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Este desmontaje no es una guía de reparación. Para reparar tu Apple Watch, utiliza nuestros manuales de servicio .

  1. Desmontaje del Apple Watch, Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 1, imagen 1 de 1
    • Damas y caballeros, el Apple Watch ha llegado. Pero antes de llegar al grano, aquí hay una descripción general rápida de las especificaciones técnicas:

    • Pantalla AMOLED Retina sensible a la presión, flexible y táctil

    • Un modelo mide 38 mm (verticalmente) con 272 x 340 píxeles (290 ppp), el otro modelo mide 42 mm (verticalmente) con 312 x 390 píxeles (302 ppp)

    • Apple S1 SiP de diseño personalizado (Sistema en paquete)

    • Almacenamiento integrado de 8 GB

    • NFC + WiFi 802.11b/g/n + Bluetooth 4.0

    • Acelerómetro + giroscopio + pulsómetro + micrófono + altavoz

    • Ver el SO

    I actually got a notification for this teardown on my watch! Almost like it's brother watch was crying out for help...

    Sean Titmarsh - Contestar

    Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground

    Kevin Taylor -

    Man, some months from now we will all laugh at this but right now almost everyone who pre-ordered their Apple Watch is crying at the sight of this.

    Carlos Perea - Contestar

    The watch is OK, I guess, but the band is a winner!

    lainelee - Contestar

    Going through the breakdown steps of the Apple watch, it appears to be a nice piece of kit. One question I may ask, would it get any new firmware updates and how will be done?

    Taki59 - Contestar

  2. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 2, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 2, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 2, imagen 3 de 3
    • Así termina la espera. El Apple Watch ha llegado y nuestro primer curso de acción es desempaquetarlo.

    • Si bien esperábamos encontrar un boleto dorado adentro, nos conformaremos con la mejor opción: el Apple Watch Sport, completo con su Sport Band, base de carga y adaptador de corriente.

    • Muchas gracias a MacFixit Australia, que nos permitió usar sus excavaciones en Melbourne para este derribo. Disponen de actualizaciones/accesorios para Mac y iPhone, y también llevan nuestros kits de herramientas iFixit.

    That settles it: I'm getting the blue band. I think it looks pretty slick (as does the packaging).

    CJ Schmid - Contestar

    I went with the blue band for mine. Can't wait to see it in person :)

    John -

  3. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 3, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 3, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 3, imagen 3 de 3
    • Estábamos listos para desmontar el Apple Watch hasta que nos distrajimos con una elegante visualización gráfica. ''Oooh'', lindos colores.

    • ¿No estás seguro de cómo abrocharte esa elegante Sport Band? No tengas miedo: ¡Apple incluye instrucciones justo en la parte posterior de la pulsera!

    • No hay necesidad de molestos cables de carga: el Apple Watch cuenta con la tecnología de carga inductiva MagSafe, que le permite conectarse magnéticamente al cargador. Apple también promociona que es un "... sistema completamente sellado sin contactos expuestos".

    Can you please post the exact measurements of the charger?

    Thank you and blue skies!

    Jerry Salinas - Contestar

    The charging cradle is 6.7 mm thick with a diameter of 28 mm.

    Walter Galan -

  4. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 4, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 4, imagen 2 de 2
    • Dirigimos nuestra atención a la parte posterior de la caja, donde encontramos una cubierta compuesta con lentes de polímero óptico con revestimiento duro que protegen un conjunto de LED y fotodiodos.

    • El sensor de frecuencia cardíaca especialmente diseñado utiliza una combinación de sensores infrarrojos y de luz visible para medir su frecuencia cardíaca.

    • A diferencia del Apple Watch Sport, las carcasas traseras del Apple Watch y el Apple Watch Edition cuentan con una cubierta de cerámica Zirconia con lentes de zafiro.

    • Frente al Digital Crown, encontramos los puertos de micrófono y altavoz.

    I think the back piece on the Sport watch is composite, not ceramic

    Tim Camber - Contestar

    Correct. According to footnote on Apple Watch site: "Sport models have a composite back with hard

    coated optical polymer lenses."

    The backs on the Watch and Edition collections are zirconia ceramic with sapphire crystal lenses

    Ryan Mack -

    Good catch. We've updated the teardown. Thanks!

    Walter Galan -

    Not an LCD, so no LCD connector.

    Sam Davis - Contestar

    Sam - So does this mean it is an OLED screen if not LCD?

    randallhlee -

    ..and the microphone is from?

    Raul Piper - Contestar

  5. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 5, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 5, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 5, imagen 3 de 3
    • Antes de colocarlo en el tajo, intentaremos algo no destructivo: quitar la banda.

    • Al presionar este botón en la carcasa trasera, se libera una clavija de metal con resorte en la banda, lo que permite que se deslice hacia afuera.

    • Si estás deseando cambiar de banda, no hay mucho que hacer, físicamente. Sin embargo, Apple preferiría que solo uses correas de la misma colección. Sin pulseras Link en su Watch Sport, por favor

    • La Sport Band es completamente de plástico, o, más exactamente, de elastómero, sin pines de metal para la correa del reloj.

    • ¡Ensamblado en China!

  6. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 6, imagen 1 de 1
    • Oculta dentro de la ranura de la Sport Band, vemos una cubierta misteriosa, una especie de puerta.

    • ¿Para qué es la puerta? ¿Adónde conduce? Es posible que nunca lo sepamos... pero parece el puerto de diagnóstico informado.

    • Mirando más de cerca el costado del Apple Watch, encontramos el número de modelo: A1553.

    • El Apple Watch viene en dos números de modelo diferentes: A1553 para la caja de 38 mm y A1554 para la caja de 42 mm.

    Could you show us the strapping mechanism for the band?

    qiun - Contestar

    Is that model number text as misaligned with the port as it looks?

    mward - Contestar

  7. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 7, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 7, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 7, imagen 3 de 3
    • Sin inmutarnos por la falta de tornillos externos, volvemos a colocar la Sport Band para un mayor apalancamiento y sacamos un iOpener para negociar nuestro camino hacia el vientre de esta bestia.

    • Renunciando a nuestras herramientas de apertura tradicionales, le damos a esta pantalla toda la fuerza que nuestro Tech Knife puede reunir.

    • Nos movemos con nuestra selección de apertura para terminar las cosas. Esperemos que esto no se vuelva tan complicado como el otro lanzamiento insignia de Apple.

    What was actually holding the screen itself down? And can you show further disassembly of the screen?

    tonyluciani - Contestar

    and there goes any water resistance... How would one even make their watch water resistant when replacing the screen? I guess it wouldn't be... even if I was told, *use this* glue/tape and it will be, I wouldn't trust it..

    Will - Contestar

  8. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 8, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 8, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 8, imagen 3 de 3
    • Con cautela levantamos la pantalla, esperando un enredo de cables, es decir, los cables de la pantalla y del digitalizador.

    • Desconectar la pantalla no es fácil, ya que los cables de la pantalla quedan atrapados debajo de un soporte elástico (similar a la cubierta del cable Touch ID del iPhone 5s).

    • Nuestros ingenieros de desmontaje están atentos a esos trucos... pero ¿quién vigila a los vigilantes?

    How do you stick the display screen back?

    Jx Corp - Contestar

    You’ll need either the Touch Force gasket or the die cut adhesive strips. Both are sold by IFIXIT.

    Dan -

  9. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 9, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 9, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 9, imagen 3 de 3
    • Houston, tenemos separación. Con el panel de visualización retirado, rápidamente detectamos dos funciones de Apple Watch muy publicitadas: Taptic Engine y Digital Crown.

    • Parece que incluso el humilde Watch Sport obtiene un poco de oro deslumbrante. Esperamos que se trate de algún tipo de antena, con el tratamiento dorado familiar de Apple.

    I think the question on everyone's mind is will that s1 chip be replaceable. Doesn't look easy to get to.

    Arvin - Contestar

    Oh , unfortunately I could not find out where's Pressure sensor underneath the display.

    It's another key topics of differentiator on Apple watch

    neptune neptune - Contestar

  10. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 10, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 10, imagen 2 de 2
    • Con esta primera foto, nos tomamos un momento para comparar el interior del Apple Watch con el de un reloj mecánico clásico tan antiguo como el mismo tiempo.

    • A la derecha, el mecanismo de un reloj de bolsillo, alrededor de 1890. (Con 125 años, no parece tener más de 39). A la izquierda, un reloj inteligente de 2015.

    • ¿Cuál de estos sobrevivirá al otro?

    • Aunque todavía estamos tratando con un reloj, esta segunda foto deja claro que las herramientas necesarias para las reparaciones de rutina han cambiado mucho con el tiempo.

    • Ya conoces a nuestros amigos de la izquierda: púa de apertura, pinzas, destornillador y cuchillo técnico.

    • A la derecha, la herramienta con las orejas de Mickey Mouse no es otra que una herramienta de horquilla de palet. A su derecha inmediata, tenemos un tornillo de banco. Debajo de eso, una herramienta de demolición de joyas rodantes...

    • ...y a su derecha, pinzas! Algunas cosas realmente no cambian. (Aunque nuestro relojero residente nos informa que tal vez sea más exacto llamarlo "el portatornillos del perezoso").

    I thought you were pulling another April Fool's joke when I saw this photo. :)

    jrj - Contestar

    Interesting that you chose a tuning fork watch for a comparison device. Most of your readers might not be familiar with this fine timepiece. I would love to see a teardown on this one :).

    scottlvance - Contestar

    The tuning fork timepiece mechanism is from an Accutron. If you google Accutron Spaceview you can see it in pictures. I have one of these watches, they look great!

    Don Beckstein - Contestar

    Bulova Accutron sighting!!!

    brepettis - Contestar

  11. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 11, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 11, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 11, imagen 3 de 3
    • Un movimiento rápido de una herramienta de apertura de plástico es todo lo que se necesita para despachar el adhesivo ligero que asegura la batería.

    • Esta pequeña batería de iones de litio de 3,8 V y 0,78 Wh es la potencia detrás del Apple Watch de 38 mm. ¡Aquí no hay engranajes! Apple afirma que la batería de 205 mAh debería proporcionar hasta 18 horas de uso (lo que se traduce en 6,5 horas de reproducción de audio, 3 horas de tiempo de conversación o 72 horas en modo de reserva de energía).

    • Según Apple, "las afirmaciones sobre el rendimiento de la batería se basan en los resultados de las pruebas del Apple Watch de 38 mm. Un Apple Watch de 42 mm generalmente experimenta una mayor duración de la batería".

    • Una batería de 205 mAh parece minúscula en comparación con las baterías de 300 mAh que se encuentran en el Moto 360 y el Samsung Gear Live. Con suerte, Watch OS de Apple ayudará a que la batería resista el paso del tiempo y evite los problemas que inicialmente plagaron al Moto 360.

    Can we get the physical dimensions of the cell itself?

    gary - Contestar

    It would be nice to know the weight as well.

    mbeatty -

    Any info on the battery connector used? i.e. part number?

    pixbroker - Contestar

    according to the photo: 3.80V, 0.78Whr, 205mAh, Model A1578, 1icp5/18/26

    Henny Wong - Contestar

  12. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 12, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 12, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 12, imagen 3 de 3
    Herramienta utilizada en este paso:
    File Set

    the S1 disintegrates into conformal powder if you try to open the case...

    Kevin Taylor - Contestar

    Is that a barcode beneath the "S1" designation?

    Miroslav Djuric - Contestar

    Definitely looks like one. I'd venture a guess that it's not much different than barcodes/data matrices found on other processors, likely acting as an identifier of some sort (plate no., serial no., lot no., etc.).

    kappanjoe -

    I've seen triwing screws about that size before, in the old compact flash sized disk drives made by IBM (now Hitachi Global Storage). I want to do a teardown of mine, but I too will have to make my own tools to do so.

    jrehwin - Contestar

    The screws appear to be MicroStix 3ULR and referenced here The micro screws are patented by OSG Japan. As jrehwin mentions, they first showed up in Hitachi and Seagate 1" hard disk drives then later in MS Zune player and gaming systems. Licensed to Unisteel Singapore. Source for licensed bit manufacturer is unknown.

    Given the quantity of Apple watches to be produced and the volume of screws needed to meet that demand, the screws will have to be formed, not machined. To deliver torque, the slanted 3-lobe recess design works with minimal depth providing enough strength for adequate clamp load. The difficulty in making and forming the screws lies within the very thin head and depth of recess required. The blue material shown on one of the screw threads is a chemical patch. It works as an adhesive to prevent vibrational loosening in very short threads.

    Henabel - Contestar

    Alternate screw recess designs are possible; 5-lobe like found on the iPhone, Torx Plus, Nacro, 00 or 000 Phillips, and MorTorq Super MTS-04 micro screw. Each design offers certain drive system strength capability but limited by head thickness and minimal thickness of the components being fastened together. Secondary function of the recess is to provide some level of tamper resistance as driver bits are not readily available.

    Henabel - Contestar

    Here's the Tri-point Y000 Screwdriver driver: IF145-309-2 [producto vinculado inexistente o deshabilitado: IF145-309]

    mayer - Contestar

  13. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 13, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 13, imagen 2 de 2
    • Dada la cantidad limitada de espacio dentro del Apple Watch, encontramos el cable plano del micrófono atrapado creativamente entre las capas interna y externa de la caja.

    That’s the force touch sensor flex cable:

    kip - Contestar

    Yes the tweezer is grasping the force touch sensor. I think the writer was pointing out how the mic connector is inter-woven between the parts when you also look at the second image.

    Dan -

  14. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 14, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 14, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 14, imagen 3 de 3
    • Es hora de quitar el Taptic Engine, que está unido a la cadera del altavoz.

    • El Taptic Engine es la versión de Apple del actuador lineal. Crea movimiento en línea recta (a diferencia del movimiento circular de un motor eléctrico), que a su vez proporciona retroalimentación háptica.

    • Tiene sentido que el Taptic Engine esté conectado al altavoz. Cuando se combina con señales de audio sutiles del controlador de altavoz especialmente diseñado, el Taptic Engine está diseñado para generar un movimiento único.

    Can you compare the Watch's Taptic Engine with the Macbook's?

    brunobarcelos - Contestar

    What are the dimensions of the Taptic Engine, the battery and the interior space?

    Perhaps we can figure out how much bigger a battery that the 42mm can have.

    KDarling - Contestar

    WARNING - they just ruined the watch in this step. They ripped off the flex coming from the battery. you can see it in step 16 pic 1. this is non-replaceable. Apparently, ifixit didnt put this watch back together again. i figured this out using this guide to change the housing on my watch, which is now ruined.

    karl - Contestar

    Correct, which is why there's a warning that this is not a repair guide right at the top of the page. When a device is dismantled for the very first time and the manufacturer doesn't publish the service manual, there's a lot of guesswork involved and things sometimes get damaged. Don't try to use a teardown as instructions!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    A little note in the section where things are damaged would be helpful Jeff.

    john - Contestar

  15. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 15, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 15, imagen 2 de 2
    • El altavoz viene equipado con una junta tórica para resistencia al agua. Como todo lo demás en este dispositivo, es pequeño.

    • Apple ha estado promocionando la clasificación de resistencia al agua IPX7 de Watch. Estas juntas ayudan, pero los cambios rápidos de temperatura harán que cualquier metal se encoja o se expanda y pueden comprometer la integridad de estos sellos.

    • Para los fanáticos de las especificaciones, IPX7 significa que el Apple Watch puede soportar hasta 30 minutos de inmersión total en hasta 1 metro de agua.

    • Apple no recomienda probar esos límites, afirmando que puedes "... usar Apple Watch durante el ejercicio, bajo la lluvia y mientras te lava las manos, pero no se recomienda sumergir Apple Watch".

  16. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 16, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 16, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 16, imagen 3 de 3
    • Retiramos con cuidado el conjunto de la antena, que está discretamente metido en los huecos de la carcasa.

    • Apostamos a que este pequeño maneja las capacidades de Wi-Fi y Bluetooth del Apple Watch. Patentes recientes de Apple sugieren que parte del ensamblaje de la antena puede integrarse en la carcasa.

    I would daresay that discreetly is a more appropriate spelling

    pmcgrane - Contestar

  17. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 17, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 17, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¿Qué es esto? ¿Un teléfono para hormigas? Al igual que una versión en miniatura de un iPhone, encontramos un cable de botón con un botón mecánico.

    • El pequeño botón incluso viene con una pequeña tapa de botón y una junta.

  18. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 18, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 18, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 18, imagen 3 de 3
    • Rápidamente despachamos dos tornillos de tres puntas muy pequeños que sujetan un pequeño panel a la caja del reloj.

    • Detrás del diminuto panel encontramos un conjunto de contactos que se alinean perfectamente con la ubicación del puerto de diagnóstico oculto.

    • No queriendo hacer contacto, despachamos rápidamente este pequeño conector.

    • Todavía incapaz de quitar la puerta del puerto de diagnóstico, recurrimos a empujarla para liberarla a través de los pequeños agujeros en el interior de la caja.

    • Tiene que haber una manera más fácil de acceder a la puerta que desmontar todo el reloj, pero no estamos al tanto de los secretos de Apple.

    My guess is that the diagnostic port cover isn't meant to be removed. On the manufacturing line they probably have a test station that runs a series of functional tests on the device and once those are complete, they close up the port. It looks like a tight fit so the force of insertion locks it in place.

    Rick Mellor - Contestar

    Is the cover of the diagnostic port cover plastic or metal? How is it secured to the case?

    Ameen Amanat - Contestar

    A small hole can be seen on the door. Isn't it screw-threaded? If so, it will be able to open by sinking a screw longer than the thickness of the door.

    Motosuke - Contestar

    Is any part of the diagnostics port magnetic (like magsafe)? Is there any way to tell if power, rather than just data, is able to transfer though the port? If so, it would definitely point towards future smart bands. Sure, a smart band could have it's own battery supply that doesn't connect with the watch, preventing it from leaching precious battery life, but then you'd have to charge two separate devices (band and watch) every day. If power could transfer through the diagnostics port, then not only could you have battery packs in smart bands to help power the watch itself, but also you'd only have to charge one device each night (the watch could then recharge the bands).

    kdavis - Contestar

    This is cool suggestion!!!!

    Aleksandra Perry -

    You don't need to unscrew to remove the tiny panel. It just comes out using a sharp tool like an artists knife. Unscrewing is only necessary to remove the contacts ribbon.

    seaniepie - Contestar

    Yes, It’s coming of with little bit force, piked with thin sharp, but strong enough to not bend tool. It looks like little bit glue under, and looks like my be magnet to. I did not play with it much:)

    Aleksandra Perry -

  19. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 19, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 19, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 19, imagen 3 de 3
    • Quitamos el soporte de la corona digital, el último obstáculo que nos mantiene alejados del S1 SiP.

    • Cue el levantamiento épico del monolito.

    • Podemos sentir el poder mientras sacamos lentamente el futuro de la humanidad S1 del estuche.

    • La parte posterior del S1 no es tan bonita como la parte delantera: con cables de cinta que llegan a todos los periféricos y gotas de adhesivo que lo sujetan en su lugar, el chip deja un desagradable desastre a su paso.

  20. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 20, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 20, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 20, imagen 3 de 3
    • Sacar este lío es un procedimiento destructivo, pero después de quitar algunos conectores soldados, podemos ver por primera vez el S1.

    • A pesar de los rumores (y las esperanzas) de un producto actualizable, la dificultad de eliminar el S1 solo arroja serias dudas sobre la idea de simplemente cambiar las partes internas.

    • Desafortunadamente, nuestro primer vistazo está obstruido: esa gorra plateada adornada con S1 no es una gorra en absoluto. Es un bloque sólido de resina pegajosa que esconde tesoros en lo más profundo.

    • Actualización: Chipworks ha identificado este pequeño IC como el giroscopio + acelerómetro STMicroelectronics C451.

    Yikes - I think you'll need Chipworks assistance getting inside that chunk. Probably have to boil it in Novec, followed by acid for several hours to reach the meat'n taters...

    Sonar Tech - Contestar

    The wireless charging antenna inside the base is certainly compact and cute. Looks like it's not a continuous wire loop, but a U-shape printed "coil". Is this Qi-based, or something proprietary like I'd expect?

    Sonar Tech - Contestar

    I've seen that the Moto 360 does in fact charge using the Apple Watch Charging Cable, leading me to believe that it could possibly be considered "Qi-based."

    Nathan Larsen -

    What are the dimensions of the S1?

    What is its size as compared to other smartwatch circuit boards?

    KDarling - Contestar

    Is there any way to repair the gyroscope?

    Pepsolman - Contestar

    The only way is to replace the entire SIP module.

    Dan -

  21. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 21, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 21, imagen 2 de 2
    • Después de quitar el S1, volvemos al futuro y al panel de visualización para encontrar un chip solitario:

    • Controlador de pantalla táctil basado en ARM Cortex M3 de Analog Devices AD7166

    • Los analistas han anticipado que LG sería el proveedor de la pantalla Retina del Apple Watch, y nuestra mejor suposición es que Watch luce una pantalla Plastic AMOLED fabricada por LG.

    • Con unas pinzas cuidadosas, levantamos lo que parece ser un sensor de luz ambiental.

    • Apostamos a que este es uno de los nuevos sensores de luz ambiental de células solares de Apple. Esto permite que el sensor esté detrás del panel de visualización, a diferencia del diseño tradicional montado en la superficie que se ve en la mayoría de los teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas.

    I'm looking forward to a firm confirmation whether this "flexible Retina" display is LCD or OLED technology. If the latter is confirmed as rumored, it's a great validation of OLED technology, namely Universal Display Corporation and all players in that supply chain.

    --EDIT-- I now see in step one "Pressure-sensitive, flexible, touchscreen AMOLED Retina display.". Cheers! Thanks ifixit!!

    randallhlee - Contestar

    Great validation of OLED technology? Not really. Just because it's a good fit for one purpose, doesnt make it the right solution for a different task, like a cellphone display for example.

    OLED and LED screens both have their individual advantages and disadvantages.

    Victor Szulc -

    Wait, how is there an ambient light sensor behind/in the screen?! ...or am I mistaken?

    mbrandonlee - Contestar

    I was wondering the same thing! I assume that's exactly what it is, since the watch will put the screen to sleep if you cover it with your hand, but I would also assume that the AMOLED display would interfere with the sensor.

    kappanjoe -

    It appears to be some new Apple tech that allows for light to be sensed through the display, using a special type of solar cell. Pretty cool right?

    Geoff Wacker -

    I'm missing the reveal of the touch force sensor.

    Maybe this isn't a ALS but some kind of low distance sensor that measures indirectly the force the user presses at the display.

    knochi77 - Contestar

    Well spotted. There indeed is no mention of the force pressure sensor, the black strip around the chassis rim under the glass.

    seaniepie -

    это просто датчик освещенности чтобы не делать отдельную дырку как на смартфонах . очень технологично

    Sasha Pups - Contestar

    экономия места и дизайн

    Sasha Pups - Contestar

  22. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 22, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 22, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 22, imagen 3 de 3
    • La corona digital parece tener un sistema codificador, como el termostato Nest, para leer el giro del dial.

    • Los codificadores rotatorios funcionan traduciendo la posición angular de un eje en un código analógico o digital que las computadoras pueden entender.

    • El codificador se ramifica del cable del botón, junto con el botón único y los contactos del puerto de diagnóstico.

    • Todos estos periféricos nos dejan preguntándonos si Apple tiene alguna intención de ofrecer un programa de actualización para el Apple Watch. Quitar las partes internas será difícil y llevará mucho tiempo, no es el tipo de cosas para las que su Genius local está equipado, pero suponemos que Apple podría proporcionar una opción de pedido por correo.

    I guess it must be magnetic encoding

    chavezdavid - Contestar

    Like in the sample image I also ruin this flex and I need replacement where can I order. Would you please give me source where can I order this part?

    Noel Macapugay - Contestar

    Hi … I also ruin this flex during the dissembly … i didn’nt find it on any website … could you help me pleas ??

    claverin philippe -

  23. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 23, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 23, imagen 2 de 2
    • Raspando la parte inferior de la caja del reloj del barril, encontramos la acción del sensor de pulso. Y lentes

    • El monitor de frecuencia cardíaca de Apple es en realidad un pletismógrafo: se ve y actúa como un oxímetro de pulso, pero Apple no afirma que pueda medir el nivel de oxígeno en la sangre. ¿Por qué? nos gana

    • Nuestras mejores conjeturas involucran las regulaciones de la FDA.

    • Ubicado en la caja también encontramos un imán, para ayudar a asentar el reloj en su cargador inductivo. Electrizante.

    • Encontramos una bobina de alambre de aspecto familiar descansando en la cubierta compuesta. Suponemos que esta es la bobina de carga inductiva.

    • Actualización: Chipworks ha identificado el amplificador operacional de precisión, bajo nivel de ruido y baja corriente de reposo OPA2376 de Texas Instruments como parte del paquete del sensor.

    In order to measure Blood oxygen levels you need a Red and an IR LED. Can you confirm that the watch has this? Just because its a plethysmograph doesn't mean it can measure oxygen levels. It needs the different wavelengths to determine the ratio of oxygenated hemoglobin, and non oxygenated. All I have ever seen is green LEDs, which are not capable of doing this. What makes you think its capable of being a Oximeter.

    Sean Hodgins - Contestar

    Hopefully they will enable O2 measurement in a future software update. The Apple Watch does have IR diodes in addition to the green ones. From <>:


    How Apple Watch measures your heart rate.

    The heart rate sensor in Apple Watch uses what is known as photoplethysmography. This technology, while difficult to pronounce, is based on a very simple fact: Blood is red because it reflects red light and absorbs green light. Apple Watch uses green LED lights paired with light‑sensitive photodiodes to detect the amount of blood flowing through your wrist at any given moment.


    The heart rate sensor can also use infrared light. This mode is what Apple Watch uses when it measures your heart rate every 10 minutes. However, if the infrared system isn’t providing an adequate reading, Apple Watch switches to the green LEDs. In addition, the heart rate sensor is designed to compensate for low signal levels by increasing both LED brightness and sampling rate.

    William -

    Ps: Green LEDs apparently can be used for reflective oximetry, when paired with infrared. I suspect accuracy is not yet sufficient, or measurements not reliable enough yet, so Apple did not include oximetry in the initial release—but one can hope for signal processing advancements to allow for it in the future.

    William -

    I really don't think you can do it with just infrared and green LEDs. Pulse oximeters use one of two combinations: red and IR, or red and green. The common denominator (and the key to the pulse oximeter, itself) is the red light.

    That's why we have the mnemonic "SeXy DARLing", which stands for "at SiX hundred nm wavelength DeoxyHb Absorbs Red Light". At green wavelengths, both oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin absorb equally, and the same is true at 780nm IR. So, IR and green are the wavelengths you use to calibrate red.

    My best guess, Apple uses IR for the "any time" pulse because it's invisible, and green for the more accurate "on demand" pulse because it's relatively unobtrusive. Shine a green light into skin and it does not go far. Shine a white light, and you get a red halo. Red is the band that propagates through a human body. If they had red LEDs, the light would diffuse a cm or two, enough to light up the skin all around the watch, forming a "halo".

    koloshor -

    Is the gyroscope nestled in within the area at step 23?

    Willy - Contestar

    the Gyro should be one the FCB which ifixit has not tear down yet.

    iamedriczhang -

    So, a magnet on the watch. I was wondering why there isn't a compass. Was building a business around a magnetometer. Very disappointed!

    anonymous 5237 - Contestar

    It's imposible to measure the relation between oxygenated hemoglobyn and reduced (not oxygenated) hemoglobyn (Hb) without the pair of ir and red lights, is necesary to have this two ligths and receptors for each one light to make a relation between both Hb (oxygenated and reduced) to get a porcentage like 95% of oxygen saturation ( 95% SpO2)

    RSR1 - Contestar

    wondering how the watch calculates the heading angle?Isn't compass mandatory for it.I am sure the watch has the pedometer abilities but what about heading or is it calculated with acc+gyro data + mag data from the GPRS/GSM ?

    Raul Piper - Contestar

  24. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 24, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 24, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 24, imagen 3 de 3
    • ¡No toques ese dial! Aún no hemos terminado.

    • El cargador inductivo de Apple es un gran problema, y ​​siempre estamos ansiosos por abrir sus adaptadores más nuevos.

    • Oficialmente conocido como el cable de carga magnético del Apple Watch, cuenta con una base de 6,7 mm de grosor con un diámetro de 28 mm.

    • Después de un poco de calor, tratamos de hacer palanca y terminamos rompiendo la carcasa trasera del cargador mag-safe-ish.

    • ¡Para encontrarlo lleno hasta el borde con pegamento!

    To find it filled to the brim with glue! AND SOME WINDINGS + A CORE

    Please take it further apart. Is there a kind of half ferrite potcore in it? Are those real windings inside or is it a coil made of PCB traces?

    Mark de Wit - Contestar

    I support the wish to take the loader further apart.

    (btw: Login via Yahoo does not work, states that iFixit uses a deprecated protocol)

    facebook -

    Can you please shoot one photo straight from the side of the charger. To show the position where the cable is connected to the charger. Is it in the middle? It would help us so much if you can also measure the diameter of the cable coming out of the charger disc. Thank you.

    Aderca - Contestar

    This may be actually step 25 - the photo of the brass colored coil is kind of odd. It is punctured with about 30 random round holes. Can you see if you can determine what purpose those holes serve?

    rmckenzie10 - Contestar

    If it's step 25, I think that's a PCB, not a coil. Those holes might be vias.

    dennis97519 -

    The brass plate supports the plastic studs which the coil windings are secured to. The holes in the plate are filled with the studs.

    Dan -

  25. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 25, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 25, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 25, imagen 3 de 3
    • Cortamos la carcasa para llegar a la pequeña torta de pegamento (completa con centro magnético).

    • Después de quitar el peso, encontramos algunas marcas, pero eso es todo.

    • Apple ha estado notablemente ausente de la disputa en curso sobre los estándares de carga inalámbrica. Algunos han especulado que Apple ha estado ideando su propiométodo de carga inductiva. Las patentes recientes de Apple que cubren una bobina de carga inductiva/NFC integrada respaldan estas hipótesis.

    Please teardown the charging disc completely... there appear to be other goodies inside if you do a complete teardown... such as a flexible printed circuit board, copper wiring for inductive charging, and a magnet for attaching the Apple Watch to the charging disc, and other small metal parts around the perimeter of the disc for unknown purpose... Thanks!

    Steve King - Contestar

    Yes, the charger needs a more complete teardown.

    People are reporting that other magnetic chargers, such as the Qi, do not work with the Apple Watch, yet the Apple charger reportedly can be used with at least one other inductively-charged watch. Something's got to be causing this, and some proprietary chip in the charger would explain it (or, it could just be a more powerful field).

    darryl -

    It looks like they potted the whole unit in this clear glue. Is it soft goo, like hot glue, or is it hard like epoxy? Does it soften with heat? I'd love to see the business-end of the charger electronics...

    Sonar Tech - Contestar

    Could be interresting to understand how the waveform genereted through the coil are produced (is there any electronic inside the cable? ) THere should be some.

    patrice Hamard - Contestar

    I second that call for further investigation of the charger. If you plug one into a Mac and investigate it, first with System Information and then with USB Prober (the latter being an optional download once you have XCode), you find it's got a lot of USB personality. It claims to implement the HID (Human Interface Device) profile with a transfer speed of 12Mb/sec, and provides more (uninterpretable) information when attached to a Watch than when it is not. So there's definitely smarts in there. To what end? Beats me.

    Dominic Dunlop - Contestar

  26. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 26, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 26, imagen 2 de 2
    • Puntuaje de reparabilidad de Apple Watch: 5 de 10 (10 es el más fácil de reparar)

    • Si bien no es un estándar de la industria, la correa del reloj se quita fácilmente y se cambia por un reemplazo.

    • Quitar la pantalla es difícil, pero no imposible: es el primer componente que se quita, lo que simplifica el reemplazo.

    • Una vez que está adentro, la batería es bastante fácil de quitar: solo un adhesivo suave la mantiene en su lugar.

    • Si bien no son propietarios, los tornillos de tres puntas increíblemente pequeños son un obstáculo para la reparación, especialmente cuando se podría haber usado Torx o Phillips.

    • Retirar cualquier otro componente es esencialmente imposible: todos los cables periféricos están soldados en la parte posterior del S1.

    • El sistema S1 totalmente encapsulado hace que las reparaciones a nivel de placa sean imposibles.

  27. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 27, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 27, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 27, imagen 3 de 3
    • ¡Pero espera hay mas! Solo por tiempo limitado, mira un desmontaje y obtén el segundo gratis. Nos escuchaste, ¡100% absolutamente gratis!

    • Conoce el verdadero Apple Watch: el modelo de acero inoxidable.

    • Curiosamente, el Apple Watch estándar tiene una caja completamente diferente a la del Watch Sport. Esto puede ser para acomodar las diversas bandas que no se pueden colocar planas como la Sport Band.

    Are you going to open it?

    preciosotiempoescaso - Contestar

  28. Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 28, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 28, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del Apple Watch: paso 28, imagen 3 de 3
    • Habiendo perfeccionado nuestro procedimiento de apertura, abrimos el capó del Apple Watch de acero inoxidable.

    • No hay sorpresas aquí. Los mismos clips y conectores nos saludan en el interior.

    • Parece que no ha cambiado demasiado. El soporte de montaje para la corona digital se ve significativamente más sustancial y la parte inferior presenta tornillos dorados de tres puntos.

    • Eso es todo por ahora, pero aún no hemos terminado. Con varios misterios pendientes, iFixit regresará pronto con más análisis.

    • Para conocer algunos misterios revelados, ¡echa un vistazo a nuestro desmontaje de rayos X!

    Interesting that the bracket holding the digital crown on the steel model seems far more substantial than that of the Sport watch - it looks like a casting rather than sheet metal. I'm guessing that's to keep the weight/cost of the Sport model down, but interesting that the differences aren't just skin deep. The encoder barrel looks like a different design too.

    alexanderjhorne - Contestar

    Is the battery bigger? EDIT: Forget that, I thought you were doing a 42mm compared to a 38mm. Silly me.

    Danny Yates - Contestar

    Any word on the battery size of the 42mm?

    Remco van den Bosch - Contestar

    ditto - would like to know how much bigger it is

    sm -

    ayuda amigos compre un reloj en la web y me llego en modo demo alguien me podria ayudar a sacarlo de ese modo no tiene cuenta icloud estoy dispuesto hacer un aporte economico de ser nescesario al que me brinde la solucion gracias de antemano

    ISAAC - Contestar

    I have a apple watch sport series 3 and would like to put my apple watch watch stainless steel series 0 casing on it is that possible? and will it still be water resistant?

    Denzell Koopa - Contestar

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66 comentarios

Will you be tearing down the charging disc? Please say, YES!

Steve King - Contestar

What a nicely built piece of hardware, it looks extremely well designed - certainly compared to the duct taped together look of the Moto 360 (talking about the internals only).

jboy10a - Contestar

This a beautiful tear-down.

Gama Goat - Contestar

Can you tear down the watch band for us! We wanna see whats inside it!

bhud07 - Contestar

Yes, please show us

qiun -

How do you tear down solid plastic?

Scott Opper -

I'm missing the repairability score. Guess it must be almost zero for the complete watch, although just replacing the battery must be doable for a skilled repairsman.

aeenkhoorn - Contestar

Well the Moto 360 received a 3/10, citing the replaceable bands as a positive, but apparently the battery was quite a bit less manageable to remove. I'm betting this will receive a 3 or a 4.

kappanjoe -

Please tear down the box it came in. I think it has the numbers to the lotto

aka666 - Contestar

I don't think you completely tore down the charging disc… please try some more heating and prying to expose every little thing… I suspect there are some other goodies to be revealed … Thanks!

Steve King - Contestar

Is the Apple Watch that you teased us with the 38mm or the 42 mm? It looks like it has the same battery as the Apple Sport 38 mm . . .

Great Job - as Always - Thank You!

Nikon1 - Contestar

38mm, as it's stated in the back of the Watch

alberto240995 -

So much empty space below battery in Stainless Steel.

I expected even denser guts.

abianchetti - Contestar

Do you know the RF Chipset used to talk to The IPhone ?

Jay Kullmann - Contestar

Anyone know who the manufacturer of the gyroscope is?

John H - Contestar

ST Micro is the manufacture for Gyroscope. Chipworks' discovery of Invensense is based on the prototype iwatch, not the one went to massive production.

iamedriczhang -

You keep posting that STMicro won the gyroscope in the Applewatch. Do you have a link, or just an agenda>

The Chipworks conclusion that INVN won the gyro in Applewatch was released 2 weeks ago - but was not conclusive... although the component they speculated was an INVN gyro is shown in the actual teardown images. Other outlets speculated STMicro is in the watch.

I am pretty sure that no one knows for sure yet... if you do, then please offer something up. Otherwise stop stating speculation as fact.

John A -

ST Micro did both the accelerometer and the gyroscope. That's according to Chipworks teardown anyways...

@JohnA:It's Chipworks who concluded that it's an STMicro part. Please try and pay attention before accusing others of unwarranted speculation. It's not like we're being overrun with Apple Watch teardowns after all.

Victor Szulc -

I wonder if you could get a job working for Apple - using this as your CV :)

Ultimate Xbmc - Contestar

Amazing teardown!! I've been waiting for today just to see what it looks like inside.

ifix - Contestar

You have to hand it to iFixit and their quirky pop culture annotations lol I bet Step# 24.1 is a reference to the Beastie Boys lol

Reggie - Contestar

you mean they can't get those little watch batteries that last two decades on these things??? read our humourous review of Apple Watch here:

EntryRevel - Contestar

I hope you will do one for the 42mm would like to find out what size battery is in that one with the extra space and that apple says it does seem to get longer battery life, we don't know how much longer with the extra screen to power but look at the iPhone 6 and 6 plus.

Brianmcs - Contestar

who made the gyroscope? is anything in watch made by INVN? thanks, nice job.

bizwhizyay - Contestar

ST Micro made the gyroscope.

iamedriczhang -

Can you do a tear down of the Watch Edition version?

vandutran - Contestar

OK... You know what CPU is inside of the S1?

I'll tell you...


It's a single core version of the A5.... You heard it here first. How do I know?

Can't tell, but here's something to think about: Remember when a new version of the 3rd Gen Apple TV showed up, featuring a 28nm, reworked single core version of the A5?

And remember there was a lot of speculation, that it was a test run of sorts, and that Apple was planning to use the chip for something else? Since it didn't really make sense to go through all that trouble just to save a few watts in an Apple TV?

Victor Szulc - Contestar

The Gyro is marked C451. How does anyone know that is STM?

KrisCo - Contestar

The 6 axis Accel/Gyro in the Apple Watch is Labeled "C 451". How does this tie it to STM? STM uses their ST letter logo and doesn't have a part "C" anything. How is it that an analyst named Blair at Rosenblat announced STM as the Apple Watch design winner two weeks ago?

At some point the winner needs to brag. No one is taking credit yet...

KrisCo - Contestar

I find it hard to believe there would be any upgrade path for this device. The case, screen and band are probably about $20 in material/assembly cost. While exquisitely designed, the case is $1.00 worth of metal. The full assembly and ASICs (and R&D and profit) is where the cost is.

-portable RF design engineer

mike - Contestar

Can you unbox the case for the Stainless Steel? I want to see if it is possible to make a case like the apple watch edition.

georgelachow - Contestar

I'm interested to see the tear down of the leather band.. I'd love to find a way to use a 3rd party band without resorting to a kickstarted band adapter.

Philip Temiyasathit - Contestar

It's imposible to measure the relation between oxygenated hemoglobyn and reduced (not oxygenated) hemoglobyn (Hb) without the pair of ir and red lights, is necesary to have this two ligths and receptors for each one light to make a relation between both Hb (oxygenated and reduced) to get a porcentage like 95% of oxygen saturation ( 95% SpO2)

RSR1 - Contestar

what do the connections between photodiode, the discrete texas instruments op-amp, and the S1 chip look like? Are there any other components in that signal chain?

tormaid - Contestar

A more powerfull battery replacement will be needed in the future.

operarwitter - Contestar

Please please please tear open the link bracelet components. The spring mechanisms in both the butterfly enclosure and the individual removable links are works of engineering too.

maximumtrevolocity - Contestar

Taptec engine is having recall issues. Seems they are down to only one supplier as of news this morning.

steve - Contestar

Can you remove the digital crown?

Alex Stan - Contestar

Guys, any idea whether everything can be removed from the casing without destroying parts?

I'm really confused as to how the electroplating companies are managing to plate the casing without frying the board if they leave it in there or whether they even remove it before applying raw voltage to it.

lanhamchris88 - Contestar

What language is the game created for this device written in?

Emily Wong - Contestar

Anyone could tell the name of the optical sensor for hearth monitoring or some sensor similar?

edoardonagali - Contestar

A Green LED and a photo sensor which is tuned to measure the reflection of the light is what’s used. The amount of reflection changes with your hearts pumping of the blood cells in your skin.

Dan -

Could you please share some more sturcture details about the tapic engine?

Kenny - Contestar

The topic engine is nothing more than a weighted piston which is moved from one side to the other by a magnetic coil and returned by a spring, repeating the throw over and over again. The speed of the action sets off the vibration you feel.

Dan -

Hello, can you tell me what is the difficulty to separate the LCD screen of the touch glass? Can only do we replace the glass easily? Or the glass is glued to the LCD screen? Thank you and good day

flney - Contestar

Hi. I need the same. Did you solve it? I find the spare parts: the external crystal and the glue (adhesive stick) but I have some doubts: How separate brocken cristal from usable lcd and how Stick the new crystal with lcd.

domenico sicignano -

The screen is less than a millimeter thick! You are just not going to be able to peel it away without damaging it.

Which is why we replace the entire display assembly Apple Watch Reemplazo de Pantalla

Dan -

Can anyone tell me if buying a replacement screen from ebay ( and replacing it using this guide will destroy the waterproofing of the watch. If so, by how much, I'm not going swimming or anything but I wear it in the shower at the moment.

The scratch is very deep and noticeable so I'd really like to remove it :(

Leigh Ellis - Contestar

Hi. I need the same. Did you solve it?

domenico sicignano -

Waterproofing is more than the parts its the skills of the person doing the work.

Even still even Apple won’t warranty a fixed watch to be waterproof after a repair. There are too many variables to be assured it will be as tight as it was from the factory.

Dan -

Awesome. Very Helpful!!

Jarby Agudelo - Contestar

What is the voltage and amps on the wireless charging coil receiver and emitter? Is possible retrofit the receiver inside an iPhone?

fsantiago - Contestar

Sorry just not possible!

Dan -

please help?

how i replace the display cable from the s1 board?????

avirambason - Contestar

Sorry you can’t it’s part of the SIP package

Dan -

What's the black seal for that runs on the inner of the watch once the screen is removed. As mine came off when pulling off the screen it has two long bits that go near battery connection. How difficult would it be to replace/refit

Jody - Contestar

Besides the adhesive there is the touch sensor that runs around the rim of the case which you can damage when taking off the display assembly.

Dan -

Where I can buy my new Iwatch 42mm battery ist generation in USA please ???????


Mauro Endara - Contestar

Review the iFixit guide here Reemplazo de Batería Apple Watch on how and a link to the needed battery.

Dan -

if i damaged the pop connectors trying to get the metal bracket off (nearly impossible) can i replace them? if my lcd was working despite shattered glass--how to separate the two?

Blake Omlie - Contestar

Sounds like your watch lost the band button. Apple has been replacing them if they come off. But, you also need a new display assembly if the crystal is cracked. Review the iFixit guide Apple Watch Reemplazo de Pantalla on how to do it and a link to the needed part.

Dan -

It is possible to modify qi charger to work with apple watch?

Patrik Havlík - Contestar

Sorry no, You would need to redesign the SIP module from the ground up!

Dan -

A thousand dollars question, will it be possible for an expert technician to take aluminum Apple Watch 7 internal components and implant them into my ceramic Apple Watch 5?

Matti - Contestar

To many differences between the screen and the sensor plate.

Dan -

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