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Would also suggest testing/ replacing the memory backup battery which is located under a flip out cover on top left side of SX120IS. It is a CR1220 button cell and generates a replace the batteries error even with fresh batteries. If you don’t have a battery tester just pull out this battery and try starting up the camera with fresh AA batteries. If the CR1220 is bad the camera will now start up in picture taking mode. This seems to be a common error message on a number of older Canon PowerShot cameras especially ones that use AA batteries so worth checking to see if the memory backup is bad and you get this error after putting in a fresh battery.
Leer másSounds like the ribbon cable from the LCD panel to the motherboard is bad, if you gently squeeze around the edges of the display does the problem get better or worse? If your AppleCare only expired a very short time ago you might want to see if you can still get the repair. I would contact Apple even though you are not close to a store. Apple is pretty good about extending warranties on products with a higher than normal failure rate and have in the past extended warranties on laptops which all had common failures. There is a thread on here already about MBPs ribbon cables failing… Screen issues, Back light dims & goes out
Leer másSounds like you’ve tried most of the things I would have tried including the cmd+opt+p+r pram zap. Longshots, did you pull the memory backup battery, and then with unit unplugged push and hold the power button for 15-20 seconds? Second long shot if it’s the video card, you could attempt to reflow the soldier on it using a heat gun. I use a small butane torch instead but basically you are trying to heat up the GPU just enough to reflow the soldier connections. Later iMacs actually had a recall on bad video cards. When you pulled the iMac apart did you notice any smells of burnt parts? Especially around the power supply area as the surge could have blown something back there.
Leer másTivoli uses a non standard tuner so do not use any sprays or cleaners on it as these can damage the part beyond repair. As Paul suggests, excercising the tuner is the best first step. Basically with the radio on or off and at no volume turn the knob/dial fully clockwise then counter clockwise a number of times. This will help scrap off oxidation which seems to be the issue with noisy tuning. If you get noise/crackles when turning the volume knob then this part only can be sprayed with a cleaner such as Deoxit. If noise problems only exist when you turn the selector switch then yes that could be a problem and may need to be repaired (cleaned) or replaced.
Leer másIf your iMac is running hot or running for extended periods of time I would first check to see if it is full of dust. If you are going that deep into the iMac and you have a compressor I would remove the glass, remove the aluminum front panel and then the LCD panel and take the compressor and blow out all the dust in the interior of the Mac with special attention to the fan(s) which will likely be caked in dust. If your iMac looks very clean inside then I would consider the temperature sensor however in pretty much any older Mac and every computer I service I have almost always discovered that it is quite full of dust. If you don't feel comfortable pulling the LCD you can try blowing dust out by shooting compressed air through the slot up top. I would not recommend using canned air, mainly because it is not powerful enough and second because you will wind up burning through a can trying to fix the problem and likely won't have enough pressure. Also not sure how much more environmentally friendly the new...
Leer másReally late to the party but I'd like to point out somethings. To reset the parameter ram on a Mac you hold down cmd+opt+p+r and not control it has been this four finger salute since the compact Macs. White screen can be a number of things so before you tear down your iMac which is a real PITA to do you should determine if it is something simple. Did the pram reset work? If not and you have an external monitor handy and the Apple external monitor adaptor try plugging it in and see if you now have a desktop. If yes it might be an idea to backup or copy off any files and data that you might want should things go bad further on down the line. If you did not get a working display on the external monitor you could try running an install DVD if you iMac came with one or if you can get a hold of a working iMac of the same generation you could try building a USB boot key by cloning the known good OS onto the USB key and booting your Mac with it. I recommend using Carbon Copy Cloner available here,...
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