Kernel Panic when using PM G5 CD (Cant Install OS)
I made another topic a year ago about some errors i experienced while first fixing it: ( [post|385306]. )
However; After getting back to the computer and trying to resolve the error, I cannot get past this one. I am using the standard Powermac G5 OS X Install CD, and whenever i use it i get this kernel panic: (yeah… i did type that all)
This is what confuses me:
-If i use a Mac OS X Leopard Installation CD, it WILL go to the installation screen, but it gives me an error saying “You need Mac OS X 10.4 installed first."
-If I use a Mac OS X Tiger Installation CD, It will freeze on a screen with the apple logo.
-Powermac G5 OS X CD, Kernel Panic.
Any explanation as to why? I don’t think it’s a hardware issue, as I can get the Leopard CD to work fine… but im not sure. Thanks.
quick edit: Apple Hardware Test IS Available on the computer; but when I go to it, it says it’s not supported for the computer. I’m not sure why the G5 CD says to go to Apple Hardware Test… if it’s not even supported… but whatever.
Kernel Panic when using PM G5 CD (Cant Install OS)
I made another topic a year ago about some errors i experienced while first fixing it: ( [post|385306]. )
However; After getting back to the computer and trying to resolve the error, I cannot get past this one. I am using the standard Powermac G5 OS X Install CD, and whenever i use it i get this kernel panic: (yeah… i did type that all)
This is what confuses me:
-If i use a Mac OS X Leopard Installation CD, it WILL go to the installation screen, but it gives me an error saying “You need Mac OS X 10.4 installed first."
-If I use a Mac OS X Tiger Installation CD, It will freeze on a screen with the apple logo.
-Powermac G5 OS X CD, Kernel Panic.
Any explanation as to why? I don’t think it’s a hardware issue, as I can get the Leopard CD to work fine… but im not sure. Thanks.