30-60 minutes? The author is liar! Took me 4 hours to complete just the step 15 “desolder the faulty switch” :D. For some reason I could not suck out all of the molten solder and it was always stuck somewhere. Really pain in the a**. Other parts of the guide made opening the mouse, disassembly and assembly rather very easy process. Soldering in new part as well. Transplantation is now complete and the patient survived. Thanks for the guide
Step 6: There are also 2 tiny little screws under the DVD ROM as well.
Step 10: my laptop has had the keyboard glued to the cover so be gentle with releasing it from its original place.
Step 11: is incomplete. be aware that you have to release all ribbon cables and contacts through the cut outs before attempting to release the top cover. I would find at least a description on how to release these cables very usefull.
My total time was around 2,5 hours. But i did such thing for the very first time. I guess next time i would be much more faster.
WARNING. Before you begin, make sure that you will get some extension or longer philllps screwdriver to release the screws on the chasis. most of them are too deep in plastic where I couldnt reach with ifixit driver. I uses hexbit 4 as an extension for the phillips bit, but it was emergency workaround and it was cumberosome to use it since the phillips kept sliding out of hex.