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iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 "

Qué necesitas

  1. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Determina qué adhesivos tienes: paso 1, imagen 1 de 1
    • Antes de comenzar, asegúrate de tener las tiras adhesivas correctas:

    • Las tiras adhesivas del iMac de 2012-2019 tienen un corte de micrófono y están numeradas 16, 21, 22, 23, 25 y 26. Se pueden usar en iMacs de 27" de 2012-2019.

    • Si tus tiras están numeradas del 11 al 16, sigue la guía adhesiva del iMac 2012-2015.

    Is there anything better than these self-adhesive strips?

    They don’t seem as thick as the original adhesive and not as strong. As the adhesive weakens when warm, I’ve had a screen come loose within a few days of use. Luckily the user was in front of it to catch it, else we could have been looking at a very expensive repair.

    Cool_Breeze - Contestar

    Hello, in 99% of cases this happens because the residues of the old stripes on the display side have not been completely removed.

    McFix - Contestar

    My strips are labelled 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23 in a kit for the late 2013 iMac. That matches neither set mentioned here. So I have 14 and 15 instead of 25 and 26. It seems a mix of the two sets described, but since either should work for the 2013 model I should be fine?

    Bernd - Contestar

  2. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Estabiliza el iMac: paso 2, imagen 1 de 1
    • Con la bisagra libre para moverse, el iMac estará desequilibrado y será difícil trabajar en él. Las reparaciones se pueden completar como se muestra, pero son más rápidas y fáciles con una cuña de servicio de cartón iFixit.

    • Sigue estasinstrucciones de montaje para armar la cuña de servicio.

    • Si no está utilizando una cuña de servicio iMac, ten mucho cuidado al instalar y trabajar detrás de la pantalla, ya que puede caerse y romperse fácilmente si el iMac se mueve inesperadamente.

  3. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Retira el adhesivo viejo: paso 3, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Retira el adhesivo viejo: paso 3, imagen 2 de 2
    • Antes de instalar tiras adhesivas nuevas, retira todo el adhesivo antiguo del perímetro de la carcasa trasera.

    • Si estás reutilizando una pantalla que ya tenías, también debes quitar el adhesivo viejo de la parte posterior de la pantalla.

    • Retira las tiras adhesivas con pinzas o con los dedos. Comienza en la parte inferior y pela hacia arriba hacia la parte superior del dispositivo.

    • Después de quitar todo el adhesivo antiguo, limpia con cuidado la superficie con alcohol isopropílico al 90 % (o más) y un paño sin pelusa. Limpia en una dirección, no de un lado a otro.

    • No te saltes este paso o es posible que tus nuevas tiras adhesivas no se adhieran correctamente y la pantalla se caiga de tu iMac.

    The black border on the back of the screen glass appears to be painted on. When removing the foam adhesive, be careful with tools as it can scratch off the paint and that will show through when all is back together. Fingernails worked best for me; peeling the tape up slowly followed by the alcohol wipe.

    Tom Pentz - Contestar

    On mine the glue stuck mostly to the enclosure. It required a lot of elbow grease to get it off.

    Larry - Contestar

    Used a little dab of Goo Gone with a micro fiber cloth and a lot of elbow grease on the enclosure to remove the adhesive. As far as the glass side, mine was fairly clean so I just used some 70 % alcohol and was careful. Then went back over all areas with 70 % alcohol again. Was able to clean everything thoroughly. It’s tough but worth it for good adhesion. Thanks Darren S.

    Darren Stewart - Contestar

    My 27" iMac was damaged in shipping and I had to replace the display. When trying to replace the display, I found that the case was bent on the top, just barely visible. Makes sense as the top right corner of the display was totally smashed... Check your display fit and alignment BEFORE placing the adhesive strips. This way you can work on straightening the frame without worrying about damaging the adhesive strips.

    The case is actually soft, in that it is easily bent. Work only when relaxed and not stressed out! I used my body weight and a small piece of wood as a fulcrum to accomplish the (un)bends. If you place it on a totally flat surface you can see where it's touching and where it's high, so you know where to bent it. I had to use some pliers to get the last bit straight. I used multiple (4 - 6) layers of cardboard under the pliers to prevent scratching the aluminium. Go gently, slowly, checking for alignment / flatness many times, rather than doing too much and having to bent it back again.

    VikingShips - Contestar

  4. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Coloca las tiras adhesivas: paso 4, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Coloca las tiras adhesivas: paso 4, imagen 2 de 2
    • Coloca las tiras adhesivas de antemano para que no peques accidentalmente una tira en el lugar equivocado:

    • Tira 22 en la parte superior izquierda

    • Tira 23 en la parte superior derecha

    • Tira 21 en la vertical derecha

    • Tira 25 en la parte inferior derecha, con el lado oscuro hacia arriba.

    • Verifica dos veces para asegurarte de que esta tira tenga el corte necesario para el micrófono.

    • Tira 26 en la parte inferior izquierda, con el lado oscuro hacia arriba

    • Tira 16 en la vertical izquierda

  5. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Coloca el adhesivo del lado derecho: paso 5, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Coloca el adhesivo del lado derecho: paso 5, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Coloca el adhesivo del lado derecho: paso 5, imagen 3 de 3
    • Comienza con la tira 21, que va en el borde vertical derecho del marco del iMac.

    • Antes de quitar cualquier respaldo, alinea la tira adhesiva a lo largo del marco del iMac para tener una idea de dónde va.

    • Despega la pieza corta de respaldo de la parte posterior de la tira.

  6. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 6, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 6, imagen 2 de 2
    • inserta la punta de un spudger en el orificio al final de la tira donde acabas de quitar una capa de respaldo. Inserta el spudger desde el lado que todavía tiene una capa de respaldo blanco.

  7. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 7, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 7, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 7, imagen 3 de 3
    • Con el spudger todavía asomando por el orificio de la tira adhesiva, empuja la punta del spudger en el orificio correspondiente en el marco del iMac.

    • Usando el orificio y el spudger para fijar la posición de la tira adhesiva, alinea la tira contra el borde derecho, tire suavemente hacia abajo contra el spudger para asegurarse de que la tira esté tensa y pégala en el marco.

  8. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 8, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 8, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 8, imagen 3 de 3
    • Una vez que estés seguro de que la mitad superior de la tira adhesiva esté perfectamente alineada, retira la parte trasera azul más larga de detrás de la tira.

    • Si la mitad superior no está alineada correctamente, puedes despegarla con cuidado y volver a pegarla antes de despegar la tira de respaldo inferior. Asegúrate de usar la punta del spudger para anclar la parte superior.

  9. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 9, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 9, imagen 2 de 2
    • Alinea la parte inferior de la tira con el borde derecho del marco y pégala.

  10. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 10, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 10, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa tu dedo para alisar la tira. Asegúrate de que esté perfectamente alineado con el lado derecho del marco y que quede plano.

    • No despegues todavía la parte posterior del adhesivo frontal.

  11. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Instala los adhesivos superior e izquierdo.: paso 11, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Instala los adhesivos superior e izquierdo.: paso 11, imagen 2 de 2
    • Trabaja en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj alrededor del perímetro del iMac, agregando tres tiras adhesivas más de la misma manera:

    • Tira 23 en la parte superior derecha

    • Tira 22 en la parte superior izquierda

    • Tira 16 en la vertical izquierda

    • Estas tres tiras tienen un orificio en cada extremo; usa siempre el orificio más pequeño para alinear y lograr una colocación más precisa.

    • En el iMac con pantalla Intel Retina 5K de 27", las pestañas azules de la tira superior derecha no se alinearán con la antena superior de la misma manera que en el modelo que no es de 5K. Esto es perfectamente aceptable y no afectará el rendimiento de las tiras o antena.

    2017 27”, lining up the top strips with the smaller outside holes, the tape holes at the other end did not line up with the larger holes in the case, near the camera.

    ebay - Contestar

    For the late 2012 27” iMac, strip 23 didn't line up correctly with the antenna. the antenna adhesive was a cm off from where it should have been. No biggie though.

    Daniel - Contestar

    I can confirm above comment - EMC 2546 Late 2012 27" iMac, strip 23 antenna does not align with adhesive.

    Michael - Contestar

  12. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Instala los adhesivos inferiores: paso 12, imagen 1 de 1
    • Los siguientes pasos te mostrarán cómo instalar la tira adhesiva inferior derecha (tira 25), que incluye una muesca que debe estar alineada con el micrófono.

    • Lee este paso y los siguientes cuatro pasos antes de intentar el procedimiento.

    • Sujeta la lengüeta roja en la tira 25 y tira para separar unos 5 cm (2 pulgadas) de la parte trasera blanca de la tira.

    These steps instruct you to install the lower strips to the iMac frame first, as that is what Apple instructs their techs to do. If you have an iMac without a microphone hole, you can choose to install the lower strips onto the display first. Peel the blue tab instead of the red to expose the adhesive. Carefully place the adhesive along the bottom edge of the display. The L-bend on the adhesive should match the display contours.

    Arthur Shi - Contestar

    My EMC No. 2546 did not have a microphone hole, so I was confused at first. A different instructional video ( recommends placing the strips on the display instead. I installed the strips on the frame, but I reckon installation on the display glass might have been a better option, at least with no microphone hole to contend with.

    Lennart Saaf - Contestar

    Yep, no microphone hole on the late 2012 27” iMac. I followed the video but I don’t think it made anything easier.

    Maybe my mistake was putting the screen back on when the frame was lying down. I was left with a mm gap on one side due to misalignment. Stand up the mac so the screen can sit on the lip and be aligned properly.

    Daniel -

    Je pense qu’il est possible de coller les adhésifs inférieurs légèrement plus haut que sur l’image, pour dégager 2mm afin de permettre à l’écran à l’horizontale de glisser latéralement pour faciliter l’alignement lors du remontage.

    stbrille - Contestar

  13. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 13, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 13, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 13, imagen 3 de 3
    • Dobla el respaldo blanco suelto en ángulo recto y pellizca el pliegue con los dedos.

    • Esto expone 2 pulgadas de adhesivo mientras se dobla la lengüeta roja para que no estorbe.

    I had difficulty here. The red tab wanted to pull off from the white backing.

    ebay - Contestar

    It's not the red tab. It's the bond between the white backing and the adhesive that's causing the problem. When I tried to peel the white backing off, it takes the adhesive along with it. I had to detach it with my finger nail, already risking a weaker bond between the screen and the adhesive. I thought the problem was only around the edge of the strip (where I had to pull the red tab), but the whole strip was pulling the adhesive off the clear backing as I was aligning it with the iMac. This is the second time this has happened with these strips. And now I'm concerned, since the adhesive is now slightly compressed and there's a little air gap in the middle now...

    adrianfpommier -

  14. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 14, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 14, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 14, imagen 3 de 3
    • El orificio del micrófono es el orificio centralflanqueado por dos orificios más grandes.

    • Alinea la tira adhesiva con el borde inferior colocando la muesca del micrófono sobre el orificio del micrófono.

    • Si tu iMac no tiene un orificio para el micrófono, alinea el extremo derecho de la tira de modo que la curva en L quede junto al adhesivo vertical derecho. La curva en L no debe superponerse al adhesivo vertical derecho.

    • El adhesivo se rompe fácilmente. Ten cuidado de no tirar de la tira con demasiada fuerza.

    • Una vez que hayas alineado la tira, coloca con cuidado el borde expuesto izquierdo en el iMac para asegurar la alineación.

    Can anyone confirm that the mic is the middle small hole as the photo in step 14 appears to show a larger hole? I ask as I don’t have the mic kit and will have to cut the kit to suit my late 2015 iMac 27 retina. Thanks.

    Amuseme - Contestar

    Good catch!! Yes, the mic hole is the small center hole. The step image is showing the wrong hole. I’ll upload the correct photo shortly.

    Arthur Shi -

    i have a late 2015 iMac 27” 5K (iMac 17,1) and I do not have a microphone along the bottom. I am confused because other people do?

    R L - Contestar

    The 2017 iMacs (both 21.5 and 27" models) were the first to have the microphone at the bottom. Previous models had it at the top center with the camera.

    Mike Rosenberg -

  15. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 15, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 15, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 15, imagen 3 de 3
    • Despega el respaldo blanco detrás de la tira para exponer el adhesivo restante.

  16. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 16, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 16, imagen 2 de 2
    • Pasa el dedo de izquierda a derecha a lo largo de la tira adhesiva para asegurarte de que esté recta y sin arrugas, presionando hacia abajo a medida que avanzas para adherir la tira al iMac.

  17. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 17, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 17, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 17, imagen 3 de 3
    • Repite los pasos anteriores para la tira adhesiva inferior izquierda (tira 26), alineándola y colocándola a lo largo del borde inferior izquierdo del iMac.

    • La tira debe colocarse de manera que la curva en L quede junto al adhesivo vertical izquierdo. La curva en L no debe superponerse al adhesivo vertical izquierdo

    • Una vez que hayas aplicado todas las tiras adhesivas, el iMac debería verse como se muestra en la segunda foto.

    This strip is adjacent to the power supply of the iMac. Take care not to touch any part of the power supply module during this step.

    Zachary Hill - Contestar

    At this point, before proceeding, I would make sure the the power supply is fully de energized(no power cord) by holding down the power button for 30 seconds!

    Macrepair SF - Contestar

  18. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Reemplaza la pantalla: paso 18, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Reemplaza la pantalla: paso 18, imagen 2 de 2
    • Coloca suavemente la pantalla en su lugar sobre el iMac y alinéala con cuidado.

  19. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 19, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 19, imagen 2 de 2
    • Usa cinta de carrocero o cinta adhesiva para asegurar temporalmente el borde inferior de la pantalla a la carcasa del iMac.

    • La cinta conserva la alineación de la pantalla y te permite abrir con seguridad el borde superior de la pantalla para acceder a los cables de la pantalla.

    I used 2” painter’s tape to hold the display in place, but did it a little differently. With the wedge holding the iMac at an angle, I laid the display in place and felt on the sides to make sure it was centered. Then I put small strips (4-5” long) all along the sides and top, wrapping the tape around to the back of the display to hold it in place. Then tested my repair to make sure everything worked.

    I had seen some comments about problems with the strips holding in place over time, so I didn’t actually install them. Instead, I’ve left the painter’s tape on mine. I’m a week or more in, and so far there’s no sign of failure to hold. I’m going to leave it this way until I decide whether or not to replace the blade and hard drive with an SSD. I find I don’t even notice the painter’s tape as I’m using my iMac.

    paul - Contestar

    Paul- If you haven’t made the move to SSD yet, i suggest you replace the SATA 3.5” HDD with a 2.5” SSD, and leave the blade SSD already installed in place. You can create a new Fusion Drive with the SATA SSD & stock blade SSD. This allows you to still take advantage of the blade SSD for extra RAM.

    I just did this myself on my Late 2015 iMac 5K with the 2TB Fusion Drive. I swapped the dinosaur HDD for a 4TB Samsung 870 QVO 2.5” SATA SSD and my computer feels like new! better than new!

    I don’t recommend replacing the blade SSD because it’s a lot more complicated and you run a real risk of damaging the logic board.

    R L -

    @R L I'm 99% certain that it is not possible to fuse two SSD drives (and certainly not advised). i.e. your 2.5" SATA SSD and your stock blade SSD. I'm about to replace the failing 3TB HDD in my Late-2013 iMac 27 (stock 128gb blade SSD). My plan, assuming the blade drive even mounts, is to format it and let it mount as a separate volume. It's too small to really be of any use and my understanding is the disparate speeds may actually reduce performance overall.

    Kupe - Contestar

    I'm 99% certain that it is not possible to fuse two SSD drives (and certainly not advised).

    I have fused the stock ssd drive with a samsung evo ssd drive for years with no problems in my 2012 iMac The downside is that to do so you have to boot from a recovery disk and do pretty complicated stuff with terminal to fuse both ssd drives. Once that's done you cannot touch your fusion drive with disk utility (mac will not reboot and you will have to erase both disk and start over). The easy option is just leave both drives separated, they work just like any standard ssd drive.

    David C. - Contestar

    It seems to me that some emphasis could be added to this step. I had successfully upgraded my HDD to SDD, and I had confirmed the success of the upgrade by booting my iMac 5G 27 2017 to the Apple prompt. In this step 19, I did not use a sufficient, nor a strong enough masking tape to hold my monitor when I was attempting to remove the backing from the bottom adhesive strips in Step 23. When the tape let go, the monitor screen dropped, and unfortunately I still had the power and data cables connected. In the process the data cable and the power cable receptacle were damaged. I hope to recover by purchasing a new data cable. the power receptacle is still usable, perhaps with an adhesive tape piece over the connection. I found this procedure difficult.

    NTAbbott - Contestar

  20. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Prueba tu reparación: paso 20, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Prueba tu reparación: paso 20, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Prueba tu reparación: paso 20, imagen 3 de 3
    • En este punto, es una buena idea probar la reparación para asegurarte de que tu iMac funcione correctamente antes de volver a sellarlo. Sigue los siguientes tres pasos para volver a conectar temporalmente los cables de la pantalla y encender tu iMac antes de retirar la película protectora de las tiras adhesivas.

    • Si ya verificaste que tu iMac funciona correctamente y estás listo para sellarlo, ves al paso 22.

    • Inserta suavemente el conector de datos de la pantalla en su zócalo en la placa lógica. Asegúrate de presionarlo directamente en el zócalo e insertarlo completamente.

    • Voltea el bloqueo del conector de datos de la pantalla hacia abajo en el zócalo.

    • Inserta el conector de alimentación de la pantalla en su zócalo en la placa lógica.

    After I completed this repair I noticed that the fan was spinning all the time. What is going on?

    Diane Radke - Contestar

    If the fan is going constantly the thermal (temperature) sensor is likely not attached to the hard drive. It should be okay to run it like this - but it’s loud… Better to have the thermal sensor attached and configured. I bought my kit from iFixit and the sensor was wrapped in some of the paper packaging - took me a few minutes to find it.

    Greg Postma - Contestar

    I used my foam support wedge to hold open the glass side from the enclosure side. I placed in in the center to even out the weight. I used the longer areas of the wedge so more was in contact with the two parts. This freed up my hands to plug in both power and data cables. *Just be careful

    Darren Stewart - Contestar

    You can also use a sw version instead of a hw thermal sensor. I found on my 27 inch iMac 2019, that the hw sensor didn’t really work for me. In fact, some of the ssd cases used in the hard drive bay are made of plastic. I found for me using Mac Fan Control by Crystal Ideal a good alternative. You can use the free version, or pay for the pro version for about 15.00 dollars to have better control of your fan speed. Of course, your mileage may vary.

    George Martinez - Contestar

  21. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 21, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 21, imagen 2 de 2
    • Vuelve a colocar la pantalla en la carcasa trasera del iMac.

    • En este momento, conecta tu iMac, enciéndelo y prueba la reparación antes de sellar la computadora. Asegúrate de verificar la funcionalidad completa de cualquier hardware que hayas quitado o desconectado.

    • Cuando hayas terminado, apaga el iMac y desconecta el cable de alimentación antes de continuar.

  22. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Sella el iMac: paso 22, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Sella el iMac: paso 22, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ", Sella el iMac: paso 22, imagen 3 de 3
    • Verifica que tu iMac esté apagado y desenchufado antes de continuar.

    • Después de confirmar que tu iMac funciona correctamente, desconecta los cables de la pantalla e inclina con cuidado la pantalla hacia adelante.

    • Quita la película de las dos tiras inferiores metiendo la mano desde arriba con un par de pinzas y tirando de las pestañas azules hacia arriba desde el borde inferior de la pantalla.

    Here's a sure fire way to replace the LCD onto the frame. It involves using painters tape, a foam wedge and 12" Surgical Hemostat Forceps clamps. iMac is upright on a low table so I can look down into it, painters tape applied, Foam wedge keeps it at an upward tilting angle. Headlamp recommended. LCD and power display connectors have been re-attached. Carefully open the LCD from the frame, keep in mind that the 2 cables give you about 2" of space to "look down" and with your 12" locking forceps grab and lock onto the blue tabs, getting a good, firm bite and then pull upwards to detach from the bottom adhesive strips. There will be 2 of them. The pull tab may detach but not difficult to find the transparent thread to continue the pulling. When both sides have films removed, let the display rest back on the frame and plug it in. If boot screen you can then carefully again separate the LCD slightly to then easily pull off the rest of the strips. Reseal and I use 6 pressure clamps on all sides to cure.

    Macrepair SF - Contestar

  23. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 23, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 23, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 23, imagen 3 de 3
    • Vuelve a conectar los cables de alimentación y datos de la pantalla por última vez.

    • Recuerda asegurar el soporte de retención de metal en el cable de datos de la pantalla.

    I used my foam support wedge to hold open the glass side from the enclosure side. I placed in in the center to even out the weight. I used the longer areas of the wedge so more was in contact with the two parts. This freed up my hands to plug in both power and data cables. *Just be careful

    Darren Stewart - Contestar

    The display I bought had some pink protective plastic film covering the camera portion of glass on the back of the display. Be sure to remove this before finally seating the display in place! Not doing so would result in improper focusing and a pink tinted picture all the time.

    VikingShips - Contestar

    amazing now it won't turn on anymore. I see as green LED but that's it.

    Kerim Incedayi - Contestar

  24. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 24, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 24, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 24, imagen 3 de 3
    Herramienta utilizada en este paso:
    Microfiber Cleaning Cloths
    • Revisa el vidrio directamente en frente de la cámara web en busca de polvo y otros contaminantes. Si es necesario, límpialo con un paño de microfibra antes de sellar la pantalla.

    • Estabiliza la pantalla con una mano mientras quitas la película protectora en los siguientes pasos, o apóyala ligeramente contra la carcasa del iMac.

  25. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 25, imagen 1 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 25, imagen 2 de 3 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 25, imagen 3 de 3
    • Retira un lado de la película protectora de la tira superior izquierda tirando de la lengüeta hacia arriba.

  26. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 26, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 26, imagen 2 de 2
    • Retira el otro lado de la película protectora de la tira superior izquierda.

  27. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 27, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 27, imagen 2 de 2
    • Repite los pasos anteriores para quitar las películas protectoras de todas las tiras adhesivas restantes.

    When pulling the adhesive strips off I had one snap in half right (just the white part revealing the adhesive) one my top right corner. I panicked because there was not adhesive there so I pulled a quick maneuver. I slipped in one of the guitar pick type triangles near the gap quickly before the adhesive has set in and was then able to slip my bent nose tweezers in and grab the white tape and peal the remaining. Whew! It worked. *Just be careful

    Darren Stewart - Contestar

  28. iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 28, imagen 1 de 2 iMac Intel Reemplazo de cinta adhesiva para pantalla Retina 5K de 27 ": paso 28, imagen 2 de 2
    • Para garantizar una unión fuerte, inclina con cuidado el iMac sobre su parte posterior (con la pantalla hacia arriba) y presiona con cuidado pero con firmeza alrededor de los cuatro bordes de la pantalla.

    • Retira la cinta que sujeta la pantalla a la carcasa trasera.

    • Verifica la pantalla después de 24 horas para asegurarte de que no esté suelta en el iMac

    Before lowering the glass display, I would recommend removing the tape from the edges, in order to check that the glass is seated flush against the bottom shelf of the frame. In my case, the glass got slightly out of alignment with all the lifting and lowering of the display, and I ended up with one corner being about 1 mm above the frame ledge. Not a huge error, but regrettable, as once you start to lower the display with all adhesive exposed, there is no turning back!

    Lennart Saaf - Contestar

    A big +1 to this. I had the same issue but was able to adjust the monitor before it was fully set. Hopefully the guide can be updated with this suggestion!

    I also did 1 more power on check after removing the screen after pulling the bottom strips covers off.

    Don Rhodes -

    Has anyone had the display fall out after a few days of use when the machine warms up and the adhesive softens?

    How do we prevent that from happening?

    Is it just my imagination or are the replacement adhesive strips thinner than the Apple originals? After cutting the original adhesive we are left with a thin layer on the frame AND a thin layer on the back of the front glass. To me it feels like the replacement tape is only as thick as one of these layers, so there’s less flex to take up any minor variations in level and ultimately a weaker join.

    I also have no idea if the replacement adhesive retains its grab strength once the machine warms up in use.

    Cool_Breeze - Contestar

    I'm an (unauthorized) Apple computer tech and have replaced over 24 displays on 21.5 and 27" iMacs. The only time I had a display fall off was when I tried using GooGone to remove the adhesive residue. It leaves a greasy residue that is hard to remove and will prevent proper adhesion of the replacement strips. My customer found that her 27" display had fallen off TWICE (both times it miraculously ended up on their office chair with no damage). I now use 91% IPA and the flat edge of a new spudger tool to remove residue. Never had a problem since.

    I've used several different makes of strips purchased via amazon and they all work fine.

    Corey Matsumoto -

    I have the same problem. I followed the instructions exactly, after gluing the display I let the iMac lie on its back for 24 hours.

    Then I tilted the iMac forward and after 2 days the display started to peel off.

    What needs to be done so that the display does not come off? Ambient temperature? Or is it necessary to heat the display somehow after gluing the display?

    Ondrej -

    Corey, could I ask you a question? Have you successfully removed a display after it has been attached using the aftermarket adhesive strips? I didn't have a problem removing the original display adhesive, but when I decided to reopen my iMac to upgrade the SSD, I had a very difficult time, which ended up breaking the screen...Thanks very much

    S. Baxter - Contestar

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Sam Goldheart

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iFixit Miembro de iFixit


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24 comentarios

This guide works great. Replaced a 2015 IMAC 27" screen without any difficulty especially since I purchased the Ifixit tape kit and removal tools. Thanks guys and gals. Couldn't do it without you.

gordywat - Contestar

will this work on late 2015 27"5k iMac

ffjones54 - Contestar

Hello, I got a Late 2015 iMac 5K, are the stripes the same?

filmore - Contestar

Yes this adhesive strip replacement kit works for the Late 2015 Retina 5K iMac. As mentioned in step 8, the tabs for strip 12 won't line up exactly the same as shown in the guide but it does not matter. It still works and will not interfere with that antenna.

smudge - Contestar

Does this work with iMac 27 2017?

macdeutsche - Contestar

Used these guides to replace the cpu and ssd’s in my 2015 iMac 27”. Super easy! And yes with a late 2015 model, the cpu is replaceable with a regular Skylake cpu. I bought a 3.2 i5 model and replaced with a 6700K ! And yes these also take 64GB of DDR3. For the PCIE SSD you can get an adapter off of ebay…look for m.2 to iMac adapter…since they’re cheap I recommend getting like 2-3 and figuring out which one works best with your m.2 ssd. So yeah, you can get a 1TB m.2 AND a 1TB 2.5” ssd in this and have a nice little box for peanuts.

Michael Stram - Contestar

Friends! This manual and accessories are compatible with the iMac 27 5K 2017?

Anton Gudzuman - Contestar


I done all of the above on my 2017 27inch iMac and now my microphone won’t work, when I tap the enclosure it reacts but it doesn’t hear my voice commands. Maybe the adhesive tape got stuck on the microphone somehow. where is the microphone located exactly? Help please……

Best regards, Henk

Henk - Contestar

I have the same problem. Were you able to fix it?

Andrew Blackman -

I know this is an old question, but I wanted to post a followup so hopefully, no one else makes this mistake. The microphone is located on the lower edge. Here’s the thread that covers this better. Microphone very muffled after sealing up iMac

veenenen -

ottimo complimenti per i dettagli

guida superlativa e precisa grazie del vostro aiuto - Contestar

I did it! Be very careful when you place the tape at the bottom of the screen. The screen can fall off! Also important to keep the imac standing and not laying on it’s back because it will make it hard to remove the bottom adhesives.

Jonathan Meson - Contestar

After following to the letter, the screen came off and went back on just fine. 5 days later (while setting in a cool environment) the screen just came unstuck and fell out sometime during the night, Of course it tore the two cables badly in addition to the antenna wires that must have gotten in the way somehow. Took most all day, but was able to the wifi and bluetooth wires back in place and the power cable (4 connector) plug back in. The hardest part was the ribbon cable. With high magnification hood on, was finally able to get it back in it’s socket. Had to tape it down to the rest of the board so it would stay. Used new sealant strips, then CLAMPED with spring clamps (around 12 of um) then laid it flat, screen up, then put it near a baseboard heater for two hours. Temp gun was around 100* all around it. Hopefully that won’t happen again!!

avflyguy - Contestar

Excellent write up. Also, the detailed photos were super helpful in seeing the alignment.

The only hiccup I had was trying to remove the final tabs from strip 15 and 14 while the glass was blue taped down. I had to lift the weight of the glass panel off of the tab strips before they came off. Aside from that, a very smooth install, and very quality product. Thanks!

Jonathan Daiello - Contestar

Excellent guide. Many thanks.

jhlincoln - Contestar

Make sure you totally clean both surfaces. The back of the display can be a real pain. I know someone who told me he replaced the PCI SSD and it all went smooth (same thing I did plus a SATA SSD and new thermal paste) but a few weeks later to his HORROR the 5k display was smashed on his office floor. Make sure to really clean and press on all sides. Keeping some painters tape on the top corners wouldn’t hurt either for a few weeks to make sure it seats well.

Brian Peixinho - Contestar

Thank you! Just completed this after an SSD upgrade to my 2015 iMac. Much appreciated Sam!

Kaiser Soze - Contestar

would be REALLY nice to have this linked on every single repair page. there was NO MENTION of replacing the adhesive strips at the end of the hard drive replacement guide, and i am now staring at a smashed LCD display that will set me back $600 to replace. very frustrating as I usually love ifixit guides. please consider adding a heavily red-flagged link to this guide and information to every guide that requires removing the display.

Coleman Howard - Contestar

This was a super useful guide that formed the closing stage of repairing my old iMac 27” (late 2012). I replaced the power supply and upgraded to an SSD. Thank you so much for taking the time to prepare and improve these guides. They are invaluable and enabling.

Nickie Daniel - Contestar

very good - thank you

manxman - Contestar

Se me acaba de despegar a las 4 semanas de haberlo utilizado.

Miquel Vera Pedrosa - Contestar

Works it in an iMac18,3?

javier - Contestar

These instructions add a couple of steps that a well-known Mac accessory vendor's instructional video lacks: taping the screen closed to allow functional testing before you seal the adhesive, the upright positioning using the wedge, that makes it easier to set the bottom edge of the screen fully against the frame, and cleaning the backside of the camera opening before you close it up. All of these are valuable refinements.

Bill S - Contestar

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