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Hi guys so i have the hdd of my laptop that unfortunatelly broke,basically i cant acess it anymore and when i atach it to...
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Does your hard drive boot? Is it an internal drive or external one? If is a drive that is external on the CMD type: (letter of the drive):chkdsk /r /f It may solve the problem.
Leer másare u using a desktop or a notebook,and what keybord is it if a desktop what notebook is it if a notebook?????????????
Leer másif u cant even get into windows then try this. 1-st easy road on the log on screen pres ALT-CTRL-DEL and on the classic logon that will apear trype Administrator on the user and blank pass if u have the built in admin enabled and did not set passw to it when installing it will boot nicely and then u can change ur users pass in the controll panel users menu. 2-nd road simply get from someone or download from someone Hirens boot cd and when booting from hirens u will find among its tools the reset passw tool witch will let u reset any users pass in ur pc to blank .works on any pc on any user and will solve this problem 100%
Leer másfirst thing firs have a scan at it with ur antivirus software i recomend avast if u want free one or norton then a goood scan with antispyware software like Spyboot S&D then run msconfig on run command and on the startup tap see if tere is any unknown process to u and uncheck it Restart and this should at least for sure give u a 30% faster pc If thing are still not so good recomended a repair of ur os with its cd and after that open antivirus sw run to check for anyviru since ur registry will be clean at the moment delete if any run all the other appz u had they will also rewrite themselfes,,defragment and make a clean up and garanted u will have a 70% faster pc let me know what didi u do or give me more info on ur pc i will write more advice and help for u Cheers
Leer másWhat u can actually do if u have been using ur pc for long is this procedure. Fisrt if u are gona use ccleaner really have a backup of ur registry becouse it will mess up lots of times,, even more when u have a fragmentet hdd so if u want to really do a Core tune up start from the core, your OS Basically decide on what aplication u have installed u will use and what u will not. What u will not uninstall it using a freeware uninstaller,in ur case Revo uninstaller will do becouse it has the option to delete registry keys and folder & files left by the program.Leave just alpications u use. The second one optional at this point defrag and clean up tool u will find in any windows and if u think u have a worse state than that skip this and get in ur pc a window cd,ur windows version cd to be precise And make a repair of the pc,this will delete ur system replace it with a new one and not delete user files.After u start up start ur antivirus software and nothing else this will make the RE-WRITE of the antivirus...
Leer másFirst thing to do (as suggested by HP also) is: turn off your PC, unplug the charger, take out the battery, then open the RAM slot. Take out the RAM and disconnect the wireless card. Press the power button at that point, and keep it pressed for like 30 sec. Reassemble it all and try to boot. It may be a power problem or BIOS failure. Try this out; afterwards, it should be OK. If that does not work, the worst scenario is that you just reset your BIOS from CMOS by taking out the small battery behind the RAM modules for a few seconds. Hope the info helped.
Leer másFisrt check this things. Turn on your pc,listen carefully for any bips or in the other case for blinks of the caps lock led and num lock led,if any tell me how many bips or blinks of the were_(note:it may happen that the blinks most probabily in the case of ur model will be 2 flashes or one flash and one long one_in anycase pay atention to them) After this check to see or listen if ur hdd is workin so u can understant if the OS is being Started up or not,, If by anychance u have cheked all this u have cheked or skped all this and u are sure that the OS is stardet and the pc works but u cant see a thing connect ur notebook with screen of another pc with the aposite cable and try hitin Fn+F5 to see if the screen turns on if not so from the begening of the conection. If does not solve write me ur feedback of the operations so i can help u more :)
Leer másJust like he said, put new things in, pay atention to reasembling everything right and ur good to go
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