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Versión actual por: Miles Raymond


-Wired: You'll need an [|AAUI to Ethernet adapter]. You can find an official Apple adapter on eBay, or a generic one for less. These aren't terribly difficult to find, but aren't common enough to find in a local parts store.
+You'll need an [|AAUI to Ethernet adapter]. You can find an official Apple adapter on eBay, or a generic one for less. These aren't terribly difficult to find, but aren't common enough to find in a local parts store.
Method 1: You'll need the [|Apple PC Card Cage and a PC Card compatible with Apple's Airport card] (to make it easier). The PC Card Cage is very hard to find and expensive if you find it. An ORINOCO PC card is relatively easy to find and cheap.
Method 2: Using the AAUI to Ethernet adapter and a Ethernet to WiFi adapter. You can find a battery-powered Ethernet to WiFi adapter, but all these adapters won't make it easy to move around.



Aporte original por: Miles Raymond


Wired: You'll need an [|AAUI to Ethernet adapter]. You can find an official Apple adapter on eBay, or a generic one for less. These aren't terribly difficult to find, but aren't common enough to find in a local parts store.


Method 1: You'll need the [|Apple PC Card Cage and a PC Card compatible with Apple's Airport card] (to make it easier). The PC Card Cage is very hard to find and expensive if you find it. An ORINOCO PC card is relatively easy to find and cheap.

Method 2: Using the AAUI to Ethernet adapter and a Ethernet to WiFi adapter. You can find a battery-powered Ethernet to WiFi adapter, but all these adapters won't make it easy to move around.

