Wiki con Contribuciónes de Estudiantes
Esta wiki ha sido creada por un increíble grupo de estudiantes de nuestro programa educativo.
My Deebot is not turning on
When the power button is pressed, the vacuum does not turn on and the Deebot does not move.
Deebot not Turned on
Check that the red power switch inside the filter compartment is in the “On” position. (This is the side with the | line, not the 0.)
Deebot not Charged
The Deebot 900 comes with a docking station for charging. Ensure that the docking station is both plugged in and accessible to the Deebot. Check that the metal charging plates on both the bottom of the Deebot and the docking station are clean.
Battery Malfunction
If the power switch is in the “On” position and nothing is interfering with the charging process, the Deebot’s battery may be malfunctioning or faulty. For a guide to replacing the battery, follow this link.
My Deebot is Spinning in Circles
The Deebot is running, but only moves in a spinning or circular pattern.
Jammed Wheels
Hair or debris wrapped around the wheels can prevent them from moving properly. Check the wheels for any debris or hair. Any blockage can be removed using scissors, a brush, or other tools as necessary. If the wheel needs to be replaced, follow this link.
Wheel Motor Malfunction
If there is no debris and the wheel is still not moving, hold the robot upside down while the Deebot is running and check to see if both wheels are moving. If one wheel is not moving, then the wheel motor may need to be replaced or connections need to be checked.
Stuck Front Bumper
If the wheels are not jammed and both motors are working, then check to see if the front bumper is stuck by pressing the front in. If the bumper pops back out, then it is not stuck. If the bumper does not pop back out, the bumper may need to be cleaned or replaced. For a guide to replacing the front bumper, follow this link.
Dirty Drop Sensors
If the 5 anti-drop sensors on the bottom of the Deebot are dirty, the Deebot may respond as if there is a drop in its path and try to avoid it. If this happens, clean all of the sensors on the Deebot with a dry cloth.
My Deebot is On but not Moving
The Deebot has power and is turned on, but it does not move in any direction.
Jammed Wheels
Hair or debris wrapped around the wheels can prevent them from moving properly. Check the wheels for any debris or hair. Any blockage can be removed using scissors, a brush, or other tools as necessary.
Wheel Motor Malfunction
If there is no debris and the wheels are still not moving, hold the robot upside down while the Deebot is running and check to see if both wheels are moving. If neither wheel is moving, then the wheel motors may need to be replaced or connections need to be checked.
Damaged Motherboard
If there is no debris blockage and both motors are functioning and/or have been replaced, then the Deebot’s motherboard might be damaged. This could be for several reasons, but vacuuming up any liquid is one of the most likely as it will instantly fry the motherboard unless the Deebot is turned off immediately. If the motherboard is damaged, replace it. For a guide to replacing the motherboard, follow this link.
My Deebot’s Vacuum is not Working
When the Deebot on, the vacuum is running but not picking up debris.
Full Dust Bin
If the Deebot’s dust bin is full, it will not pick up any debris. Check the dust bin by opening the dust bin compartment, removing the dust bin, and emptying any contents.
Blocked Vacuum
If the Deebot vacuumed up a large piece of debris, it may be blocking the vacuum. Open the dust bin compartment and remove the filter. Check to see if something is blocking the entrance of the dust bin, and if so, remove it.
Broken Vacuum Seal
If the dust bin is empty and the vacuum is not blocked, but the vacuum is still not picking up debris, the vacuum seal is likely broken. Without this seal, the vacuum cannot function to pick up debris. To fix the seal, check the plastic casing for cracks and other places air could escape, and tape any cracks closed with Duct Tape or other sealants. For a guide to removing the vacuum motor so that you can check the casing, follow this link.
Vacuum Motor Malfunction
If the dust bin is empty, the vacuum is not blocked, and the vacuum seal is intact, but the vacuum is still not picking up debris, then the vacuum motor may not be working. If the vacuum motor is not working, then you will not be able to hear the vacuum running. For a guide to replacing the vacuum motor, follow this link.
My Deebot’s Brushes are not Spinning
The Deebot has power and is turned on, but the brushes on the bottom do not spin.
Jammed Brushes
Hair and other debris can get tangled in the Deebot’s brushes, preventing them from spinning. Remove each brush to check that nothing is jamming them. If hair or debris is found, remove it using scissors, a brush, or other tools as necessary.
Brush Motor Malfunction
If the brushes do not have debris jamming them, check that the brush motors are working. Flip the Deebot over while it is running and check to see if both brush motors are running. If one or more of the brushes is not spinning the brush motors may need to be replaced or connections need to be checked.
55 comentarios
DEEBOT leaves charger turns around and returns to charger.
David - Contestar
DEEBOT 900 leaves charger and then without cleaning returns. Says, “I’m starting to clean” but does not.
David - Contestar
Were you able to resolve this problem? If so, how? I’m having the same problem. Thanks.
DEEBOT says the laser distance sensor is blocked, and to “gently pat it” - but this does nothing.
kez_mills - Contestar
I tapped, turned it upside down and manually spun mine till it started working…
Brianna Layton -
Deebot 900 not releasing water when moping. Does not recognise the plate is fitted.
Neil Ciarleglio - Contestar
DEEBOT says the laser distance sensor is blocked, and to “gently pat it” - but this does nothing like kez_mills
Jonathan Robiaux - Contestar
Anti drop sensor malfunction deebot 920, please advise how to fix
Narayan Dutta - Contestar
My 79S unit always starts on at 9 AM EST. I can not seem to get it programed to start at another time. I reset the clock time to 11am but it still turns on at 9 AM. I have disconnected the battery , turned the power off, but still will not at the start time I set. I have several Deebots and they all program correctly.
wcnejn - Contestar
My deebot keeps saying “help me out”
windmilltr - Contestar
Where you able to fix this issue, mine started doing the same it saying Im starting to clean but it doesn’t move and after about a minute or two is saying Please help me out, let me know please appreciated
fco.martinez -
I am having the same problem, did you find a solution?
c.schwarzenberger -
Anti drop censor malfunction, it is also not working after cleaning up the sensors properly. Any suggestions….
Narayan Dutta - Contestar
Did u find an answer . I am facing the same problem
Neeti Madan -
My deebot slim says it has a driving wheel malfunction. It starts ok then beeps and I can drive it a little and it seems ok ?
sally bierton - Contestar
Deebot900 has beep sound without closing but no beep sound when cover is closed. Can anyone help. Thanks in advance.
wong CS - Contestar
Have managed to solve the Deebot 900 problem.
wong CS - Contestar
My deebot vaccum cleaner is moving perfectly but not cleaning floor and bin remains empty.
klpndave - Contestar
Keeps saying dust bin not installed even though its in
Rehana Ayub - Contestar
Did you find a solution for this?
Roy Mosure -
Same, how did you fix this issue please?
kirfil -
Deebot making loud sound but is working? Nothing in wheels or brushes. Possible issues?
sueshue1 - Contestar
My deebot has stopped going over my carpet. (Short pile carpet.) It used to and now every time it vacuums and rolls onto the carpet it says it’s brushes are tangled and will not proceed until I move it back to the floor. I’ve changed its brushes, cleaned everything, and am not sure what to do. Thank you!
Camiel Ferrell - Contestar
my deebot will not charge all it says is my battery is low. i have tried all the trouble shooting suggestions anyone else?
amyborelli - Contestar
My unit was working when it stopped and said its brush was tangled. I checked and cleaned them but with the same result. I verified that they are all spinning. Not sure what to do at this point?
Rob - Contestar
My debit returns to recharge and starts cleaning from the beginning so doesn’t complete the house
Miriam Blecher - Contestar
Installed new front roller brush. Deebot now turns off few minutes after starting
kuwaits - Contestar
Installed new roller brush. Now deebot turns off after running for 5 minutes
kuwaits - Contestar
Deebot DN622.11. Replaced front roller brush. Now deebot turns off after operating for 10 minutes.
kuwaits - Contestar
My DEEBOT U2 keeps saying off the floor how do I fix it
Lisa Arcidiaco - Contestar
Me too! Did you find out how to fix it?
Alexis Ritchi -
My debot keeps saying please power me on before charging even though it is on, and connected to the charging dock. Everything works in terms of the app and linkage to it but it won’t do anything other than keep repeating this comment
ali.elizabeth - Contestar
Deebot Ozmo U2 runs for a minute then stops. The error message on the app states that it was trapped when it clearly wasn't.
Jason Blau - Contestar
Deebot 900 has a flashing red light and error message saying laser is not working. Solution given by App is to lightly tap on sensor but this doesn’t clear the error
aidan mountain - Contestar
This is a common problem, the vacuum will need to be replaced with a new unit
simon gross -
Debit not moving. Wanted to check bin compartment but unable to open. Seems stuck
Cheng Yeng - Contestar
My Deebot is continuously saying he is suspended/off the floor but he is not. It will not vacuum/start a cleaning cycle. Just keeps saying it’s suspended. Any ideas?
Alexis Ritchi - Contestar
My t9+ isn't doing custom clean. Says Deebot was blocked and cleaning is ended. Auto clean, and daily schedule running as usual.
dimple sharma - Contestar
Question: recently purchased Deebolt from Amazon. First time used, it says: My drive wheels cannot touch floor, please move me to a new area! It is on a flat floor! What’s the solution!
Harriette Charles - Contestar
Deebot says “ Please install dust pan” and it is already installed
Jen - Contestar
I put in a new battery and my deebot 920 still flashes red light that says I need to turn on before charging. Deebot is turned on and on docking station . Any suggestions?
Terri - Contestar
SOLUTION - I kept getting the 'Please Check your Driving Wheel" malfunction and the vacuum appeared to be spinning on one wheel so it looked like one wheel wasn't working. Checked for obstructions - there were none. Tested the wheels by manually turning them backward and forward and one appeared to be more free than the other but it was the wheel that was turning easier which was not moving when I pressed the power button. I assumed this difference between the tension of the wheels must have meant one of them was broken BUT IT WASN'T. My ecovacs (T8 but they all appear to be largely the same build) was nearly a year out of warranty so the options were either to pay to get it fixed, throw it out, or see if I could fix it. I tried option 3 and it worked. I took the base cover off (easily removed 8 screws, then unscrewd the two screws which hold the silver housing to keep the battery in place. Unplugged the rechargeable battery (simply pull up) and then reconnected the pins. And it's back to working!
Ed Dantes - Contestar
Deebot Ozmo 0900 sagt dauernd (bitte reinige meine Bürste) ich habe davor den Fehler an der linken Seite ausgemacht da sich die Bürste nicht gedreht hatte und auch sehr schwergängig war.
Ausgetauscht und der Fehler ist immer noch da.
Was mir persönlich noch aufgefallen ist, das wenn ich die (grüne Links) Bürste fest reindrücke ist sie blockiert. Nehme ich allerdings die roten Aufsätze an der R und L Seite geht es komischerweise .
Nur kommt der Fehler dennoch, obwohl er auf beiden Seiten dreht.
Vielleicht ht ja Jemand einen Tipp
Habe den Deebot geschenkt bekommen und würde ihn gerne wieder herrichten .
folke.schroeter - Contestar
Hi, my deebot is trying to reset repeatedly by itself. I am not resetting it. It is on the charger and tries to reset - I hear the reset chime and then hear again a few seconds later. When I take it off the charger, it doesn't do anything. Probably because the battery is flat. So is the battery stuffed? Can it be replaced and at what cost? We bought it 2 years ago. It is a DX9G.
Zmarak Zhouand - Contestar
Sensor not working . How to clean them
Neeti Madan - Contestar
My deebot doesn't power on even when I place it on the charge station
saphira rdr - Contestar
my deebot keeps asking to power me on even though the red switch is on? anyone knows what to do??
k bhat - Contestar
My main brush isn't turning it's not jammed just dosent turn even when clean . Makes a whining noise ?
David Frappell - Contestar
My t10 plus goes in circles bangs into the furniture goes over already cleaned area and skips huges area.
I've done remapping and it still does it.
Debra - Contestar
Deebot keeps saying over and over again main brush tangled even when I have just cleaned and replaced with a new main brush. HELP
Georgina Jelic - Contestar
I have two Deebot DN622's that were working perfectly two days ago. Today all they do is spin in circles. I've checked all the trouble shooting suggestions. Any other suggestions?
Roseanna White - Contestar
When my debit is mopping the hard floor she does not return to station over caroet
Dave - Contestar
Our deebot model DS5G brushing are running but it wont move and i cant shut it off
Richard Norris - Contestar
My debot ozmo 920 series will not start as it’s asking to install dustbin. The dustbin is installed. I tried turning it on and off multiple times. But it’s repeating the same thing
Niki - Contestar
Will only vacuum, not mop. I have it set to do both. I have completely cleaned my Ecovac but still not mopping?
Julie Allison - Contestar