I powered on my laptop and I think I have the “ICSVID” (Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease) virus. I have a weird black thing with cracks inside and I think it’s a virus. If I press on it, it will start spreading like a disease.
I powered on my laptop and I think I have the “ICSVID” (Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease) virus. I have a weird black thing with cracks inside and I think it’s a virus. If I press on it, it will start spreading like a disease. I think the display is definitely diseased.
I powered on my laptop and I think I have the “ICSVID” (Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease) virus. I have a weird black thing with cracks inside and I think it’s a virus. If I press on it, it will start spreading like a disease.
I powered on my laptop and I think I have the “ICSVID” (Internally Cracked Screen Virus Disease) virus. I have a weird black thing with cracks inside and I think it’s a virus. If I press on it, it will start spreading like a disease.