Versión actual por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** | |
***Testdisk tool :*** | |
[code] | |
TestDisk 7.1, Data Recovery Utility, July 2019 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Christophe GRENIER <> | |
[/code] | |
[code] | | | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD Elements 1048 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
CHS 121600 255 63 - sector size=512 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Analyse ] Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
>[ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Geometry ] Change disk geometry | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Options ] Modify options | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Quit ] Return to disk selection | |
[/code] | |
* I Can identify the drive. (this is probably the rom/bios informations of the pcb) | |
* Unable to identify / read the partition table. (this is written on the disk) | |
[image|2873052] | |
* The analyse process didn't give anything good :-( | |
***Smartctl result :*** | |
[code] | |
# smartctl /dev/sdb -a | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.15.0-60-generic] (local build) | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Model Family: Western Digital Elements / My Passport (USB, AF) | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Device Model: WDC WD10JMVW-11AJGS0 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Serial Number: WD-WXJ1E23CVTX5 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 25e13a484 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Firmware Version: 01.01A01 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
User Capacity: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Rotation Rate: 5400 rpm | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
ATA Version is: ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated) | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s) | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Local Time is: Fri Feb 24 14:05:24 2023 CET | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART support is: Enabled | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
See vendor-specific Attribute list for marginal Attributes. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
General SMART Values: | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Offline data collection status: (0x80) Offline data collection activity | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | was never started. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Self-test execution status: ( 22) The self-test routine was aborted by | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | the host. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Total time to complete Offline | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
data collection: (16624) seconds. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Offline data collection | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
capabilities: (0x70) No SMART execute Offline immediate. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | No Auto Offline data collection support. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | Suspend Offline collection upon new |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | command. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | No Offline surface scan supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | Self-test supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | Conveyance Self-test supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | Selective Self-test supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART capabilities: (0x9080) Does not save SMART data before | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | entering power-saving mode. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Error logging capability: (0x31) Error logging supported. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | General Purpose Logging supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Short self-test routine | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
recommended polling time: ( 32) minutes. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Extended self-test routine | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
recommended polling time: ( 4) minutes. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Conveyance self-test routine | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
recommended polling time: ( 144) minutes. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SCT capabilities: (0x7035) SCT Status supported. | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | SCT Feature Control supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | SCT Data Table supported. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 21504 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds: | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 33 Unknown_Attribute 0x8050 113 001 040 Old_age Offline In_the_past 158398941233254 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
144 Unknown_Attribute 0x2200 001 048 022 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 142047453380628 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
160 Unknown_Attribute 0xa00c 064 016 064 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 25198624 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
176 Unknown_HDD_Attribute 0x0014 042 000 080 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 71743141875792 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x0000 016 033 000 Old_age Offline - 54494817943812 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
128 Unknown_Attribute 0x0040 032 017 000 Old_age Offline - 36714995515680 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 80 Unknown_Attribute 0x2020 068 000 --- Old_age Offline - 154637959184 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
129 Unknown_Attribute 0x0020 000 054 020 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 499038294088 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x3040 004 000 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 636192555056 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x8041 088 001 068 Pre-fail Offline In_the_past 70421359624720 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x1010 080 016 --- Old_age Offline - 33092 (32848 11008) |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x4000 004 023 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 1120986464305 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x0010 000 032 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 193738190358646 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
160 Unknown_Attribute 0x0034 032 144 064 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 176283179810832 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x0150 048 128 000 Old_age Offline - 17663053058308 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x8174 008 016 000 Old_age Offline - 158381220306944 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 18 Unknown_Attribute 0x0021 128 001 --- Pre-fail Offline - 163071587000650 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
161 Unknown_Attribute 0x2024 000 000 --- Old_age Offline - 4400234893312 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 48 Unknown_Attribute 0x3130 016 161 --- Old_age Offline - 19104306069780 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 33 Unknown_Attribute 0x0040 108 016 040 Old_age Offline In_the_past 275416879120 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x0064 000 032 068 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 500382834784 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 49 Unknown_Attribute 0x8074 000 033 052 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 79459579330576 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
144 Unknown_Attribute 0x9010 000 097 022 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 159929839427844 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART Error Log Version: 0 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
No Errors Logged | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART Self-test log structure revision number 0 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Warning: ATA Specification requires self-test log structure revision number = 1 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t] | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 1 0 0 Not_testing |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 2 0 0 Not_testing |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 3 0 0 Not_testing |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 4 0 0 Not_testing |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | 5 0 0 Not_testing |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Selective self-test flags (0x2800): | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk. |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay. | |
[/code] | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | ***Read disk*** |
+ | |
+ | Naturally, ... no way to read even one sector of the disk. |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | # dd if=/dev/sdb bs=128K count=1 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | dd: error reading '/dev/sdb': Input/output error |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 0+0 records in |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 0+0 records out |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 0 bytes copied, 0.00490512 s, 0.0 kB/s |
[/code] | |
***PCB swap*** | |
* Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) | |
***My Options*** | |
* Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. | |
* Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : | |
* Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? ( | |
* Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk |
Editado por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** | |
***Testdisk tool :*** | |
[code] | |
TestDisk 7.1, Data Recovery Utility, July 2019 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Christophe GRENIER <> | |
[/code] | |
[code] | | | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD Elements 1048 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
CHS 121600 255 63 - sector size=512 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Analyse ] Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
>[ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Geometry ] Change disk geometry | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Options ] Modify options | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Quit ] Return to disk selection | |
[/code] | |
* I Can identify the drive. (this is probably the rom/bios informations of the pcb) | |
* Unable to identify / read the partition table. (this is written on the disk) | |
[image|2873052] | |
* The analyse process didn't give anything good :-( | |
+ | ***Smartctl result :*** |
+ | |
+ | [code] |
+ | # smartctl /dev/sdb -a |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [x86_64-linux-5.15.0-60-generic] (local build) |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Model Family: Western Digital Elements / My Passport (USB, AF) |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Device Model: WDC WD10JMVW-11AJGS0 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Serial Number: WD-WXJ1E23CVTX5 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | LU WWN Device Id: 5 0014ee 25e13a484 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Firmware Version: 01.01A01 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | User Capacity: 1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Rotation Rate: 5400 rpm |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Device is: In smartctl database [for details use: -P show] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | ATA Version is: ACS-2 (minor revision not indicated) |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SATA Version is: SATA 3.0, 3.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s) |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Local Time is: Fri Feb 24 14:05:24 2023 CET |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART support is: Enabled |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART Status not supported: Incomplete response, ATA output registers missing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | See vendor-specific Attribute list for marginal Attributes. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | General SMART Values: |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Offline data collection status: (0x80) Offline data collection activity |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | was never started. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Self-test execution status: ( 22) The self-test routine was aborted by |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | the host. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Total time to complete Offline |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | data collection: (16624) seconds. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Offline data collection |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | capabilities: (0x70) No SMART execute Offline immediate. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | No Auto Offline data collection support. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Suspend Offline collection upon new |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | command. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | No Offline surface scan supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Self-test supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Conveyance Self-test supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Selective Self-test supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART capabilities: (0x9080) Does not save SMART data before |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | entering power-saving mode. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Error logging capability: (0x31) Error logging supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | General Purpose Logging supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Short self-test routine |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | recommended polling time: ( 32) minutes. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Extended self-test routine |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | recommended polling time: ( 4) minutes. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Conveyance self-test routine |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | recommended polling time: ( 144) minutes. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SCT capabilities: (0x7035) SCT Status supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SCT Feature Control supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SCT Data Table supported. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 21504 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds: |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 33 Unknown_Attribute 0x8050 113 001 040 Old_age Offline In_the_past 158398941233254 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 144 Unknown_Attribute 0x2200 001 048 022 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 142047453380628 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 160 Unknown_Attribute 0xa00c 064 016 064 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 25198624 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 176 Unknown_HDD_Attribute 0x0014 042 000 080 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 71743141875792 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x0000 016 033 000 Old_age Offline - 54494817943812 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 128 Unknown_Attribute 0x0040 032 017 000 Old_age Offline - 36714995515680 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 80 Unknown_Attribute 0x2020 068 000 --- Old_age Offline - 154637959184 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 129 Unknown_Attribute 0x0020 000 054 020 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 499038294088 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x3040 004 000 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 636192555056 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x8041 088 001 068 Pre-fail Offline In_the_past 70421359624720 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x1010 080 016 --- Old_age Offline - 33092 (32848 11008) |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x4000 004 023 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 1120986464305 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 32 Unknown_Attribute 0x0010 000 032 111 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 193738190358646 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 160 Unknown_Attribute 0x0034 032 144 064 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 176283179810832 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x0150 048 128 000 Old_age Offline - 17663053058308 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 16 Unknown_Attribute 0x8174 008 016 000 Old_age Offline - 158381220306944 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 18 Unknown_Attribute 0x0021 128 001 --- Pre-fail Offline - 163071587000650 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 161 Unknown_Attribute 0x2024 000 000 --- Old_age Offline - 4400234893312 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 48 Unknown_Attribute 0x3130 016 161 --- Old_age Offline - 19104306069780 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 33 Unknown_Attribute 0x0040 108 016 040 Old_age Offline In_the_past 275416879120 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 0x0064 000 032 068 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 500382834784 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 49 Unknown_Attribute 0x8074 000 033 052 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 79459579330576 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 144 Unknown_Attribute 0x9010 000 097 022 Old_age Offline FAILING_NOW 159929839427844 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART Error Log Version: 0 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | No Errors Logged |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART Self-test log structure revision number 0 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Warning: ATA Specification requires self-test log structure revision number = 1 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 1 0 0 Not_testing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 2 0 0 Not_testing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 3 0 0 Not_testing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 4 0 0 Not_testing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | 5 0 0 Not_testing |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Selective self-test flags (0x2800): |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay. |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | |
+ | [/code] |
+ | |
+ | |
***PCB swap*** | |
* Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) | |
***My Options*** | |
* Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. | |
* Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : | |
* Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? ( | |
* Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk |
Editado por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** | |
***Testdisk tool :*** | |
[code] | |
TestDisk 7.1, Data Recovery Utility, July 2019 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Christophe GRENIER <> | |
[/code] | |
[code] | | | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD Elements 1048 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
CHS 121600 255 63 - sector size=512 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Analyse ] Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
>[ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Geometry ] Change disk geometry | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Options ] Modify options | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
[ Quit ] Return to disk selection | |
[/code] | |
* I Can identify the drive. (this is probably the rom/bios informations of the pcb) | |
* Unable to identify / read the partition table. (this is written on the disk) | |
- | * [image|2873052] |
+ | [image|2873052] |
+ | |
* The analyse process didn't give anything good :-( | |
***PCB swap*** | |
* Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) | |
***My Options*** | |
* Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. | |
* Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : | |
* Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? ( | |
* Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk |
Editado por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** | |
***Testdisk tool :*** | |
[code] | |
TestDisk 7.1, Data Recovery Utility, July 2019 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Christophe GRENIER <> | |
[/code] | |
[code] | | | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD Elements 1048 | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | CHS 121600 255 63 - sector size=512 |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | [ Analyse ] Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
>[ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils | |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | [ Geometry ] Change disk geometry |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | [ Options ] Modify options |
[/code] | |
[code] | |
- | |
+ | [ Quit ] Return to disk selection |
[/code] | |
* I Can identify the drive. (this is probably the rom/bios informations of the pcb) | |
* Unable to identify / read the partition table. (this is written on the disk) | |
+ | * [image|2873052] |
* The analyse process didn't give anything good :-( | |
- | |
- | |
***PCB swap*** | |
* Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) | |
***My Options*** | |
* Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. | |
* Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : | |
* Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? ( | |
* Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk |
Editado por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** | |
***Testdisk tool :*** | |
- | * Unable to identify the drive nor the partition table. |
+ | [code] |
+ | TestDisk 7.1, Data Recovery Utility, July 2019 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Christophe GRENIER <> |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | Disk /dev/sdb - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - WD Elements 1048 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | CHS 121600 255 63 - sector size=512 |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [ Analyse ] Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | >[ Advanced ] Filesystem Utils |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [ Geometry ] Change disk geometry |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [ Options ] Modify options |
+ | [/code] |
+ | [code] |
+ | [ Quit ] Return to disk selection |
+ | [/code] |
+ | * I Can identify the drive. (this is probably the rom/bios informations of the pcb) |
+ | * Unable to identify / read the partition table. (this is written on the disk) |
+ | * The analyse process didn't give anything good :-( |
- | * |
***PCB swap*** | |
* Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) | |
- | |
***My Options*** | |
* Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. | |
* Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : | |
- | * Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? |
+ | * Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? ( |
* Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk |
Aporte original por: Laurent
***''++Status++''*** ***Testdisk tool :*** * Unable to identify the drive nor the partition table. * ***PCB swap*** * Same noise / mechanical issue (sure 90% that the issue is mechanical) ***My Options*** * Data recovery lab ( too expensive regarding the data's ) ~80% chances of success. * Transplant the disk plates into a new disk (+ swap the bios chip) ~20% chance of success (the plate have to stay aligned, ... hard operation : * Transplant the heads of a new drive into this drive in a "relatively clean room" ~35% chances of success ? * Cancel the recovery and avoid the sacrifice of a new 1tb disk