Time marches on and Splitter|Wall Plate has been replaced with Splitter|Wall Plate PRO. The difference is its pro-grade signal splitter and wall plate. They both are installed everyday and conform to SCTE specifications. It is widely-known, among industry professionals, that MSOs or cable service providers routinely provide more signal than minimally required so that some signal splitting is not an issue.
Unnecessary cable connections can diminish signal strength. So, the fewer connections the better. Splitter|Wall Plate PRO eliminates the in-room connector cable so, there are fewer connections and that supports signal strength.
In addition, every open F-port (“socket”), even the single one of a typical pass-through coaxial wall plate, can leak signal. Therefore, best practices suggest any unused/open F-port throughout a network should be terminated with a 75-ohm terminator cap http://www.hollandelectronics.com/catalo....
1. Sometimes there are mineral deposits (from 'hard' water) on the surfaces the gasket resides between (for instance, around the bottom of the float tube that sinks down onto the top of the seal). You can try carefully sanding them off with fine sandpaper.
2. If you have very cold water, especially, in winter months, a seal will be tested! Look for a new seal that is shiny on its surface. This indicates it may be silicone-based (not rubber) and they work better in areas with very cold water.
3. When installed normally, distortion of the seal is not a problem. You may just need to reinstall to make sure everything goes smoothly. But, first, gently pull the seal on opposite sides, with both hands. Do this moving around the seal to be sure it is properly seated in place. If nothing else woks, time to call a professional : )