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Este desmontaje no es una guía de reparación. Para reparar tu iPad Pro 10.5", utiliza nuestros manuales de servicio .

  1. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ", Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 1, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ", Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 1, imagen 2 de 2
    • Puedes relajarte ahora, este iPad es un profesional. Dejando las bromas a un lado, sin embargo, esto cuenta con algunas especificaciones impresionantes:

    • Pantalla de "tono real" de óxido de TFT de óxido de 10,5 ", completamente laminada, con resolución de 2224 × 1668 (264 ppi), con tecnología ProMotion

    • Procesador personalizado Apple A10X de 64 bits de cuarta generación, con coprocesador de movimiento M10

    • Cámara trasera OIS de 12 MP con grabación de video 4K a 30 fps y cámara FaceTime de 7 MP con video de 1080p

    • Equilibrio automático, audio de cuatro altavoces

    • Sensor Touch ID, 2 micrófonos, sensor de luz ambiental, acelerómetro, barómetro y giroscopio de 3 ejes

    • 802.11a / b / g / n / ac banda dual MIMO Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.2

    • 64, 256 o 512 GB de almacenamiento a bordo

  2. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 2, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 2, imagen 2 de 2
    • Junto con las nuevas especificaciones de rendimiento y el tamaño de la pantalla, Apple lanzó un nuevo número de modelo, que nos brinda un A1701 nuevo.

    • ¿Cuánto más grande es más grande? El iPad Pro de antaño de 9.7 ", medido en 9.4" x 6.6 ", mientras que el nuevo Pro es de 9.8" x 6.8 ". (Y a 0.24", ambos son igualmente delgados y delgados.)

    • En resumen: no mucho más grande.

    • Dicho esto, los biseles se han reducido significativamente. Entonces, el nuevo Pro no se sentirá más grande en tus manos, pero se verá más grande donde sea que cuente.

    • Otros cambios incluyen: una migración de orificios de micrófono, desde el lado de la cámara trasera hasta la zona de cámara selfie.

  3. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 3, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 3, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 3, imagen 3 de 3
    • Como la mayoría de los iPad, la entrada a esta unidad está protegida por un adhesivo fuerte, pero el marco más delgado significa que es más fácil que nunca atascar un pico entre la pantalla y el vidrio laminado.

    • Por suerte, somos expertos en desgarros, bien equipados con lasherramientas adecuadas para el trabajo.

    • Sin embargo, cortar a ciegas en un nuevo iPad siempre da miedo, ya que siempre existe el peligro de cortar a través de un cable de visualización aleatorio ...

    • ... excepto cuando no hay! Apple colocó los cables de la pantalla en el centro, fuera de peligro.

    • Una vez hemos visto esta disposición en un iPad solo una vez, y parece que Apple finalmente logró unificar la línea Pro en torno a este diseño algo más simétrico.

  4. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 4, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 4, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 4, imagen 3 de 3
    • En este momento, Apple se está ganando una palmadita en la espalda por usar tornillos Phillips sobre el soporte del cable de la pantalla, a diferencia de los molestos tornillos de triple punto que descubrimos en el iPhone 7 (Plus).

    • También conectaron el cable de la pantalla cerca del puerto Lightning en lugar del punto muerto, lo que dificulta un poco las reparaciones.

    • Pero parece que tendremos que quitar otra placa lógica muy pegada. ¡Vamos a cruzar los dedos por las lengüetas de la batería!

    • Mientras planificamos nuestro ataque, activamos nuestra visión de rayos X (cortesía de nuestros amigos de Creative Electron) para mirar detrás de todas esas cajas negras.

    Battery connector should be separated from its terminal with a plastic card or pick. Should be done first before unplugging the screen. I expect this from YouTube but not from ifixit!

    Jonathan Faulk - Contestar

    @fau1ker iFixit teardowns aren’t meant to be used as instructions (hence the large banner at the top of this page that says “this is not a repair guide.”) Teardowns are fast-paced, often destructive, and we purposely skip a lot of details. If you’re looking for the proper procedure, use a repair guide.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  5. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 5, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 5, imagen 2 de 2
    • A simple vista, esta pantalla no parece tan diferente de las generaciones anteriores. Y con una resolución de 264 ppi, no es el primer iPad con pantalla Retina.

    • De todos modos, 120 Hz es una velocidad de actualización increíblemente rápida para tantos píxeles, por lo que probablemente necesite cuatro (!) Cables de conexión. (Su hermano mayor ginormous sobrevivió con solo dos.)

    • El bisel más delgado y la tecnología True Tone también distinguen esta pantalla, pero estamos aquí para las agallas. Después de derretir un par de escudos, encontramos:

    • Intersil 248828 R703CM

    • Controlador de tiempo Parade Technologies DP825 (probablemente una versión mejorada de Parade ICs que vimos en iPad Pros anteriores)

    • Texas Instruments TPS565158

    Which manufacturers is the Display? Not Samsung, not LG. A good question.

    Brian Wehrhahn - Contestar

    Will iPad Pro 10.5” display fit and work on iPad Air 3?

    mail2augus87 - Contestar

    What is the core component for True Tone tech’s operation.

    Dause Johnson - Contestar

  6. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    • En nuestra versión Wi-Fi del 10.5 "Pro, Apple dejó algunos misteriosos bloques de plástico donde se pueden encontrar las antenas LTE.

    • Para agregar al misterio, estos no estaban presentes en el Wi-Fi 12.9 "iPad Pro ...

    • Estamos especulando que agrega soporte al ensamblaje de la pantalla, en lugar de ser un espacio vacío como se vio en iPads anteriores.

    • No hay mucho que ver hasta que eliminemos el gran escudo que cubre la placa lógica. Es hora de descomprimirlo y ver lo que encontramos.

    What is on the other side of the front-facing camera? (I assume that's the top there - but what are the "microphone holes" next to the audio jack doing at the *top*?) My guess is that the plastic block is not just support for the display, but to balance the weight.

    What are the regularly spaced "black bosses" (the engineering sense..) behind the spacer? They look like rubber shock absorbers for the screen. To reduce errant motion if the thing is being flung hither and thither when used when hunting flying Pokemon? (Courtesy of ARKit of course)

    And - ahoy! Are those normal **Phillips** screws I see there? Inconceivable!

    jimwitte - Contestar

    Remember, there are four speakers—two on top, and two on the bottom. ;) That's what the row of holes is for (you can see them in Step 8). The plastic blocks are hollow and weigh virtually nothing, so I tend to favor the "display support" theory.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    The LTE version that I’m holding open right now does not have those “spacers”, it actually holds the WiFi/LTE antenna in there. iPad Pro 10.5 (a1709) (2007).

    I would like to get some feedback/confirmation on my statement.

    Dante Estus - Contestar

    So has Apple FINALLY put a DAC in this tablet? I generally use my Astell & Kern PDA for listening to music. I have the Tidal app and I noticed that my iPad Pro 10” sounded like it has a DAC onboard , but I thought maybe it was just because I was tilting it or something. Looked at getting a iFi headphone amp as it’s suppose to playback Master Quality Audio from Tidal. I have a home setup that allows me to play MQA disc I purchased from Japan and some are really good, others are not as good as the Platinum SHM (24Bit/192kHz). Queen is a good example of the MQA Disc sounding less than stellar compared to the Platinum SHM version. I don’t use my iPhone for much but a phone. I might look into an iFi device now, for Tidal streaming.

    James - Contestar

    Hi, where do I find this electromagnetic cover for the motherboard?


    kris - Contestar

  7. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 7, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 7, imagen 2 de 2
    • A medida que profundizamos en el dispositivo de poca profundidad, nos damos cuenta de que aún no hemos detectado ningún cableado interno.

    • Encontramos este conector para auriculares y altavoz de 3.5 mm justo donde esperamos ...

    • ... pero en lugar de pasar sus cables de cinta por la parte superior de la cámara de resonancia del altavoz como en sus contrapartes de 12.9", Apple ha colocado los cables bastante inconvenientes debajo, es decir, entre el altavoz y la carcasa trasera.

    • ¡Levantando una tira de cinta conductora acolchada, encontramos tornillos! La última vez tuvimos un tiempo triste al quitar los altavoces Pro, así que los tornillos son una buena señal.

    • Psych: esos tornillos no nos salvaron de luchar con adhesivos desagradables para quitar los parlantes.

  8. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 8, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 8, imagen 2 de 2
    • Efectivamente, todos los cables de conexión se ocultan debajo de esta cámara de altavoz de roca volcada.

    • Al menos la cámara del altavoz sale intacta, con el controlador conectado,a diferencia de la versión 12.9" Pro, este es un proceso no destructivo. El altavoz incluso tiene pocos contactos de resorte, por lo que se levanta limpiamente.

    • Sin embargo, no es así para los cables de cinta que permanecen pegados a la carcasa trasera.

  9. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 9, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 9, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 9, imagen 3 de 3
    • La lucha con el adhesivo del altavoz en el lado opuesto nos recompensa con el acceso a la cámara trasera y al sensor de luz.

    • El sensor de luz está cubierto por un filtro verde / blanco / claro que puede ayudar con el sistema True Tone.

    • El 10.5 "Pro adopta las mismas cámaras formidables que se encuentran en eliPhone 7.

    • La cámara orientada hacia atrás ahora toma imágenes de hasta 12 MP y video 4K a 30 fps, todo con el beneficio de la estabilización de imagen óptica. Esto se debe a las cámaras fijas de 8 MP y 1080p que se encuentran en el 2015 12.9 "Pro.

    • La cámara selfie frontal no se queda atrás, ya que puede tomar fotos de 7 MP y grabar videos en 1080p.

  10. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 10, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 10, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 10, imagen 3 de 3
    • Una tableta es tan poderosa como sus procesadores. Esto es lo que está impulsando este:

    • Apple APL1071 Chip de Apple A10X Fusion con arquitectura de 64 bits y coprocesador M10 integrado

    • Micron MT53B256M64D2PX-062 1600 MHz 2 GB LPDDR4 (2 chips para 4 GB de RAM)

    • oshiba THGBX669D4LLDXG 64 GB de memoria flash NAND

    • Controlador NFC NXP 67V04 (como se ve en el iPad 5, iPhone 7 y Apple Watch Series 2)

    • Murata / Apple 339S00249 módulo inalámbrico

    • 2 x controlador de pantalla táctil Broadcom BCM15900B0

    • Apple 343S00118-A0, 343S00120-A0 y 343S00121-A1


    Do you know where can I buy 343S00121-A1? My IPAD pro 2017 restarting time to time

    Pasan Madusanka - Contestar

    I believe the flash memory part number is “THGBX6G9D4LLDXG” (with a G in the middle instead of a 6), not “…X669D…”. “G9” fits into the Toshiba NAND flash part number as meaning “512 (=2⁹) Gbits =64GB”, whereas “69” isn’t listed in any of the part number decode specs I found (all the characters for those spots are a letter followed by a number, not two numbers). Also, looking at the full-res (7042x5282) photo here, the character looks a bit closer to the “G” earlier in the part number, and less like the “6” right next to it.

    Slipp Douglas Thompson - Contestar

  11. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 11, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 11, imagen 2 de 2
    • Actualización del desmontaje: una mirada más cercana a la placa lógica revela algo interesante:

    • Cypress CYPD2104 Controlador de puerto USB tipo C

    • ¿Qué hace un controlador USB-C aquí? El iPad no tiene un puerto USB-C.

    • Ah, pero si empareja este pequeño chip con un cable Lightning-a-USB-C y el cargador de 29W USB-C de Apple, desbloquea una característica adicional: Entrega de energía USB, a.k.a. carga rápida.

    • Anteriormente presentado solo en el iPad Pro de 12.9 ", la carga rápida reduce el tiempo de carga de la batería a la mitad. (Esto fue especialmente importante en el modelo de 12.9 ", que de otro modo necesita hasta cinco horas para beber suficientes electrones para una carga completa.)

    Do you know if fast charging would work with a 87w TouchBar MacBook Pro charger?

    Joshua Karns - Contestar

    Do these Type-C controllers present in the smaller iPad Pro 9.7 (before this time), 'cause I am buying a referbrished iPad Pro 9.7

    Xavier Jiang - Contestar

  12. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 12, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 12, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 12, imagen 3 de 3
    • Debido a que el adhesivo de la lengüeta de tiro aseguraba su batería, consideramos que el iPad Pro original fue el primer iPad realmente reciclable. Esperando que los rayos caigan dos veces, despegamos con temor algo de cinta en el borde de la batería.

    • Más espaciadores de plástico, y solo adhesivo pegajoso y desagradable en lugar de adhesivos pela-out limpios y agradables.

    • ¿Qué tal la próxima vez Apple? ¿Cereza en la punta?

    • Este Pro obtiene una batería de 3,77 V, 8134 mAh, 30,8 Wh, un ligero cambio de tamaño de la batería de 38,8 Wh que se encuentra en el 12.9", pero una actualización de la batería de 27.91 Wh en el 9.7".

  13. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 13, imagen 1 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 13, imagen 2 de 3 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 13, imagen 3 de 3
    • Ah, y una cosa más.

    • La última vez que derribamos uno de los teclados inteligentes de Apple, no funcionó tan bien. Esta vez, sin embargo, las cosas son diferentes, tenemos superpoderes. (De acuerdo, tenemosamigos con superpoderes).

    • El conector inteligente es esa barra oscura en la parte superior del rollo de soporte. También se presenta en negro: los diversos imanes que mantienen a este tipo en posición.

    • Esperemos que el solo interruptor en la barra espaciadora no sea un dolor para usar, pero mira esa hermosa tracería. Suspiro.

  14. Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 14, imagen 1 de 2 Desmontaje del iPad Pro 10.5 ": paso 14, imagen 2 de 2
    • ¡Eso es todo amigos!

    • ¡Un agradecimiento especial a Creative Electron por prestarnos sus gafas de rayos X!

  15. Consideraciones Finales
    • Si bien no está soldada en su lugar, la batería tiene una adherencia muy sólida, no más lengüetas de arrastre, como vimos en el iPad Pro 12.9 ".
    • El puerto del conector inteligente es virtualmente imposible de reemplazar, pero no incorpora partes móviles y es poco probable que falle.
    • La pantalla LCD y el cristal del panel frontal están fusionados. Esto simplifica ligeramente el procedimiento de apertura.
    • El panel frontal fusionado aumenta el costo de reparación de la pantalla y el riesgo de dañar la pantalla LCD cuando se abre.
    • Las gotas de adhesivo mantienen todo en su lugar, lo que dificulta todas las reparaciones.
    Calificación de Reparabilidad
    Reparabilidad 2 de 10
    (10 es lo más fácil de reparar)

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Adam O'Camb

Miembro Desde 04/11/15

208,955 Reputación

416 Guías creadas

42 comentarios

Hey Guys! I would love to know what's the RAM memory of the new iPad Pro 12.9... When can we see a teardown of that iPad? cheers!

hansdesigns - Contestar

Both 10.5" and 12.9" iPad Pro use Apple A10X processor, the system memory 12.9" uses should be same as 10.5", LPDDR4.

JJ Wu - Contestar

I was waiting for to teardown the iPad Pro 10.5 but the LTE version because it could let us know what's Apple's plan with next iphone modem. This new iPad is supposed to support CDMA Network so I want to know if it is using an INTEL modem or a Qualcomm modem. If this iPad uses an Intel modem with CDMA it means intel is ready to substitute Qualcomm on Verizon/Sprint iPhone. The specs in Apple website shows this new iPad Pro supports up to 450 Mbps so it could be using Intel XMM 7480 modem. It also could be using Qualcomm Snapdragon X12 LTE Modem (600 Mbps) and Apple slowed the speed down to 450 Mbps just to have equal specs for both iPads (GSM and CDMA).

Piogan Dominicano - Contestar

From the tech spec of new iPad Pro Apple released on product web site, most likely, it is still Qualcomm modem inside due to CDMA support. Unlike iPhone 7, there are several models which is base band tech dependent. For new iPad Pro, there is one model only to support all telecommunication tech, especially CDMA. Intel's first chip to support CDMA will be XMM7650 announced in Feb.

JJ Wu -

Will you teardown the new 12.9 model?

imjosejab - Contestar

Is the Touch ID the same as on the iPhone 7, a tactile one or still the (not so) good old clickable one ? Thanks !

Stephane Grienenberger - Contestar

It's the older mechanical clicky button version. ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

What is the NFC chip doing inside a iPad?

RaySajuuk - Contestar

It's for Apple Pay.

Paul Motz -

NFC is useful for pairing bluetooth speakers, for example. Probably more so than for paying for stuff using a massive ipad..

Patrik Floding -

Right now with the NFC Chip and IOS11 you can skip the whole installation/activation process buy touching the iPad with your iPhone, and it is going to setup all your settings and accounts ;-)

djlsb - Contestar

Hello, I just received my iPad Pro 10,5. I have a stylus with 3 magnets in it, and it attaches perfectly to the sides of the iPad. My question is: Is it dangerous or is prepared to that?

Adrián Iriarte - Contestar

The iPad relies on magnets to secure the Apple made covers, and has a line of magnets on the case you can see in a few steps. So don't worry, it's supposed to do that =)

Sam Goldheart -

who is the manifacturer of microphones, ambient light sensor, accelerometer, barometer, and 3-axis gyro? cheers

Marco Leo - Contestar

Could you precisely measure the size of the new A10X chip? It would be fantastic to get a indication of the die size!

Ewout - Contestar

I just finished checking them out at Best Buy. Both the new 12.9" and the 10.5". I have to say WOW. The 12.9" is just to big for my needs, but I got to try the pencil on it for the first time and have to say, WOW is it responsive. Having used them on Windows type systems over the years and being laggy and really not very good, I can't see any lag. It's so responsive. I can't draw worth a crap, but I could see some uses for having it, just on the 10.5" version instead. Right now I have a iPad 3 and it's really laggy. It wasn't super fast either then NEW which is why Apple released the iPad 4 6 months later with a faster CPU and the lightning port. So I think this new 10.5" iPad will be the perfect upgrade. I don't need a keyboard.

It's a really nice Tablet. For the few things it might not do as well, I still have my Custom Windows 10 Pro Desktop at home. For tablet needs. I don't want a so called full OS. Don't want to deal with all the Windows issues I've have to deal with over the years.

JBDragon - Contestar

What's the audio codec in iPad Pro 10.5?

cuiimws - Contestar

seems, it is Cirrus Logic CS42L83A. Refer to Step 11, there is one chip next to Toshiba chip.

JJ Wu -

I received an iPad Pro 10.5" LTE and Bluetooth is dead. WLAN and everything else works. Never had this before. You can switch BT off and on but the device can't be found nor does it find anything. Restored it twice with 10.3.3 and nothing works. How can this be? I thought the WLAN/BT is on one chip? Lost connection to the antenna? Very strange...


plant agoo - Contestar

can anyone tell me who manufactured those speakers?

jon aarin - Contestar

Any clue as to the wiring/schematic behind the smart connector? Which contacts might be the pos/neg used in charging for the Logitech base?

Kyle Hatton - Contestar

Ok, I recently deiscovered a small bulge on the back of my iPad directly above the charging port. Also, the metal frame right underneath the home button somehow got dented inwards. I was wonder what might have gotten pushed up, as I didn’t see it here in the tear down. Thanks!

iDeas Guy - Contestar

Hi everybody!

I trying to find if is possible to buy original part - lcd assembly for ipad pro 10.5 (a1701). Or if the parts from china are the same like original part (which manufacturer is best?). Eventualy which diferences are between the apple factory display and china spare parts? I am afraid of bad quality of china spare parts.

Thank you very much for reply - I am hopeless…

adm_ferrum - Contestar

hey there adm_ferrum,

I’m on the same boat as you. Did you ever buy a chinese LCD?

Paul -

Hi there, is it possible to replace the power button on the ipad pro 10.5” model?

tony.john1 - Contestar

Hi , From where can i get the original back case of the i pad ? Please i need help

Leen Baattiyah - Contestar

Where can I find a screen replacement for the iPad Pro 10.5? Is there any plan to demonstrate replacing the digitizer from the LCD display?

Michael Gomez - Contestar

Unfortunately, replacing a digitizer that’s bonded to the display like this is not really a DIY—it requires expensive equipment (far more than the value of the device) and a lot of time and practice. For most owners and repair shops, it’s much more practical to replace the entire display assembly. Not sure when that part will be available though.

Jeff Suovanen -

Does anyone findout a white spot on the lcd nearly 4-5cm above the home screen? I always take care my iPad Pro 10.5, suddenly after 13 month of usage, the white spot appeared. Many iPad Pro 10.5 users have this issue. Apple won’t replace the screen if it already out of warranty, but I believe that this problem is not caused by user, but the design of the iPad Pro 10.5 itself… Let me know if you also have the same issue with yours. Thanks.

Ivan Putera Pratama - Contestar

@ivanputeraa Just a guess, but this sounds like what happens when something is pressing against the back of the screen from inside the device.

Jeff Suovanen -

It´s also known problem with this model, what I understood, it is usually only cosmetic problem. But the white spot might get brighter after some time.

Further reading:

Kristian Hukka -

I have the same issue. Started recently, that’s why I’m curious what that white rectangle component is above the home component on the Logitech board. If something was pushing, there would be an obvious bulge, I’m guessing. It would be nice to solve this mystery seeing as so many people have had the same issue.

Leah Beth -

I’ve had a diagnostic done on an iPad Pro 10.5 (2017) model which won’t power on - it did power on a couple of times then went off after 1-2 minutes but won’t come on at all now. The result of this diagnostic says the company is that it’s not repairable as the issue related to CPU. My question is does this sound like it’s the end of the road for this iPad? Is it worth a second opinion? Can a CPU be replaced?

Terry Newman - Contestar

Does anyone know what the white rectangle component is right above the home component on the Logitech board.? I’ve been searching but it’s all mapped out except that one. Would love to know, thank you

Leah Beth - Contestar

Will iPad Pro 10.5” display fit and work on iPad Air 3?

mail2augus87 - Contestar

My mom’s ipad has a different storage module. It’s sandisk.

Jc Soriano - Contestar

My version of this iPad stopped being able to charge. I got a new one because repairing it would take too much time (and I wanted the 2018 model).

I gave it to someone else who took it to a store to get repaired.

I had described the issue as being an issue with the lightning port. I said I thought that was the issue because if I wiggled the plug when it was connected, I could sometimes get it to connect and start charging. It would stop when I let go of the pressure I put on the plug.

But now the store has said that that did not fix it. I assume they mean they replaced the port.

So I’m just wondering, what else COULD be the problem? Given the description of how it was behaving.

(Hope that made sense. English is not my native language)

Eirik Havre - Contestar

What would need to be repaired if this was submersed in water. The repair places says just buy a new one but can it be repaired?

Jeremiah Bowles - Contestar

Okay, as much trouble as this is, and the fact that I don’t have $2,000 to spend on a new 2020 iPad Pro, what would I need to replace my bent back plate? I have the back plate, but it’s apparent that many of the items are still glued into the back plate in this tear down. Speaker cables, screw mounts , etc.

I noticed it was bent, I guess from being stuffed into my messenger bag, as I noticed light leaking slightly out of the top. I’ve had some issues with the screen going darker and the LED lights on the edge by the home button become visible sometimes. I had planned to buy a battery pack. Mine will no longer hold a charge for very long. I’m essentially tethered to a power bank most of the time. Now, I am guessing I will need a battery pack to fix the batteries, a new LCD screen digitizer and the screen retention set that glues everything goes back together. I’m also assuming I’d need to purchase new speaker cables, etc that are glued in. Looking more like a pro job now. Bend is by the 3 dot keyboard link.

James - Contestar

Instead of a complete teardown, I’ve considered buying a new LCD digitizer and a battery pack. While I have these items removed , try to bend the back plate back into position as close as flat as possible. I never use the keyboard connection and the device works fine when the Digitizer is pushed back into place until the glue comes loose again. All of this glue and the screen is loose? The screen has a few blue streaks on a couple of apps, and a couple of small bright spots that are permanently there. I know that a 2020 iPad Pro is in my future. Also waiting to see if Apple is going to push for a new device every year! It’s BS as we buy our devices outright! I expect about 4yrs out of them & No contract! If they start making devices that don’t upgrade for more than a year or two, I’m done with Apple!

If I replace the battery pack and the LCD screen, the issues should not be issues with the device working properly until I get another device. Anyone think this is a better option than a complete teardown?

James - Contestar

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