I usually wouldn't answer the question, suspecting there would be some "gotcha" trick answer, but I would reply with a qualified yes. Apple is profitting handsomely from their proprietary technology and configurations, so what I would say is yes, if you are willing to replace most of what's inside of the computer. YOU MAY BE IN IN LUCK This was the final year of production of the Intel iMac and lat this point all the bugs and flaw in the design had been worked out. If you can find someone (like myself) who is about to convert their 2020 iMacto be a 5k display only. That modification requires removing all the internal computer components, including CPU, Memory and storage, and replacingthem with a new aftermarket hardware display board. I ordered my iMac custom, so it came configured with a 10-core i9 and 1TB SSD storage. I upgraded the RAM to 128GB. IT'S ALL AVAILABLE Once I complete my conversionI don't have plans as to what to do with components, and if someone else were interested in instaling these...
You should review this step too, because it looks like you have the spacebar oriented the wrong way on the keyboard if what you are try ing to do is reattach the bottom stabilizer to the keyboard first and then snap the top one into place. Step 3 diagram clearly shows where the scissor mechanism’s connection points are, and the bottom ones are spaced further apart than the connection points for the upper connectors.
In Step 4 diagram, he top bracket has been removed from the spacebar. A we are viewing it, the side of the spacebar facing up is actually the edge at the lower side of the keyboard. you can tell because the fittings that connect to the scissor mechanism are further apart. I found the lower scissor connections are the most vulnerable.