Hi Cynthia Garcia, Please go this step to find what's the problem of you Hard Drive and then take a solution for that: 1- when you connect your hard drive, please listen to sounds of your hard drive. 2- if you dont hear any noise like a clicking, buzzing or unusual sound, take a breath :) . 3- Right click on my computer an click manage. 4- go to Disk management from left sidebar. 5- look at right section to find your Disk. 6- your drive statuss must be like any of this drives ( online , Healthy , NTFS & with a Drive letter ) 7- please say me any reason or take a screen shot and show me what happen for your precious Hard Drive I try to guide you to repair your hard drive ||| Good Luck ||| Homayoon Valizadeh Hard Repair Expert from IRAN
Hi Everyone, this problem is because of firmware corruption of WD Hard disk drive that must be solve by Hard Repair Equipment like a PC3K ( a expensive hard repair hardware! ) but you can give your Western Digital hard disk to a HDD Data Recovery company to bring the information to you and do a hard repair for your precious Hard Disk. i have that equipment and can do for you without any cost dear, Hard Repair Company in IRAN