Escoger la punta de destornillador equivocada puede a veces ser la diferencia entre una buena reparación y un problema. Si sigues los consejos de esta guía para identificar correctamente tus puntas y usarlas, evitarás desgastar la cabeza de tus tornillos de manera irremediable.
Si aún así sigues teniendo problemas, echa un vistazo a esta fantástica guía con consejos para usar el destornillador.
Qué necesitas
Las puntas incluidas en los kits de puntas de iFixit tienen prefijos que indican el tipo de cabeza. Estos prefijos suelen estar seguidos de un número que indica el tamaño de la punta. Por ejemplo:
PH2 (Phillips #2): Una punta Phillips (o de estrella) grande.
PH0 (Phillips #0): Una punta Phillips (o de estrella) mediana.
PH000' (Phillips #000): Una punta Phillips (o de estrella) pequeña.
Si tienes problemas identificando la punta que necesitas en tu kit de herramientas, usa esta lista de referencia.
Forma de la punta, seguido de su nombre propio.
Tamaño de la punta.
Si no hay un prefijo en tu punta, simplemente usa el nombre propio completo y el tamaño para buscar tu punta. Por ejemplo: "Usa una punta plana de 1.5 mm para quitar los dos tornillos de 5 mm de la carcasa"
Las puntas con el prefijo "J" y "PH" a veces se confunden entre ellas. Que no te engañe su aspecto similar, ya que son bastante diferentes.
Los tornillos Phillips (PH) están diseñados para expulsar a un destornillador Phillips si le aplica demasiada fuerza de giro. Esto evitará que dañes los tornillos, los destornilladores o las puntas.
Los tornillos "Japanese Industrial Standard"(J) (industriales estándar de Japón, o JIS) no expulsan el destornillador, y tienen bordes de 90 º.
which is which? why not tag each with a label?
Japanese Industrial Standard (J) screws do not provide a cam-out option, and have 90 degree corners
Oscar -
Hiya, Alberto! Great question. Smaller screws found in electronics aren’t particularly durable, and using a Phillips screwdriver on a Japanese Industrial Standard screw head (or vice versa) can lead to some pretty major problems. I highly recommend using the proper screwdriver or bit to avoid stripping screws.
Richard -
Which one should I get in America for iPhone and laptop type repairs , PH or J?
According to JIS and ISO standard, both recess dimension seem to be the same, having a rounded corner between two flats. I think, the recess without rounded corners (as right drawing) is a recess of CIPA (older JCIS) standard. According to CIPA, the edge between two flats is R0.06mm rounded shape, which seems to be neary sharp edge. Anyway, CIPA is a Japanese Standard and used mainly for the screws of Japanese electrical instruments.
I have two Phillips heads, one is labelled PH.2, the other labeled SH.0.
The second one has a very snub nose, which is what I need for the screws I need to work on. The more pointed PH one is too loose as the point doesn't allow it to fully seat into the screw head.
A seemingly identical snub-nosed one from another set is labelled: CR-V3#, and another seeming clone as ACR-2..
I'm having a bit of confusion on how to buy another screw bit like I need.
I have the small screwdriver kit you make. (Forgot the name) There are J1 and PH1 drivers. However, apart from the stamped label, those two especially are identical. The J1 is as rounded as the PH1 and all angles and lengths are the same. (I looked closely with a good magnifying glass.)
There is a very visible difference between J0 and PH0. So I assume either my PH1 or my J1 has a manufacturing error.
Hi @glitchglitch, email to open a ticket.
Happy fixing!
Great guide, but i have a question about some other bits.
Is there a difference between the "Tri-wing" and "Tri-Point" there are two bits available at the store both designated "Y0" or are they interchangeable
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24 comentarios
Excellent guide. could not figure out the difference by looking.
It would be clearer if the displayed drawing of each bit actually said J-bit or PH-bit, and because both have 90 degree corners, maybe change the J-bit description to “have 90 degree square inside corners“ and include in the PH description “have 90 degree rounded inside corners.
Otherwise, with interpretation, your article helped me.
what size hex shaft do these smaller bits have?. i have an electric precision screw driver, for electronics. i go through the PH1 bits very quickly. i can NOT find them for sale anywhere on earth. does anybody know where to purchase these things?? and/or tell me how i should word the query. all im getting is 1/4 hex shaft results. very frustrating
4mm bit size
Ifixit warranty covers replacement bits
Just message their support email
Ash -
In the picture on the top of the page the bits with a 90° corner are marked as Phillips heads, the ones with the rounded corners are markes as JIS heads. But it seems to be the other way, as mentioned in Step 3 of this instruction, and also according to other pages like
Sharp eye, Andreas! Thanks for catching that. We’ve updated the image at the top of the guide with the correct labels.
Right on the money there! 👍
i have just bought an ifixit kit, has some ph and j bits. I’ve looked at them under a microscope, compared angles, tried them on screws... i have found no difference whatsoever, they seem to be identical. What gives?
Hi @deepsoic, that’s a pretty interesting find you’ve made! Send an email over to our customer service team at and they’ll help you get this issue sorted.
The label indicating the drivers on the Mako 64-bit driver set is almost impossible to read (embossed black-on-black). You can print a better one from the diagram on the catalog page. See
I got this set as a gift and I’m very disappointed it doesn’t include larger Phillips head bits. The largest in this set is too small for a lot of the screwheads on my electronics, especially since I’ve never seen some of these screwheads in my entire life. Do you have any larger Phillips bits for sale?
Probeer de volgende link eens:
Misschien wordt het dan duidelijker.
I think the English information about jis may be wrong and outdated. I google Japanese,旧JISネジ vs iso ,Statement from Vessel,ねじにある丸い刻印「ISOマーク」 "point"screws are rare in Japan now. "point"means new jis/ISO(only M3/4/5) , "no point" is old jis in japan in 1960', The difference is the "screw pitch". and new JIS B 4633 screws also no point. only ISO 8764. You can test pb/wiha/wera/vessle with your jis screw, it won't make a difference.
What are philips #1,2 & 3 sizes? Are they different in thickness? Can Philips #1 Screwdriver be used on any Phillips screws?
A Phillips screwdriver has a head with pointed edges in the shape of a cross, which fits neatly into the cross slots of a Phillips screw. Phillips screwdrivers are available in five different sizes, from zero to four. If you don’t use the right size, you can easily strip a Phillips screw, making it difficult to remove.
Das sagt mir nicht welcher BIt für Kreutzschlitz 2,2- 3,5 mm ich benötige. Für mich völlig wertlos. Wird jetzt ein 000.00,0,oder 1,2, gebraucht?
I need to buy individual replacement screwdriver bits like I used to without buying the whole thing again.
Not only is the information superb, it's provided in a dynamic and well laid out manner
I've lost the "Magnetic Pickup Bit" for my iFixit Mako Precision bit set. The replacement part is out of stock, any idea when it's likely to be back in stock please?