El iPhone 13 podría verse como una actualización mejorada desde el exterior, pero tenemos la sensación de que hay algo más debajo de la superficie. Hemos echado un rápido vistazo al interior durante nuestra 13 Pro livestream, pero vamos a escarbar un poco más en el iPhone 13 Pro para ver qué secretos podemos descubrir.
Para ser el primero en ver el interior de los últimos gadgets, sigue el canal de iFixit en YouTube, nuestro Instagram y nuestro Twitter, y suscríbete a nuestro boletín de noticias.
Qué necesitas
Resumen del Video
Mientras que el normal y el mini reciben algunas de las nuevas tecnologías de esta generación, el iPhone 13 Pro lo tiene todo. Esto es lo que hay en el menú:
SoC A15 Bionic con una nueva GPU de 5 núcleos, una CPU de 6 núcleos y un motor neuronal de 16 núcleos
Pantalla OLED Super Retina XDR de 6.1 pulgadas (2532 × 1170 píxeles) con ProMotion
Sistema de triple cámara de 12 MP con un ultra gran angular (ƒ/1.8), un gran angular (ƒ/1.5) y un teleobjetivo 3x (ƒ/2.8), además de un módulo LiDAR.
6 GB de RAM y 128 GB de almacenamiento (configurable hasta 1 TB)
5G sub-6 GHz (y mmWave en los modelos estadounidenses), 4x4 MIMO LTE, 2x2 MIMO 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, Ultra Wideband y NFC
Carga inalámbrica MagSafe de 15 W
Grado de resistencia al agua IP68
Comparado con el 13 Pro Max, este pequeño Pro es justo lo que necesitamos. Pero lo que cuenta no es el tamaño, sino el interior.
Puedes ver una doble dosis de batería en forma de L, reclamando cada milímetro de espacio que puedan. Las vimos por primera vez cuando los iPhones tenían letras como nombre.
También vemos imanes estabilizadores para los sensores de imagen, diminutas placas lógicas y ¿algunos motores Taptic potencialmente más pequeños?
Desde el exterior, este afortunado número 13 parece un poco hinchado en comparación con el modelo del año pasado. La protuberancia de la cámara ha aumentado tanto que el teléfono no queda al ras sobre una superficie plana. Aunque el 12 tampoco lo hacía. Suspiro.
Can I get some sweet iPhone 13 Pro wallpapers like was done last year for the Max?
But, iFixit, what if I don't need to fix my iPhone and I just want to stare at its gorgeous guts? We've got you covered with these nifty Pro Max wallpapers.
We’ll have wallpapers available next week!
¡Menos mal que llevamos semanas practicando cómo abrir y cerrar nuestro 12 Pro! El 13 Pro, por suerte, hereda uno de nuestros procedimientos favoritos de apertura de smartphones. La pantalla sale primero, como si abriera un libro. Un libro... ligeramente pegajoso.
En el interior, encontramos inmediatamente algunas sorpresas y un bonito etiquetado. Es casi como si nos estuvieran esperando.
Para empezar, los cables del digitalizador y de la pantalla parecen haberse unido. El cable del sensor superior está solo cerca de la parte superior (y es espantosamente fino y demasiado corto).
El Motor Táptico parece más pequeño que el del 12 Pro, pero en realidad es más voluminoso, con 6.3 gramos y 869.4 mm³, frente a los 4.8 gramos y 764.27 mm³ del 12 Pro.
Veamos las diferencias entre el 13 Pro (a la izquierda) y el 12 Pro (a la derecha). En primer lugar: ¡se acabó el altavoz del auricular montado en la pantalla! Es más fácil cambiar la pantalla, pero es más molesto cambiar el auricular (¡más adelante!)
Y en segundo lugar, un cable que falta (uno que no habíamos notado que también faltaba en el 12 Pro Max, de hecho)
El Notch™ es un 20 % más estrecho en el 13 Pro en comparación con el 12 Pro, gracias a que el iluminador y el proyector de puntos de Face ID se han fusionado en un único módulo. (¡También más adelante! ¿Notas un patrón?)
The notch in the 13 series is actually slightly deeper than the notch seen in previous models! You can see this when you compare an iPhone 13/13 Pro and, say, an iPhone X displaying 18:9 video: The 13’s notch cuts into the side of the video ever so slightly, while the X’s notch does not.
You can see a comparison here:
Well that sucks…
Mira, Apple, ¡también podemos enfocar! Nuestra destreza cinemática está protagonizada por el módulo LiDAR que mira con recelo la abultada trifecta de cámaras.
A diferencia del iPhone convencional, la disposición de la cámara del Pro de este año es la misma (y notablemente más robusta que la del 12 Pro). ¿Cómo va a saber la gente que te has actualizado? Tal vez deberías... no hacerlo.
No es de extrañar que ese bulto esté en plena forma. Estos objetivos de la cámara alcanzan las estrellas para recoger la mayor cantidad de luz posible.
is the lidar module the same as on the iphone 12 pro ?
Were you guys able to confirm that the camera module on the 13P and 13PM is the exact same, part number and all?
Can anyone tell me what hirose FPC connectors are used? It would be nice to have a list of each component. I have seen Chinese companies produce break-out boards for some sensor and battery connections. It would be nice to have a list of these as replacing them sometimes is what is needed.
Reventamos el altavoz y el Motor Táptico para llegar a la batería, ¡gracias al kit de destornilladores Moray!
La impresión limpia y minimalista imita el procedimiento de extracción limpio y minimalista. No podemos elogiar más el adhesivo elástico, aunque nos gustaría tener un acceso más fácil a las pestañas...
Este robusto L tiene una capacidad de 11.97 Wh en comparación con el obelisco de 10.78 Wh del iPhone 12 Pro (y del que no es Pro), pero pierde frente a la celda rectangular de 12.54 Wh del estándar.
Ninguno de estos tres se compara con el gigante de 17.8 Wh del Xiaomi Mi 11, por no hablar de Samsung...
Por fin podemos soltar el aliento que hemos estado conteniendo: después de algunos rumores de que los intercambios de baterías no serían posibles este año, nos complace informar que nuestras primeras pruebas de intercambio de baterías fueron todas exitosas.
Apple no ha renunciado a sus tácticas de miedo, así que seguirás recibiendo una notificación de advertencia. ¡Sé valiente y sigue arreglando!
a placa lógica en capas es aún más pequeña este año y, por desgracia, el lector de la tarjeta SIM se ha incorporado a la placa (¡bu!). En cualquier caso, veamos qué chips hay en la superficie:
Apple APL1W07 A15 Bionic SoC en capas con lo que probablemente sean 6 GB de SDRAM SK Hynix LPDDR4X
Chip de banda ultraancha Apple/USI U1
CI de gestión de energía Apple APL1098
Módulo frontal Skyworks SKY58276-17
Módulo frontal Skyworks SKY58271-19
CI de gestión de energía Apple 338S00770-B0
CI de gestión de energía STMicroelectronics STB601A05
The PMIC is actually APL109B not APL1098. That is the A2442 14" macbook pro's PMIC.
Este es un momento en el que soplar aire caliente es beneficioso. Esto es lo que encontramos dentro de este sándwich de silicio:
128 GB de memoria flash NAND de Kioxia
Módem 5G Qualcomm SDX60M
Probablemente un transceptor de RF 5G Qualcomm SDR868
Módulo WiFi/Bluetooth USI 339S00761
Módulo frontal Broadcom AFEM-8215
Controlador NFC SN210V de NXP Semiconductor con elemento seguro
Si esto no sacia tu apetito de identificación de chips, echa un vistazo a nuestro resumen completo de identificación de chips del iPhone 13 Pro
Is there a difference in memory between the 128gb and 256 or are they the same except for capacity
En la parte superior se encuentra el altavoz del auricular reubicado, con una bonita boquilla. Este altavoz se encuentra entre la cámara frontal y el hardware de Face ID, y se conecta a un canal que dirige el sonido hacia la parte superior de la pantalla.
Aunque nos encantan los contactos de muelle sencillos, uno de los tornillos de separación de este altavoz está atrapado bajo la placa lógica, lo que significa que tendrás que quitar la placa para cambiar el altavoz. Estas capas son todo un ogro de la reparación...
Con sus cables pasando por debajo de dicho altavoz del auricular (que, de nuevo, está debajo de la placa lógica), el hardware de la cámara frontal -facilitador del nuevo Notch™ encogido- no es precisamente fácil de acceder. Pero, por fin, ¡hemos llegado!
Después de sacar todas las piezas de gran tamaño, vemos algo con su propio recorte en el metal de la carcasa. Suponemos que se trata de una antena de banda ultraancha.
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a bracket for the slide switch assembly and also there is one on the top bezel of the phone (on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers).
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long toolholder can reach inside and clear the phone frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it’s incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don’t think anyone could justify the cost!
Does anyone know what manufacturing process does Apple use to create the 90-degree holes and threads inside the iPhone? The ones on the inside of the bezels. They are visible in the second photo of Step 9. There are two screws holding a silver metal bracket for the slide switch assembly. Two other screws for the volume buttons, not visible here. Also there is one on the top bezel, on the left side of the camera module held by the tweezers.
Regular CNC cutting tools are not able reach inside at such an angle. Above the slide switch there are two other screws, but they are at about 30 degree and so a drill and a tap with a long tool holder can reach inside and clear the phone’s frame. But the slide switch holes appear to be impossible to reach this way.
The only way I can think of is with an EDM die sinking process, but it's incredibly expensive. Not that the iPhone is cheap, but for a couple of screw, I don't think anyone could justify the cost! The other option would be die casting and using threaded inserts.
Sobre esa cámara frontal: el proyector de puntos se ha trasladado del borde al centro del módulo este año, pero también guarda un pequeño secreto.
El iluminador, que antes formaba parte de la pantalla y era un componente necesario del Face ID, se ha integrado en este nuevo módulo de doble uso.
Ahora que el conjunto de la pantalla es independiente del hardware del Face ID, es posible que pienses que ahora los intercambios de pantalla y Face ID son más fáciles que nunca. ¿No es así? Pues pisa el freno, chico.
Aún así te aparecerá un no tan amistoso Mensaje importante sobre la pantalla y la nueva pantalla aparecerá como una pieza desconocida en el Historial de Partes y Servicios
Face id lock works on any faceid iphones? If i wanna buy used iphone XSm to be sure that screen wasnt replaced.
There are now videos claiming that screen replacement can be done without losing face id.
Face ID stinks. Finger print sensors for the win Apple.
Any idea if the issue can be fixed if the replacement was done before Dec 2021?
Advertencia de fotosensibilidad: Este vídeo contiene luces intermitentes y puede no ser adecuado para espectadores fotosensibles.
En este clip verás a Tobias (un amigo de Instrumental) cubriendo individualmente el iluminador de inundación y el proyector de puntos del iPhone 12 Pro, para luego intentar hacer lo mismo en un 13 Pro, sólo para darse cuenta de que ambos provienen del mismo lugar.
Eso es todo para el desmontaje de hoy, pero si se nos fue algo, podrás encontrarlo aquí: mira esta vista en rayos X de 360 grados.
Can you explain what are the 6 lines do in the side of the housing of the iphone? Is that just a design or does it do something?
The short answer is: Those are antenna lines. You’ll find lots of information on the web.
Son muchas cosas nuevas en un teléfono de aspecto familiar. Hasta ahora hemos visto:
Una nueva y elegante pantalla, que presenta no una sino dos actualizaciones: tecnología de alta/variable frecuencia de actualización, y una combinación de OLED+capa táctil.
Un altavoz superior migrado, que reduce aún más la complejidad de la sustitución de la pantalla y deja espacio para una muesca más pequeña.
Una vuelta a la famosa batería en forma de L en un teléfono que no es de tamaño Max.
Una actualización de compatibilidad de piezas bastante devastadora que viola aún más tu derecho a la reparación.
Con todo esto en mente, ¿cómo queda este iPhone 13 Pro en la escala que más importa?
No mmW AiP in this I13Pro?
- Los reemplazos de la pantalla y la batería siguen siendo una prioridad en el diseño de los nuevos iPhones.
- La mayoría de los demás componentes son modulares y de fácil acceso o sustitución.
- La multitud de tipos de tornillos hace que la reparación sea más difícil de lo necesario, pero al menos no son pegamento.
- Los métodos de impermeabilización complican algunas reparaciones, pero hacen que los (costosos) daños por agua sean menos probables.
- Una vez más, el doble de cristal significa doble daño por caída, y a pesar de las mejoras en la durabilidad a lo largo de los años, todavía no hay una manera fácil de reemplazar el cristal trasero.
- El emparejamiento de componentes por software complica innecesariamente muchas reparaciones, socava la credibilidad de las reparaciones de terceros y reduce la funcionalidad del dispositivo cuando se repara sin las herramientas de calibración propias de Apple.
Consideraciones Finales
Calificación de Reparabilidad

(10 es lo más fácil de reparar)
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55 comentarios
The Taptic engine is getting smaller. Does that mean heavier rare-earth elements are used? Thank You very much!
It also noted it got larger, which it can do whist having a smaller footprint because the iPhone 13 is thicker than the iPhone 12.
If you get a ratio for the volume v weight, you get 159cmm per gram for the iPhone 12 Pro and 138cmm per gram for the iPhone 13 Pro so if anything it has less heavy metals as a ratio of its total volume.
iPostIt -
Thank You, Chris!
Check out out the X-ray out the 12 pro vs the 13 pro and you’ll see a major difference.
pretty sure it’s same as 13. 12 was just like 12 mini.
Does it make sense to upgrade iPhone 11 pro
max to iPhone 13 pro max?
I did. But only you can answer that. It’s a very noticeable upgrade…at least to me. I switched to a S21 ultra but had to return it because the camera was not as advertised. My 11 pro max took way better pics. I use my phone camera a lot so the 13 pro max is perfect for that.
I would suggest going from iPhone 11 Pro to iPhone 13 Pro. Not the Max. The 13 Pro is already a little bigger than 11 Pro. I got the 13 Pro Max and exchanged it for the 13 Pro. Max is quite heavy and unwieldy.
Great. Thank you for your response.
Can you swap the sim card reader with a dual sim card
No, you can’t: it is soldered to the motherboard.
There were some rumors on LEO chip. (For future iOS releases) Any trace of that?
These tear-downs are way more cryptic than they need to be. The text references multiple parts but doesn’t identify them in the photos. For instance, in step four, you reference both the iPhone 12 & 13, but don’t identify them in the photos. The reader is left to guess what you’re trying to illustrate.
I had trouble with this too. I appreciate that when it comes to the chip ID section, everything is color coded with outlines. Would like to either see the same color coding or a watermark on the photos for the model comparison bits so it’s easier to tell.
Was there any difference in the magsafe magnet array between the 4 iPhone 13s and the 4 iPhone 12s? Stronger/more magnets or anything?
Honestly, reading that display and battery replacements remain a priority, and that they are limited via software by apple, seem a bot of a contraddiction to me.
Can I straight up say that I’m not surprised iFixIt is giving false information about face Id on their site repair guide? There’s a way around it, and its happening on more models than just the 13. Its been stated endless times that its a bug in iOS 15, with the laundry list of other issues in ios 15
a way around the face id issue has been found
You are likely misinformed, everything I’ve read suggests that apple has intentionally disabled face id after third party screen swaps on the 13. There is a separate bug that breaks face id in ios 15, and a fix may have come out for that, but it’s not related to the intentional disabling, which is what Ifixit is referring to.
Please take note of Hugh Jeffrey’s findings here:
The software locks in this device are even worse than the ones found in the iPhone 12 series!
Replacement displays break automatic brightness
Replacement displays break Face ID
Replacement front cameras break the camera functionality
Plus all of the issues found in the iPhone 12 are still present
Revised repairability score: 0 (you’re lucky I’m not giving a minus)
Can someone tell me the antenna locations? Any ideas about putting a shield between the antenna and my ear/brain? The older models were easier to shield.
I was told by the Apple Store Berlin that the back glass of the iPhone 13 an 13 pro is now replaceable without changing the body of the phone. Can you confirm this?
%#*@, I’m always impressed by apple’s engineering they make such great devices but then they just go and make thing like locking Face ID to the screen or disabling True Tone, it really annoys me
How can you give it such a high rating when Apple locks out those repairs through software. Even if you use components from another iphone 13 I’ve read it will treat it like a counterfeit part. It doesn’t matter how easy it is to swap out modular components if the device locks out the new ones from functioning. This device deserves a 1/10 at most.
that is 100% true, i just seen note 20 ultra with score of 3/10, because of the adhesive, yet this guy
did it with no problem, i mean if you are lacking the skill to disassemble a phone that should be your rating, you have a skill that is 3/10, so at this point i think, apple money! This device deserves a 1/10 at most, because the only thing you could replace with out a problem FOR NOW is the case!
I was searching for this in particular, is the camera module sealead because one of my camera glasses broke and I’m afraid it may compromise the rest of the device
A broken camera glass might be an entry point for dust and water to get into the phone not just the camera module. The camera module is somewhat sealed but the lenses need some space for OIS and this is where dust might not be welcome.
Is there any chance to replace just the camera cover glass? without whole back? I’ve got info from support they can replace it but only with whole back panel
Replacing just the camera glass should be possible if you find replacement. Replacing the whole back cover is a PITA since you have to swap all the internal parts (or at least quite a lot).
Great Information - thanks !
Thanks for sharing information about .cell phone repair all phone repair information is help
me to understand that cell phone repair iPhone Reparatur
This received quite a high repairability score despite being impossible to repair by anyone other than Apple. Apple make by far the worst phones for if you want to be able to make any repair yourself or even a 3rd party repair shop (Samsung are also bad). This is very misleading as some consumers will make purchase decisions thinking they can replace a part if it breaks… iFixit lied to you… you ain’t replacing nothin’ son.
do you trust the devices that copy the serial number of old display and writes that to the new display to bypass face ID not working. If so which one would you recommend?
Tho I dont feel any difference on user experience for the new taptic engine.
This post is very helpful.
Thanks for sharing! word hurdle
Does anyone know what this cable is that’s attached on the right side of the logic board? (This cable is seen in the last photo above) . It’s attached to the back of the board and cannot be removed.
Wondering this too. I dug around some other sites as well as repair part sites and I think it's the 5g module/antenna flex?
Jordan M -
So I read through your tear downs for the 11, 12, and 13 and can’t seem to find any information detailing the difference in GPS specs. On Apple’s website the specs printed for the 11 say GPS/GNSS whereas the 12 and 13 explicitly mention GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou satellite systems. I use my iPhone to navigate in the backcountry where there is no cell towers, WiFi, or other iPhones nearby, so the Wideband capabilities are not important to me. I am primarily interested in whether the 12 and 13 connect to more satellite systems than the 11 does. I currently have an 11 Pro Max. I use a handheld Garmin GPS as backup, but the iPhone has a lot of great navigation apps like Gaia, OnX and AllTrails.
can I replace my iPhone x battery with my iPhone xs?
has anyone made a teardown art for iPhone 13 pro max?
What you do is amazing. Can you tear down EVs in future? ;)
Great starting point, but missing some major bits. There's screws, grounding clips(?), a cable soldered to the backside of the logic board, and some other parts not mentioned in the video or text guide, but necessary to confront to fully disassemble. Maybe it's time for an update?
I want to ask where the prices of these phones can be consulted?
I want to ask where the prices of these Phone Price can be consulted?
Is there any way to fix the shell of an iPhone 13 that holds the front back and internals of the phone?
how to read puce nand flash memory of iphone13
My iPhone does not notify me when I receive a message
What can I do for the iPhone to notify me?
Hi, guys, could you add the Model number of this Iphone13 Pro ? A2483?
xiajinggai - Contestar