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I have a 50" Samsung Plasma TV Model PN50A450P1D. A while ago the tv made a popping noise, let out a little smoke, and...
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Is this a Kawasaki Vulcan 750? If it dies with the kickstand up while you are attempting to shift into gear, then it is likely an issue with your kickstand switch. The switch will be located near the kickstand, and may be stuck in the closed position. Locate your switch, support your bike on a stand, and see if the switch pops out when you put the kickstand up. If not, then replace it. There are other people who suggest jumping the wires to bypass the switch; but, that overrides a safety feature, which is usually not recommended. The video below shows a brief overview of the kickstand switch and its function, but they are looking at a different bike. The location of the switch may vary slightly, but will be very near the kickstand.
Leer másIf the chain broke, but there is still a bit of chain sticking out, then just buy a new chain pull from any hardware store, or even just Walmart. If the chain is no longer showing outside the housing at all, then check out the links below. The first link below shows the basic process of replacing the light switch pull, and the second video shows the procedure for the 3-speed fan switch replacement. Your model may be different, but the procedure is basically the same. The only difference may be the disassembly process and the location of the screws. If you post the fan's model information, we may be able to assist further.
Leer másI assume that they don't suggest a bigger bolt because you might have to alter the starter housing itself, and drill a bigger hole in it to fit the bigger bolt. That could compromise the structural integrity of the starter mounting plate, and lead to it breaking. That is just an assumption though. Others may have a different opinion.
Leer másHave you read through this thread on the forum? It addresses some of the possible causes of the Red Dot Of Death, and offers some tips on how to fix it. My xbox is lit with a single red dot
Leer másIt's almost definitely a lint buildup causing poor airflow. I am actually surprised that a thermal fuse didn't break. Even if the ducts are cleaned, the fan blades will hold onto a fair amount of lint. I would suggest checking there first. Most dryers I have disassembled have a cover plate over the fan assembly in the rear of the appliance, but some require a little more disassembly to get to the fan. If you can give us an exact model number, we might be able to help diagnose further.
Leer másDo you mean you can hear it sliding around in the tape player assembly, or you can hear it sliding around in the case? I would suggest unplugging it and removing the rear panel to take a look inside. The link below explains how to open it, although it is intended to help replace speakers. Removing the rear panel will allow access to most of the components. Once you get inside, you can take pictures and post them if you need more assistance. The second link shows how to post photos. Crosley CR704 Speaker Replacement Adding images to an existing answer
Leer másThe defrost timer and the defrost thermostat may also be involved with that circuit. Without knowing the exact model of your fridge, we are limited as to what advice we can give. That being said, nobody can guarantee 100% that your only issue is the defrost heater. All you can do is replace the known defective part/parts, and see if it performs to specifications.
Leer másIf the phone was as abused as you say, then really anything could be wrong. Once you get the tools to take it apart, you will need to go over it with a fine-tooth comb. Definitely test the battery and charging system first, because power is the lifeblood of electronics. The accelerometer and gyroscope are part of the logic board, so they would definitely require detailed soldering. I shake too much for anything that delicate. I would also look at the possibility that a part broke off inside and possibly caused a short circuit somewhere. Basically, you have quite a task ahead of you. The first step is opening it up and seeing if it is even salvageable. Once you do get it open, posting pictures will help with getting an answer. The link below explains how to add pictures. I would also suggest getting a magnifying glass if you don't have one, because you will probably want to look very closely at the tiny parts. Adding images to an existing answer
Leer másIf your paper isn't feeding, I would check the feed rollers that actually draw the paper into the machine. The rubber can get clogged with dust and paper particles, and become more slick over time, which affects its ability to grab onto certain papers. The link below is a video guide on cleaning feed rollers. There are alternative methods that some have suggested using alcohol, but that may make the rubber more brittle and actually worsen the problem over time; so, I would just stick with using a little water.
Leer másIf you can take out the radio and get the device serial number, you can look it up online at the site below. You will also need your VIN.
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