you can still get your data with few tricks, never throw this drive. you just need a donor logic board of the same model number which you can find on the hard drive pcb, for that you need to open the hard drive case first, then you can get the pcb model number most probably on the bottom - left side and order that pcb logic board from they do ship world wide which would cost around $50, but thats ok at least you will get your data brother. So you have 3 option : First : — you have to find and purchase that same broken usb 3.0 connector which would cost around 5$ and go to mobile repair shop for soldering. Second :— You can do DIY stuff in this method , you have to buy the whole logic board of the same pcb model, and swap the boards yourself , tools needed — only the screw driver , no soldering stuff, but this method would cost you at least 50$ , I will recommend for this method. Third :— Last step , look for the data recovery workshops in your city and handover your drive to...