If the lights come on after pressing the power button but nothing comes on the display then it would most likely need a reflow. The reflow method can be found online and is only a temporary fix for issues related to gpu’s.
Hi, Are you sure you replaced the speaker properly, try this step by step guide [http://89240|Here] I hope this helps if not reply back and ill see if i can help even more!
Hi, First of all do not try to turn on the mac or charge it, this could cause the mac to short. then take the mac book apart (if you cant do this you should seek professional help), then try your best to clean the motherboard and all the parts, (try to remove as much water and maybe corrosion in the device). Do not try to dry the mac with a hairdryer or put it in the microwave(i had to put that last one in for laughs xD) Good look!