I feel like a knob. What happened? After taking a bath with my ipad2 mini many times over, the eventual day happened where it slipped into the tub. Oops !!! Yikes !!!! This happened Jan 20 2017 at approximately 1600 hrs MST. I tried getting it out right away. Yes it was powered ON. Yes it went totally under. Yes I got it out in about 3 to 4 seconds. (Pretty talented eh?). And guess what? Dried it, tried turning it off, screen went weird and it went off by itself. OK, well that's pretty good. Maybe it shorted out, maybe it just decided to take a nap. But off was good for now. Looked online for what to do. Rice. Some people say that is no different than just sticking it on a counter and leaving it for a few days. I don't really want to open it. See, I replaced the home key on another ipad and I am getting lazy. So I want something that may be easier. And no, I am not going to take it for repair, cause I don't think it is worth it. So today, after 48 hours of giving my ipad2 rest in rice and under a counter,...