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Versión actual por: Jhon Bing


-Well ***h***igh internal temps caused by 100% disk usage, high RAM usage, dust and dirt in the vents, or lack of airflow can make your fan loud sometime to fix this I will suggest you to Clean the fan, CPU/GPU heatsink, and air vents using compressed air and a brush/microfiber cloth.
+Well high internal temps caused by 100% disk usage, high RAM usage, dust and dirt in the vents, or lack of airflow can make your fan loud sometime to fix this I will suggest you to Clean the fan, CPU/GPU heatsink, and air vents using compressed air and a brush/microfiber cloth.



Aporte original por: Jhon Bing


Well ***h***igh internal temps caused by 100% disk usage, high RAM usage, dust and dirt in the vents, or lack of airflow can make your fan loud sometime to fix this I will suggest you to Clean the fan, CPU/GPU heatsink, and air vents using compressed air and a brush/microfiber cloth.

