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Aporte original por: oldturkey03


@chelsea_teague before tearing anything apart, you would want to diagnose this a bit better. Start off by connecting an external monitor. Should that stay black as well you will know that you have issues with the GPU circuitry on the motherboard. Should an external monitor work, you know that it is your LCD. Disconnect the external monitor, restart your laptop. In a darkened room shine a flashlight at an angle against the screen. If you can see faint outlines of your desktop etc. you know that it is a backlight issues. Your model has a LED backlight so this could be related to the backlight driver on the motherboard. Schematics for Toshiba's are very difficult to come by, you may have to consider getting it repaired through a Toshiba service or replace the board.

If you see nothing, I'd replace the LCD. Here is [|a video] that should help you with the task.

