándar de 2.5" SATA es completamente actualizable, pero no puedes agregar un SSD tipo hoja gracias a un zócalo vacío en la placa lógica.
    • Cortar la cinta para abrir el iMac no es tan difícil (con las herramientas adecuadas), pero debe ser reemplazada para completar cualquier reparación.
    • La mayoría de los componentes reemplazables (como la RAM) están detrás de la placa lógica, significando que deberás quitar casi todo del iMac solo para tener acceso a ella.
    • El vidrio y la pantalla Retina están fusionadas, incrementando el costo de reemplazo.
    Calificación de Reparabilidad
    Reparabilidad 3 de 10
    (10 es lo más fácil de reparar)

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78 comentarios

You mentioned a 3.5" SATA HDD in "Final Thoughts", but as per the Picture it seems to be a 2.5" as previous models. Can you please confirm. Thanks

musstafaa - Contestar

I fixed it right now!

Federico Barutto -

Apple offer Fusion and SSD as BTO options - so the logic board must be different for that surely as you said there is no SSD slot? Another tear down in a few days/weeks!!?

Dominic Cazenove - Contestar

The Fusion-Drive and the SSD only versions might have the necessary connector soldered onto the board. At the photo, you will see the screw hole for mounting a Blade SSD.

Michael Slomma -

And you can see where the connector would be soldered at the bottom left of the board.

Dominic Dunlop -

Get the connector and solder it on :-)

Bernd Rutzmoser -

Just asking everyone, why does an iMac desknop need a CMOS battery? Can't it run on power from the AC socket?

Moana Waialiki -

Moana, CMOS battery is to retain clock and some other settings during power outages. It doesn't assist in powering the system (look at its size)

tipoo -

Do you know what type of Wifi/Bluetooth chipset this version of iMac using?

tdh186 - Contestar

You can refer to the 2nd photo(main board photo) shown in Step 6. On the bottom left corner, there is one module from Broadcom. The model is BCM943602CDP.

JJ Wu -

It is the BCM94602CDP but they updated the Bluetooth chipset by the BCM20704

Leonel Tirado -

Do you know if these new iMacs support target display mode via USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 when connected to a new MacBook Pro with TB3 ?

Philip Blatter - Contestar

They removed this feature a while back...nice to see it again.

crus -

With the replaceable CPU socket, I want to see what other CPUs you can get this to boot with! Aftermarket CPU upgrades?? :D

Andrew Curtis - Contestar

It should work will all the Kaby Lake 7th series CPU's. But I do not think it will work like desktop where you can use Skylake 6th Series CPU's with a Kaby board.

Ash Cooper -

So would a fusion equipped motherboard be upgradable to a larger SSD?

blackketter - Contestar

Should be, yeah. The empty pad would have a socket soldered to it, which would hold the SSD, so the blade could probably be upgraded on that.

Do /not/ get the HDD only model, people!

tipoo -

any idea how many usb 3 controllers this thing have ? searching for a device that has 4 dedicated usb 3 ports that can run on full speed each (macbook pro retina only has 2 controllers and 2 ports mac mini has 1 controller and 4 ports :( )

albert - Contestar

USB 3 controller is integrated inside intel Z170.

JJ Wu -

How do you know the motherboard is z170?

rahulsenna -

Will it be possible to upgrade the SSD to a higher capacity of another company (Samsung )?

Paulo Apolonia - Contestar

I’ve replaced the hdd with a samsung 1tb SSD, successfully.

You’ll have to use the ‘trimforce’ command to enable TRIM support.

Google it:

Benjamin -

With the modular RAM slots facing the rear of the computer, I'm annoyed (not surprised, though) that Apple didn't put a hatch there so I could upgrade the RAM myself. This is difficult enough that I would just eat the $200 to get 16GB of RAM from the get-go. :-/

omar96 - Contestar

So if the RAM is user replacable, it means we can put 32GB instead of the 16GB limit Apple is imposing and could swap the CPU to a i7-7700 (upgrading the CPU is too costly imo ) as all i5s support 32GB.

Etienne Plante - Contestar

And why is the very same make and model of RAM purchased from Apple Store two to three times more expensive than in retailers like Amazon?

Peter Gamble - Contestar

Just spitballing, but theoretically, if you *carefully* cut a door in the back of the case, would you have direct access to the RAM to be able to change it out?

YCAU - Contestar

That's thinking outside the box!

Dod Dad -

I am close to liking this, let use know if you figured out something stylish ...

duznik -

what do you recon to be the cost of making this iMac?

Stewart Mason - Contestar

I think this should have gotten at least a 5, apple was very generous with giving modular CPU and RAM when before they were soldered before, so they are probably taking notes from us :)

Gigabit87898 - Contestar

Wow. Thanks to Intel for no BGA option, we got user replaceable CPU's in our iMac

George A. - Contestar

Is the Z170 cooled by the second branch of the heat pipe (the cpu by the other) or is it another chip?

Larry Nolan - Contestar

Motherboard code 820-00597-A is right ?

Thien Bui - Contestar

Looking forward to a teardown of a model with an SSD. I want to know if it will have a SATA connector (For dual booting Mac/Win I would prefer to have dual SSDs inside my iMac. Would rather BTO it with Apple's lightning fast 1 TB SSD and just add a second SATA SSD or HD). Or will something like this OWC kit provide the cable we need?

JM Palacios - Contestar

Come on, it's got to be better than 3! This is a marked improvement over the last several editions of iMac, and that deserves some praise and positive reinforcement.

iEvan - Contestar

Why give it better than a 3, iEvan? Putting it on a relative scale would seem to reward mediocrity. It's still really hard to repair since you have to take out the screen and all. 3 is the correct score, compared to the 0 or 1 they'd get if everything were soldered and you couldn't open the thing at all.


What's the rating on the PSU? I didn't see a shot of the business side of that where you could zoom in enough to read the markings...

repoman27 - Contestar

Does anybody know where I can buy the new warranty stickers? I need them bad!

imamacperson - Contestar

Looking forward to 27' IMac Teardown

nathan - Contestar

Are the speakers different than the 2015?

Apple has quietly (heh) been doing some amazing work on speakers, including making the 12" Macbook of all things the reference in laptop speaker sound, wondering if the iMacs got the same love. They only specifically call out the new speakers in the iMac Pro.

tipoo - Contestar

Would like to see a tear down of the 27" 5K iMac and to confirm that it too does not have soldered RAM

mrmacfixit - Contestar

The 27-inch versions (except for the upcoming iMac Pro) have user accessible SODIMM slots that you can get to via a little hatch on the back, same as always. Apple doesn't use memory down (soldered to the logic board) configurations indiscriminately. They go that route for mobile platforms for the considerable power / space savings, and I'm pretty sure we've only seen it in desktop models that use mobile U series processors.

repoman27 -

You can also find documentation on Apple's website about RAM upgrades on their iMac. Which is what lead me here in the first place.

They curiously stated the 21.5" 2017 iMac can be returned to Apple or an authorised service centre for RAM upgrades. I suspected that meant socketed RAM which iFixit comfirmed in this teardown. The socketed CPU was a nice surprise though!

Andrew Curtis -

@repoman27 and Andrew Curtis.

Thanks for the replies, I guess I was confused by the term "configurable" on both the 21.5 and 27 iMac which usually means that the RAM is soldered. Thanks for the link to HT205040 which I had not seen before.

mrmacfixit -

So the consumer version of a consumer machine has user-replaceable RAM, but not the Pro version? Because "pros" have the money and people to have it done for them?!

rjvbertin -

Are you considering a 27'' 5K iMac teardown as well? I know aside from TB3 probably not much has changed,but I'd like to have documentation if I ever need to go inside my machine.

Apollo Justice - Contestar

1. Who assembles the IMAC now? Foxconn? Pegatron? Who? Where?

2. Coming from connector industry (being the guy who conceived of a BLGA socket) I would love for you to include analysis of the connectors used.

3. Im including your findings, with appropriate credits and links, to a computer industry report Im doing now.

4. I am working toward US manufacturing of computer systems. See my web site John MacWilliams

John MacWilliams - Contestar

See above. I think you are doing a great service to the industry. Pls keep it up. And I would love for you to identify the country of origin for all your teardowns. And whether you feel, as I do, that products consumed in North America should be manufactured here. We currently have unacceptable exposure to China for most consumer electronic products from smartphones to X86 Servers. In the event of a conflict in that region we would be unable to get computer products. This comment goes against the grain for the industry, which is very happy they could leverage low cost labor rather than automate production. Plus, most were able to outsource manufacturing to Asian ODM suppliers, not having to make those investments here. On new technology Im working with MIT on a Silicon Photonics project: Future servers will have Tbps lightwave circuitry.

John MacWilliams - Contestar

I think you have it all backwards. Without getting too deep into it, I think you blame other countries too much and automation not enough, and I think it's clear that automation has a higher initial investment cost, discouraging some, but that may change. Further, it's not that conflict with China will cut us off from consumer products, but that our interdependence lowers the chance of major conflict occurring in the first place. I understand the desire for protectionism, but not acknowledging the drawbacks of increased consumer prices and lower economic efficiency overall is being dishonest.

US manufacturing can certainly be a good thing, but mandating it via protectionist policy is pretty anti-free market.

What analysis of the connectors is needed? These are standard Intel LGA sockets.


3 out of 10? A zero for me, Apple has built another expensive throwaway, eco unfriendly device (but it's THIN).

R A Stothart - Contestar

I can't believe they even ship these things with a standard hard drive nowadays.

Great tutorial though, thanks!

Sjors van Boven - Contestar

Eventually, that cmos battery will die and the Imac won't retain info if the power is disconnected.

Mac's have a long useful life unlike Windows junk.

Just another customer centric solution that we have come to expect from Apple, mounting it with zero access in a sealed chassis.

When are we going to see a true upgrade, a service door!

Ross Elkins - Contestar

Macs are hardware and Windows is software dude. There is good PC hardware and not so good PC hardware, it's not a uniform experience like with a Mac where everyone gets basically the same hardware. Software and operating systems have a much more meaningful impact on useful life than hardware itself (assuming no colossal design failures...).

Jeremy Harton -

Does the 2.3 GHz model also have upgradable memory?

arcticomp - Contestar

Is it possible get a VESA mount on this 21" iMac? If so, what are the options? and how?

Ian Lucero (Ian Lucero Films) - Contestar

I've seen an option on the Apple Store webpages whilst buying mine. So yes, there are these options for VESA, but probably you have to decide before buying ...

duznik -

Is there going to be a tear down of the new low end 21.5" iMac as well? I'm curious to find out if that model is modular as well? One would suspect it is the same logic board with a different processor and the standard display.

Chris - Contestar

We won't be posting a full teardown, but the entry level model does have removable RAM! The CPU however is soldered in place.

Jeff Suovanen -

Not the most computer literate, but can anyone tell me if the 27" inch iMac would support RAM faster than DDR4-2400? I'd like to put faster RAM in but Apple's site says to only replace it with 2400

Mitchell - Contestar

it's not supported but it may be with other cpus. the dependency sits on the CPU side. as far as I remember my classes, it's the frontside bus frequency which decides how fast to interact with the memory level(s).

duznik -

I'm looking at the security of the stand - is it easy to take off when the computer is closed - I've seen some videos that suggest you can just detach the screen from the stand?

Steve Abr - Contestar

I just bought the Fusion Drive version of the iMac with plans to upgrade both hard drives. I can’t find any information about the SSD in my new iMac. Just the model number: APPLE SSD SM0032L. It seems impossible to find a blade SSD with the right connector. In fact, it’s impossible to figure out what the connector is. I’m sad that iFixit didn’t bother ordering a Fusion Drive iMac.

Upgrading the 2.5” drive is easy. Does anyone here have information about the SSD portion of the Fusion Drive in my new 2017 4K 21.5 iMac?

Sean - Contestar

The SSD has the same 12+16 pin connector found in the SSDs releases from Mid 2013 devices onward. The SSD you currently have installed (SM0032L) is a PCIe 3.0 x4 NVMe SSD, but you ordered a standalone SSD from the factory you would have received a PCIe 3.0 x4 AHCI SSD. More information about upgrading can be found in this link:

codylhenderson -

I want to know if the blade SSD is the same one as the MacBook Pro has, to where you can interchange their drives.

djfriar - Contestar

Since its release, the new iMac 2017 5k can have many things upgraded, as iFixit has said in the teardown.

So I was thinking here: is it possible to replace the i5-7600k or the i7-7700k to the new Cannon Lake i5-8600 or i7-8700k (both have same socket and same power consumption!), so a 2017 machine can become a fast 2018 one?

Gabriel Rossi - Contestar

Hello Gabriel, I have the same question as yours. Some said that is impossible due to different bios chipset version for the Cannon Lake. Have you found or tried upgrade it to the 2018 intel core?

Mr.Maker -

Wonder if the SSD only version has the SATA connector on the logic board. If so then I can add one more hard drive to my iMac.

Zhenfu Shi - Contestar

With a full breakdown like this would it be possible to remove the stand and install a VESA mount?

Danny Santamarina - Contestar

well u can get a vesa mount option when purchasing the iMac. This means it won’t come with the stand.

So on the teardown u can just unscrew the stand from the inside and i guess plonk your own.

pinoyians -

In Step 15, picture 2, where can I purchase another internal microphone ribbon cable? I managed to damage it when removing.

Eric - Contestar

where can i get replacement tape to stick the front back on?

dthunter - Contestar

Use this adhesive replacement guide and buy the adhesive strips on our store!

Sam Goldheart -

Looking to find out what that first cable that is unplugged in teardown, not the LCD display port, but the other. Having an issue with this iMac display not turning on after RAM replacement, despite everything being in place, unbroken and LCD lights on motherboard indicate all good.

Drarelle Blassingame - Contestar

Can you upgrade the 2.3 GHz model with the i5 to an i7 as well?

John Kissun - Contestar

Does the logic board allow pcie and m.2 ssd or it just allow sata ssd?

Asif - Contestar

Apple uses their own blade SSD interface which is not the same as the M.2 versions. IF you bought a Fusion Drive’d system then you have the connector an SATA drive’d system only has the SATA drive and a SSD only system will have the needed connector. Review this great guide The Ultimate Guide to Apple’s Proprietary SSDs

Dan -

Can I add a SATA SSD instead of the fusion drive?

Chinmay Mirani - Contestar

A Fusion Drive is when you have installed both a SATA HDD & Blade SSD and then fuse them together within the OS (you only see the HDD drive as the blade SSD is being used as a cache drive on your desktop, the SSD is hidden). You don’t need to do that!

Many advanced amateurs and pro’s prefer a dual drive set which each drive is independent of each other (within the desktop you see two drives)


If you only have a single drive installed (SATA HDD or blade SSD) then you can replace it with a larger drive or in the case of a SATA HDD switch it out for a SATA SSD. If you have a Fusion Drive based system the smarter direction is to split the Fusion Drive set back to discreet drives and then replace the impish 24 GB blade SSD for something larger! Like a 500 GB or bigger. That way you use the bade SSD for your boot drive as well as the apps drive, leaving the rest empty! Letting the OS and the apps the needed elbow room for virtual RAM, Caching, Paging and scratch space if the application is able to leverage it.


If you are an artist working in graphics, photos or video you’ll want something larger which can also hold your current work piece. If you are into music then you’ll likely want something larger for your instruments as well as the work piece you are working on.


I upgrade pro’s and student systems for a few collages in the area I often install 1 or 2 TB blade SSD drives.

Dan -

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