It’s junk unfortunately, i’d probably strip it for parts <Besides the motherboard> and sell it or use it for something else. Samsung KNOX is quite persistent.
I recommend trying to contact the organization that manages it to untie it for you. If the organization isn’t strict you should be able to wipe it but other than that it’s pretty much impossible.
It’s a Chromebook it isn’t designed to run any other OS, if so you have the possibility of completely destroying the device itself then you’ll have to reinstall chrome OS which is the main OS the device was designed to run just buy a windows 10 laptop if you’re that desperate.
(Welp here’s another 20 paragraph essay) Sadly it can’t be done, because the device’s serial number is the main culprit it’s possible to change and break the enterprise enrollment but it requires alot of heavy skills. Or you can CONTACT YOU’RE DISTRICT’S IT DEPARTMENT TO UNTIE THE CHROMEBOOK.
Sorry to break this to you but it’s pretty much impossible the chromebook is most likely managed by you’re school, and there’s only 2 solutions. 1:Contact you’re districts IT department and ask them to untie the enrollment. 2: or if you’re really tech savvy then you can change the device’s serial number breaking the admin's control which you probably cannot accomplish.
impossible to do since the admin is tied to the chromebooks serial number unless you somehow guessed the administrators password to untie the chromebook (which won´t happen anytime soon) so you´re best bet is to just stop trying.
There´s really only 2 ways 1:Contact the districts IT department to untie the chromebook(make sure you find the serial number found on the motherboard) 2:Attempt to change the serial number and break the administrator control, You need certain skills to do this.
Alright so i hate to break it to all of you 6th/7th/8th graders but enrolled devices CANNOT BE BYPASSED it is tied to the chromebook´s S/N meaning even if you do bypass it. It will connect to the district servers and find the computer´s serial number and force enroll it and bring you back down to where you started, unless you get into a admin´s console and untie the desired chromebook which would be hard unless you knew you´re device´s serial number. and even if you were tech savvy and changed the device´s Serial number YOU WOULD BE CAUGHT, Because you would trip you´re districts IT department they track all the chromebook serial numbers so moral of the story just don´t even bother trying to bypass the restrictions.