Fujifilm X100T Disassembly
Ir al paso 1This guide gives you a look at the Fujifilm X100T's major components, including its lens and motherboard, and provides complete disassembly instructions.
Qué necesitas
Slide the small black tab on the bottom of the camera to the left to unlock the battery cover.
Beginning in one of the corners, use a spudger to pry the leather casing off of the camera.
Locate the six 4.0 mm screws on the bottom of the camera.
Use a JIS#000 driver to remove these screws.
The two srews on the left can be left in place as these just keep the tripod mount fixed to the bottom plate. (see pictures at step 7)
Exactly as Frank said.
Please update the repair guide for those who don’t read all the comments.
Herramienta utilizada en este paso:Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits$39.95
This is a camera produced by a Japanese camera manufacturer. The Japanese camera industry loves using JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) screws.
Don't be tempted by your Phillips screw driver collection. Although PH#00 will interchange with JIS#00, it is not a perfect fit. Using Phillips will cause more wear on the head of the JIS screws and cause the screws to prematurely strip.
Have both JIS#00 and JIS#000 screw drivers available for this teardown. Luckily, both bits are included in the ifixit 64bit kit.
Remove the bottom plate and the tripod mount by lifting them using your hands.
The tripod mount is keyed and fits into a series of pegs on the back side of the bottom plate.
Thanks Frank. This is a good comment. I was stuck here until I read your comments about loosening the screws in Step 10 and 12.
Get your picks ready!
To get any deeper into this camera, the right-hand port cover assembly must be removed first. Once this is removed, you will have access to the screws that secure the other components.
There's a tiny hole toward the bottom right of the battery compartment. Using the pick tool, press into that hole.
A plastic rod will release. That plastic rod is the axis the hinge rotates about.
I can not release the plastic rod..
I can not even press the hole. Can someone help me
Try rotating the hinge by moving the flap back and forth. Then try pushing out the rod again. Good luck.
Fuji! What did we tell you about hiding screws behind closed doors! That's pretty under the table Fuji. Don't do it again. Promise?
The devil's in the details with this camera. Slide the port cover off the hinge rod.
Using a pair of pliers, pull the rod out of the top plate of the camera. Now you'll finally have access to all the screws that need to be removed.
Remove the three 5.0 mm screws by the micro-USB, micro-HDMI and remote ports.
Remove the screw hidden behind the port cover hinge.
The port cover assembly should come off with ease. If it is stuck, try prying with plastic shims.
Once the electronics are exposed, it is highly recommended that you remain ESD safe. ESD can fry your precious electronics, and pass thousands of volts through components only rated for a few V DC. ESD can sure ruin your day if you are not careful.
Use an ESD mat and wrist strap, and make sure you are grounded for the remaining of the teardown. Make sure your ESD mat is connected to the ground of a nearby outlet, and make sure your house actually has a ground. Consult an electrician if you are unsure.
Remove the orange ribbon cable by opening up the ZIF connector with a plastic prying tool or toothpick.
Remove the rubber eyepiece guard by lifting it off with your hands.
If the rubber eyepiece is being stubborn, an old giftcard won't mind :D
Use a plastic opening tool and metal tweezers to lift up the ribbon located next to the center-right section of the green board.
Remove the CMOS sensor aluminum heatsink by lifting it up with your hands. The sensor, PCB and heatsink are integrated into one unit.
Twofold question here:
* It's not easy to tell from the photos, but what is preventing removal of the motherboard without removing the image sensor?
* With some cameras it's possible to mark the positions of the sensor mounting screws, tighten them all the way down to determine their absolute position, then remove them--yielding some sort of confidence in the ability to reinstall them to their original position. Is that feasible here?
Great teardown guide, thanks!
Remove the spring and the lens by gently lifting both the components upwards.
May i know where is the capacitor connected?
I accidentally dettached the two wires..
Can someone help me? Ty
Once the lens has been taken off, flip the camera over and unscrew the two 4.0 mm screws on the front of the camera, next to the lens cover.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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27 comentarios
Thanks for great guide. 1 little question. I have dust on the front cover of viewfinder. Can I just take the top cover (step 19,20) without disassembling other parts in previous steps?
Thank you in advance
i would like to see top cover disassembled too - same issue, dust in viewfinder
That should be possible! Based on posted pictures it seems to me that top plate is being hold in place by 5 points. Two of them are easily accessible from the front (step 19) but other 3 are hidden and may require partial disassembly to get proper access. There is one screw on each side of a camera (step 9 on top and step 14 n top) but most difficult is the one hidden behind back panel (step 13 red circle) to get there may really require taking the whole back of the camera off. Unless You are skilled with some level of previous experience .... I would let the technician to clean the dust out.
I have done something akin to that partial disassembly procedure on old rangefinder film cameras (exactly for the same reason - to clean the dust out of viewfinder) but never worked on modern electronic cameras. If You take a look at step 12 you will realize one flex connecting main controls on the camera back ... it could be easily damaged making your back camera controls pretty unresponsive ... even some of them ... for me this is a game stopper ;-)
Thats a very good question. I think dust might have entered from the diopter adjustment wheel gap. There doesnt seem to be anything stopping that from reaching the front outside part of the viewfinder.
Have you tried compressed air or blowers right in that same gap? Might make the dust spec move.
allanwl -
Here is a partial disassembly guide for the X100 to remove the top plate:
The X100T screws look similar, between these 2 guides you should be able to figure out the easiest way to partial disassemble the X100T to remove the top plate. Note that in the other directions you still have to remove screws for front and rear shell so that you can move them to access the hidden screws that secure the top plate.
Hi, I've got a problem with my X100, probably the internal battery ... but I can't see that in all theses steps ? Can you tell me if we can change the internal battery without change the internal motherboard ?
It’s not a battery, it’s a capacitor. And yes, you can change it by soldering it off and replacing it with one from a junk board off ebay or something. If you can find the specs, you may find the component by itself, but Fuji won’t provide it because they rarely receive individual components.
Step 6 is not working for me. The plastic port cover assembly is stuck in place, even when all 3 screws are removed. I have tried wedging plastic shims under the sides of the plastic assembly and it still will not budge. It is stuck in the middle somehow. Is there some mechanism holding it in, in the middle? Is there a mating plastic clip on the opposite side of the plastic port cover? How did you remove it?
How about the fix lens how can I disassemble
As a former Fuji tech, this break down is about 80% correct. I would not recommend ever removing the CMOS sensor from the lens unit. They are shimmed and calibrated using computers and you run the risk of throwing your focus completely out of whack as well getting dust on your sensor. I also see no mention of discharging the flash capacitor. Unless you like getting shocked, I would recommend discharging it before sticking your fingers or any metal object in the camera. One wrong touch will not only shock you a bit, but also short out certain components on the board if you’re not careful.
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Hi sir how about the on off switch with shutter button,can I repair on that particular parts or we need to replace whole top plate
very high precision, high-quality guide! This is very professional.even a child could follow these step-by-step town procedure… not sure the child could make it finally! Congrats, well done?!
There isn’t much in this review about the front fascia of the camera. I’m curious about the bezel ring around the front of the lens. On the silver edition of this camera, that part is silver (It is black on this camera) and I wonder if that ring could easily be removed and replaced with a silver ring? Possible?
I suspect it is simply threaded on and threadlock is underneath which makes it nearly impossible to remove, but perhaps you can let us know.
Is there a way to just remove the battery door without dissasembly the whole camera ?
This is a really great set of instructions. My x100t took a bath in a river. After drying it, everything seems to work, however there’s a spot that shows up in some photos. It looks like it repeats on each lens element, however I think it’s one spot of dirt on one lens that shows up more weakly with each lens element. I’d like to take it apart and clean it, but I’m worried about throwing off the calibration of the sensor box in the camera after reading the warning in the instructions. Will it be thrown off? Has anyone else had problems after disassembly? Is it likely I’ll have problems? I’m debating if I should mess with it since it’s only noticeable in some photos. It really shows up in landscapes with sky. It’s not noticeable in busier photos. Should I roll the dice?
How I can fix the hot shoe of my x100 that is a bit rickety??
thank you very much
I was thinking to edit your guide, but then I made a new guide, you can find it at this link:
Fujifilm X100 and X100S lens partial Disassembly , from the FRONT.
It would be great if you can have a look at it and give me your feedback.
I hope anyone is still opening this aged forum..
My shutter button is not working. I think some of the pieces are detached or broken. Do you think I can fix it by opening the head unit and rearrange it back?
I gave the camera to fujifilm to be repaired and they said I have to change the whole top frame but they don’t have it anymore. So they offered me to buy another which I don’t want to.
I think the shutter problem can be tricked or something… someone help me :(
Same problem i tried to fix it, but turned out to be a mess.. you can buy remote shutter in amazon or ebay instead.
Thanks a lot for this. Very interesting, but too advanced for me..
I have a question about the OVF/EVF lever on the front of my x100T. It has become loose on my camera, in the sense that the top of the lever can be moved ca 3mm out from the body. Is it possible to take off the circular plate on the lever and tighten some screw behind there? Or some other way too make the lever again only move firmly along the body and not out from it? Thanks in advance to anyone answering!
I would Like to find out the price for the mother board s4250wm fine pix for the fujifilm
lucasroger75 - Contestar